Executive Editor
2011 by Jack Hayford
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Unless otherwise indicated, all Scripture quotations are from the New King James Version, copyright 1979, 1980, 1982, 1990, 2004 by Thomas Nelson Inc.
Hayford, Jack W.
Power Faith
ISBN-13: 978-1-4185-4858-2
Printed in the United States of America
11 12 13 14 15 [ QG ] 6 5 4 3 2 1
A Balanced View
Examples of Faith
The Gift of Faith
The Choice of Faith
Faith and Healing
Faith For Miracles
Faith and Suffering
Saving Faith
The Language of Faith
Faith and Restoration
Faith and Prosperity
Prayer and Faith
The Father of Faith
A Balanced View
E very believer knows what it means to struggle with faithwondering if greater trust in God would result in greater effectiveness in the kingdom. Perhaps the Apostle Paul was referring to this struggle when he used the phrase, the good fight of faith (1 Timothy 6:12). For him, faiths struggle was not merely in matters of ministry but referred more to the whole of his relationship with the Lord Jesus. Writing from a jail cell at the end of his life, aware that he could be summoned at any moment to his execution, Paul admits that faith has been a fight, albeit a good one.
In order to effectively engage in this battle and prevail in this ongoing struggle to walk by faith it is important to recognize these facts regarding the good fight of faith:
Anything done without faith cannot please God (Hebrews 11:6).
Grace can be accessed only by faith (Ephesians 2:8).
Every person has the capacity for faith (Romans 12:3).
Faith is one of the gifts of the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 12:711).
Nothing is impossible when you have even the smallest faith (Matthew 17:1421).
During this study in Gods Word, you will consider many important faith questions:
Can I ask God for anything, and as long as I have the right faith, get what I ask for?
If I believe, can I have assurance that my children will be saved?
Does faith guarantee that I will never have to deal with sickness or pain?
Is there ever a time when my lack of faith might make God angry? If I make Him mad, am I still saved?
Together, let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith (Hebrews 10:22) and find faiths way according to Gods Word!
K EYS CAN BE SYMBOLS of possession, of the right and ability to acquire, clarify, open or ignite. Keys can be concepts that unleash mind-boggling possibilities. Keys clear the way to a possibility otherwise obstructed!
Jesus spoke of keys: And I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven (Matthew. 16:19).
While Jesus did not define the keys He has given, it is clear that He did confer specific tools upon His church which grant us access to a realm of spiritual partnership with Him. The keys are concepts or biblical themes, traceable throughout Scripture, which are verifiably dynamic when applied with solid faith under the lordship of Jesus Christ. The partnership is the essential feature of this enabling grace; allowing believers to receive Christs promise of kingdom keys, and to be assured of the Holy Spirits readiness to actuate their power in the life of the believer.
Faithful students of the Word of God, and some of todays most respected Christian leaders, have noted some of the primary themes which undergird this spiritual partnership. A concise presentation of many of these primary themes can be found in the Kingdom Dynamics feature of The New Spirit-Filled Life Bible. The New Spirit-Filled Life Study Guide Series, an outgrowth of this Kingdom Dynamics feature, provides a treasury of more in-depth insights on these central truths. This study series offers challenges and insights designed to enable you to more readily understand and appropriate certain dynamic Kingdom Keys.
Each study guide has twelve to fourteen lessons, and a number of helpful features have been developed to assist you in your study, each marked by a symbol and heading for easy identification.
Kingdom Key
KINGDOM KEY identifies the foundational Scripture passage for each study session and highlights a basic concept or principle presented in the text along with cross-referenced passages.
Kingdom Life
The KINGDOM LIFE feature is designed to give practical understanding and insight. This feature will assist you in comprehending the truths contained in Scripture and applying them to your day-to-day needs, hurts, relationships, concerns, or circumstances.
Word Wealth
The WORD WEALTH feature provides important definitions of key terms.
Behind the Scenes
BEHIND THE SCENES supplies information about cultural beliefs and practices, doctrinal disputes, and various types of background information that will illuminate Bible passages and teachings.
Kingdom Extra
The optional KINGDOM EXTRA feature will guide you to Bible dictionaries, Bible encyclopedias, and other resources that will enable you to gain further insight into a given topic.
Probing the Depths
Finally, PROBING THE DEPTHS will present any controversial issues raised by particular lessons and may cite Bible passages or other sources to assist you in arriving at your own conclusions.
This Spirit-Filled Life Study Guide is a comprehensive resource presenting study and life-application questions and exercises with spaces provided to record your answers. These study guides are designed to provide all you need to gain a good, basic understanding of the covered theme and apply biblical counsel to your life. You will need only a heart and mind open to the Holy Spirit, a prayerful attitude, a pencil and a Bible to complete the studies and apply the truths they contain. However, you may want to have a notebook handy if you plan to expand your study to include the optional Kingdom Extra feature.
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