By Wolfgang Riebe
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Copyright 2017 by Wolfgang Riebe
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This book is dedicated toeveryone that loves life
and always searches forthe positive in life.
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Welcome to this uniquecollection of 250 original quotes, reflections and thoughts to helpyou find direction and be more positive in life. During the lastfew years my travels have taken me to some of the worlds mostexotic destinations where I have utilised the time to philosophiseabout, and question the meaning of life, at the same time writingdown my thoughts. Even though I would like to believe these are alloriginal quotations, out of billions of people on the planet Imsure others have had similar thoughts - so if there are anysimilarities to other quotes out there, it iscoincidence.
This book is unique inthat all motivational quotes, are accompanied by a photo, fulldescription, plus numerous links to many of my 1 Minute Quick Tipvideos where I delve deeper into their meaning.
I believe onemust walk ones talk, and not simply do this for pure financialgain, but care for humanity and enjoy inspiring people. A few yearsago I focused on creating 'positivity' where I started offering daily inspirational messagesand videos to anyone that needed it. I have reached over 1000 dailyquotes, pictures, videos and messages and will continue creatingand sharing for the rest of my life.
Visit www.wolfgangriebe.com for more daily quotes and inspiration. Dont forget tovisit my free inspirational & magical YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/user/inspiringtheworld where new videos are uploaded andproduced every week.
When you look someone inthe eyes, are you 100% present?
When you lookme in the eyes, make sure your eyes are speaking what your mind isthinking! (Wolfgang Riebe)
Many people will look youin the eyes and lie to your face. With a bit of practice you canactually notice this as the eyes never lie. When the mind is insink with the eyes, you automatically feel comfort and trusttowards someone. When you dont, just look into their eyes andyoull see something is out of sink. Normally their eyes cannothold your stare for a long period either.
If you judge others,think about this quotation...
Each one of usis the resultant sum total of our own unique experiences, thereforewe have no right to judge others who have not been part of our lifepath. (Wolfgang Riebe)
Bear in mind that wedon't all have the same experiences in life. We all experiencelife differently. Once you get this, only then can you learnto understand others better.
If youre a baby boomer,you may find truth in this quote...
I find thattechnology and videos curbs my fertile imagination. If this hashappened to you, start reading books again and let your imaginationrun wild! (Wolfgang Riebe)
As a child I had anextremely vivid imagination. As technology and movies have broughtthe fantasy world to real life, I have found my imaginationlacking. Hence I started reading books again to allow my mind tocreate its own visual perceptions of the written word what adifference! Try it and you will be amazed out how quickly your mindbecomes fertile again!
Here's an added extra tothe previous quotation...
When last didyou help someone without any expectation in return? Maybe thatswhy the world is in chaos? Dont you think we should become lessmaterialistic, and more caring towards others again? (WolfgangRiebe)
Don't use your friendsand loved ones... care for them! And for goodness sake stop lovingmaterial things! The memories you have one day when you are olderwill be all the emotional and loving relationships where you openedyour heart to others. Think about it!
Here's something I hadthought about for many years...
People aren'tagainst you, they are for themselves. Once you understand this, youcan accept them for who they are! (Wolfgang Riebe)
We always tend to thinkthat someone else has an issue with us personally. Meanwhile theissues lie with them. Most of the time they just think ofthemselves and greed runs their life. Once you understand andaccept that there are such people on this earth, you can understandwhere they are coming from, and you start feeling sorry forthem.
Here's a powerfulquotation...
If you reallywant to experience life to the fullest, then you really have tofollow your heart! (Wolfgang Riebe)
Sadly, most people don'tdo what they want; and the answer to happiness is so simple. Makeit your goal to start living! If you dont know how... look intoyour heart and ask yourself, What is it that makes metick?
Seeing that I shared aquotation on love yesterday, here's an added twist onthat!
We live in aworld where we love things and we use people. Is it really sodifficult to understand that this is humanitys downfall? (WolfgangRiebe)
I live the latter part ofthe quote, "Use things and NOT people!" Maybe, for many people,their definition of love may change dramatically if they practicedthis?
Sometimes we need to hearthe hard truth...
Whether youspeak a lie, or the truth... after a while this becomes yourreality. So why would you want to live a lie? (WolfgangRiebe)
People who lie constantlyeventually believe their own lies... and lies dont amount toanything except distrust, dishonesty and negativity. So my questionis, why then dont these same people rather speak the truth and aimfor the positive in life? Logically this will eventually alsobecome their reality! What is so difficult to grasp aboutthis?
Here's another greatquote to make you think...
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