Jenny Light has got a light on the problem of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, as there are many mysterious explanations given to it. Having lived with this condition herself, through her experience, her fight and research, Jenny takes you on an inward journey to full health, through healthy living, exercises and therapies that can be used to overcome Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.
Jan de Vries, Author of 42 nature cure books
I used VegEPA, an evening primrose and omega supplement specifically for CFS/M.E. as part of my recovery process. Igennus are endorsing me and I am endorsing their product as part of a case study.
Igennus, Manufacturer
First published by Ayni Books, 2015
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Text copyright: Jenny Light 2014
ISBN: 978 1 78535 139 6
Library of Congress Control Number: 2015937450
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Through the clarity of time
We see our life mapped out
In colours, red and gold:
Experience etching our soul
Into a softness which
We couldnt have fathomed before.
I see a gentler way to be
And am more happy being me.
I dedicate this book to my mother, Jan, and daughters, Ashley and Lesley, who looked after me at my lowest ebb with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Without their unerring practical and emotional support, I would not have been able to take the first steps to recovery.
Also, this book is dedicated to all those suffering with extreme energy sensitivity and fatigue:
May this book lead you to full health and may you know your own inner light.
There are a vast amount of books on Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/ M.E., including my own.
Living Lightly is a different book altogether. At first I thought Not another one! until I picked it up, started to read it and couldnt put it down because this book is totally different from any others on the subject.
We can quickly see that Jenny Light has got a light on the problem of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, as there are many mysterious explanations given to it. Having lived with this condition herself, through her experience, her fight and research, Jenny takes you on an inward journey to full health, through healthy living, exercises and therapies that can be used to overcome Chronic Fatigue Syndrome much more quickly.
I was greatly impressed with this book, which I am sure will give many fellow sufferers of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome hope that this debilitating condition can be fought and won!
I wish Jenny every success with her book.
Jan de Vries
Jan de Vries Health Care Ltd
20 Wellington Square
Ayrshire KA7 1EZ
Scotland, UK
I am deeply grateful to my guides and angels for carrying my spirit through the empty waste I felt inside to guiding me to place each word of this book.
I am indebted to my friend Anita Neilson, who, being a colleague with the same condition, grew to be my best friend and worked valiantly with each chapter as I wrote it and led herself back to health.
To my good friend Frank Murphy, a big thank-you for your spiritual healing and giving me the courage and energy to face myself on the inward journey to health.
To Neil Campbell, my deepest yoga friend and confidant, a big thank-you for proofreading my book and encouraging me on my inner journey.
To my grandchildren, Lily, Tom, Sandy, Elsie and Alice, thank you for your exuberance and joy in living that lifted my spirits and reminded me of joy on those days when I felt low.
And to my friends and clients who encouraged me along the way by giving positive feedback that this book was needed and was helpful to them.
I am grateful to Jan de Vries, naturopath, friend of the family and eminent author, for endorsing my book.
It is with deepest gratitude to my illness that I write this book. That may seem strange, but without Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS), I would not have experienced the magical teachings it had in store for me.
I would like to take you on my journey. It doesnt matter whether you have suffered Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, post-viral fatigue, myalgic encephalomyelitis (M.E.) or not, I hope my journey will be entertaining and that you, my reader, may gain some insights into yourself. This book is for you. You, who just happened to pick up this book, if you believe in the coincidence. For my part, I believe that I was meant to have Chronic Fatigue, that I was meant to learn from it, and that you, dear reader, were meant to share in what I have learned. This book is not dedicated to associating with symptoms or disease labels. There are plenty of other books on the subject. This book instead leads you to associating with wellness by helping you to embark on your own journey of self-enquiry and giving you the tools to heal yourself along the way.
Each chapter is designed to lead you through the process of your own self-healing by empowering you to spiritually grow from this experience. You will learn how to connect with the earths core, with your higher self, use prayer and develop gratitude and acceptance. The chapters conclude with a powerful affirmation which you can write out and repeat over and over several times a day. I suggest that you take your time to learn the tools from each chapter and record your healing journey. I promise that when you take responsibility for your own healing process, you will not be the person you were before. You will be more fully you, more whole as you step through all the lessons of your condition.
So sit back and prepare for our journey. This moment now is a new moment: fresh and poignant with all possibilities. Take a deep breath in and breathe out the past.
Visualise a shining white light coming down from your highest self through your crown. Breathe in white light; breathe grey out to the trees outside.
Keep breathing in white into your heart and breathing out the grey until you feel fresher and clearer at your core.
Now you are ready. With a sense of expectancy, like a child at Christmas, turn the page
Part 1
Chapter 1
My collapse
There was a time when my own family had to have appointments to see me in my busy schedule. I was busier than Job. I used to say to people that I burned my candle at both ends and four places in the middle! I was even proud of the fact.