Living With Him Daily
Through His Blessed Word
for Each Day of the Year
Nubegin Press
Miramar, Florida
Copyright 2012 by Caroline A. Wright
Published by:
Nubegin Press
6151 Miramar Pkwy, Suite 310
Miramar, FL 33023
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All scripture quotations, unless otherwiseindicated, are taken from the New King James Version (NKJV) .Copyright 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. Allrights reserved.
Scripture quotations marked KJV are takenfrom The Holy Bible, King James Version.
Scriptures noted NIV are taken from The HolyBible, New International Version, NIV. Copyright 1973, 1978,1984 by Biblica, Inc. Used by permission of Zondervan. All rightreserved worldwide.
Scripture noted AMP takenfrom the Amplified Bible, Copyright 1954, 1958, 1962, 1964, 1965,1987, by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission.
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Scripture quotation marked ESV are from TheHoly Bible, English Standard Version (ESV), copyright 2001 byCrossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used bypermission. All rights reserved.
LCCN 2012952763
ISBN 978-1-936775-56-9
Cover Designed by Concialdi Design
This book is dedicated toall seekers of Gods truth. The selected verses are meant tochallenge you to delve further into reading and meditating on theWord. Jesus tells us that these [very Scriptures] testify aboutMe! (John 5:39, AMP). Jesus is inviting us to respond to His wordof love and grace. I am praying that the word [spoken by] Christ[the Messiah] will have its home [in your hearts and minds] anddwell in you in [all its] richness (Col.3:16, AMP). This means youwill be guided by Gods wisdom; when you fail, as we all so oftendo. Gods Word provides our reproof and correction (2Tim.3:16).By obeying, we are put on the right path, to continue A Closer Walk With God .Blessed reading and sweet meditation to all my readers.
Every book that is written has itsmotivators who deserve to be thanked by its author. A Closer WalkWith God is one such book.
Margaret Wright my mother, had been my chiefmotivator. Her daily pattern of Bible reading and prayer, inspiredme to do the same. Now I find that I can go a step further. I amnow writing down how Gods Word directs me. Gods Word can do thesame for you.
To Patricktown and now Prince of PeaceMoravian Church, I am thankful for our community of believers. Youare an encouraging group. Worshiping with you and studying the Wordtogether over these years have served to strengthen my faith.
To my sister Violet Wright I am thankful forundertaking the arduous task of compiling the manuscript and forgiving me helpful hints. To my sister Gerda Williams, thanks forencouraging me, and for keeping me going.
To my other family members and friends,thank you for always cheering me on.
I read the Word of God with great delight.As I read and re-read, certain verses seem to be speaking to mepersonally. I certainly believe that there are others who sharethis experience. In this daily devotional, I have included many ofthese verses together with those offered as favorite verses by myfriends and associates. Now, I am sharing these verses with myreaders. Each selected verse is given a fitting descriptive topic,followed by a brief Bible study and a short prayer.
My hope is that God willinspire you all to read not only each days verse and Bible studybut also the entire chapter. A Closer WalkWith God is replete with examples of theways Gods Word guided the lives of His people. We will discoverthat God wants us to depend on Him and not on our strength alone.God now wants us to use His Word as our guide.
A Closer Walk WithGod uses a monthly thematic approach. Youare free however, to focus on any theme that God has placed on yourheart for any given day. May Gods grace favor you in your Biblereading, your meditation, and your prayer, with a closer walk withGod.
In the beginning was the Word, and the Wordwas with God, and the Word was God.
John 1:1
The Living Word
John 1:1-14
In the beginning was theWord, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. (John 1:1)
I nthis bold and inspiring statement In the beginning was the Word,and the Word was with God, and the Word was God, (John 1:1), theapostle John offers a glowing description of Jesus, the Son of God.Here is bound up the spiritual truth of Jesus timelessness, oreternity, His divinity, and the One with the mind, or nature ofGod, His Father.
The Word was with God, means Jesus Whocoexisted with His Father and is filled with His Divine likeness.Jesus boldly declared, I and My Father are one, (John 10:30).This is the main reason Jesus is able to know quite well what HisFather desires Him to accomplish for us His children.
Jesus, the Word became flesh, to revealGod to us all. Through His Spirit in us, the Word of God is madeclearer, and touch our hearts. We come to see Gods love and Hiswonderful plan of salvation for us all. Through the guidance ofGods Word, we are always furnished with daily counsels for acloser walk.
Loving Father, I am thankful for Your Word,which makes me aware of Your love for me. Fill me with Your Spirit,to guide me in my meditations, and lead me to obey Your Word.Continue to give direction to my life with the light from YourWord. In Jesus name I humbly pray. Amen.
In Step With The Word
Psalm 119:105-112
Your Word is a lamp to myfeet and a Light to my path. (Psalm119:105)
F or many of us it is quite easy to say the Word of God is ourSource, or our Comfort when the circumstances in our lives arepleasant. This could be the time when we are having good rapportwith our loved ones, or our friends, or, when we are healthy, withlittle or no financial strain. However, when our circumstanceschange and all of these positives become negatives, we tend toquestion God, by asking, Why me? We tend to forget that Godspromises are for all times, not seasonal.
Here David was expressing confidence in theWord of God. His life was often in danger like many of us. Davidcast fear aside and walked in step with Gods Word as his guide. Asa lamp the Word of God can operate like a flame in our hearts.The Word directs and re-directs us. The Word of God has the Spiritof God as its driving force.
We are to mediate on Gods Word every day.When the pressures of life assail us, aiming to reshape ourcharacter, with the Word of God dwelling richly (Col.3:16) withinus, we will be led in the right path.
Oh heavenly Source, we thank You for YourWord, and for Your Spirit which gives light to our understanding.Let Your Word strengthen our hearts and keep our faith in You aliveeven when trials come our way. Amen.
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