AKIA Publishing
Zsa Zsa Tudos
It all happens in the mind
It All Happens in the Mind
First Edition
Published by AKIA Publishing
Copyright Zsa Zsa Tudos 2020
The author asserts the moral right under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 to be identified as the author of this work.
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I dedicate this book to all mankind who possess enough courage and a sense of responsibility to make life better, joyous and more powerful. And to those who have the strength to rise above depression and mental disorders.
The metaphysics of Time
The metaphysics of The Past
The metaphysics of The Senses
The metaphysics of The Family Structure
The metaphysics of Traditions
The metaphysics of Relationships
The metaphysics of Sexuality
The metaphysics of The Mind
The metaphysics of Thoughts
The metaphysics of Understanding
The metaphysics of Emotions
The metaphysics of The Code
The metaphysics of Life
I am not the first philosopher to observe that the fiercest enemy of mankind is fear. However, not many would take the next step as to figure out the actual origin of this overpowering, omnipresent, life-altering and heart bouncing feeling. Fear is equally in eating or not, walking or not, doing or not, saying or not and having or not. Regardless of the choice one makes, the little devil is always there to doubt the decision. Earthlings have the peculiar idea that making the right decision is vital. However, what they do not comprehend is that every decision one makes is the right one for the given event. The momentary mind-set creates the decision to fit the capabilities of the person. Therefore, every choice one makes is the right one at the time.
Due to the emotions caused by the delicate understanding of happenings, the conscious and the subconscious create filters and gateways through which information comes in and selected.
However, in the genes earthlings remember. Not only the current one but all the previous lives on Earth and on other planets. There are scientifically proven methods that help in healing and with emotional blockages, such as kinesiology and deep hypnosis, where patients are taken over the bridge, to the past, in an attempt to solve emotional or physical pain of the present. The success of these methods depends on the reading ability of the practitioner, and upon the patients openness. It follows the fact that one can only see, whatever one would be able to imagine, therefore, either consciously or subconsciously, understands. This statement might not correspond with the everyday behaviour of the person, for humans put on many layers in order to please others or the imposed requirements of society, workplace and family. In one word, to conquer fear. If a practitioner has problems with seeing past lives on other planets, they will not be able to notice them, and if the patient cannot comprehend the possibility of such life, there is no point in mentioning it.
This understanding is present in sciences also. A member of this knowledgeable profession learns certain facts about life, past and present, many of them are only assumed or put there for convenience, usually as the starting point. In their work, they apply those criteria regardless, so as to actually narrow the possibilities and the outcome of the discoveries about the past. If you think about it, the past cannot be proven, neither the present, for reality depends on the intelligence and understanding of the person charged with the valuation of certain events. Since the starting point is shaky, due to an ideology, wish or non-proven conclusion, the whole finding will take the turn towards hypothesis rather than real value.
When it comes to mind, there are no general rules to follow. The only fact is given that everything is interrelated. It is the basic and only requirement of the whole universe to exist with Earth and earthlings in it.
The cycle of nature is a piece of clever machinery. Human life is part of this infinite existence that constantly evolves in the interrelations of events. Every living energy has a place in this cycle, humanity included. However, due to the lack of intelligence, earthlings gradually stepped out of it, by imagining that they are above it all, and have the power of ruling, therefore ruining everything. On the other hand, they created God Almighty, who is supposedly in charge of life and death. In this contradictory reality, the responsibility is conveniently shifted over on the shoulders of the Creator, while people of the planet are persistently ruining The Great Work.
This basic contradiction is the root of every confusion, misconception, and misunderstanding in the minds of many.
It is very nave to think that the mind could be healed by superficial aids such as medication or conventional psychoanalysis. It takes learning, understanding and will power, to get on the path of joyful living. It is time to realize that nothing valuable comes to you without work, for valuable thoughts, understandings and knowledge are hidden. It takes a committed, curious and life-loving earthling to dig for the treasure without being satisfied by the glittery surface.
This is your handbook to lean on, when the burden is heavy. Read it thoroughly and frequently.
Have a nice life!
The metaphysics of Time
Time is an illusion that imprisoned those without courage
(AKIA-Path-Finder 1)
The concept is to be at the right place at the right time. The clue here is time. Time puts life into a frame, according to which it should be conducted. Time is the path upon which one moves. The better ones relation is to time, the more one can achieve. This relation mirrors the state of mind.
In the universe past, present and future happen at the same time. Only deeds carry importance, time is irrelevant. When one needs to act, it is time for it. One must always know when to act and has to consciously observe it. Deliberately train oneself to wait patiently for the time of acting. When it arrives, it mustnt be missed. That is how time is accounted for in the universe. When I say universe, I mean the ever-expanding space, all the galaxies, and solar systems, Earth included . I also mean every organic energy within the cycle of nature.
However, resulting from the lack of understanding, on Earth people measure passing periods and events by the changes of the physical body. Their whole existence is built around the life expectancy of the suit they are wearing, that enables them to exist on the planet. This habit frames the mind, forces thoughts into certain channels and creates strong foundations for fear, anxiety, depression, and misconception.
It is like looking through a photo album of one's life. Next to every picture, there are details of the place and time the memory was taken. A description is also added, like the first step, the first word, eating alone, sitting up, nursery, school time, graduation, first job, dating, marriage, children and so on. According to common understanding, these events are the milestones in ones life, and they reflect unwritten values of ones development in general. In this way, parents are subconsciously validating their actions for future reference.
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