Reflections to Heal Your Spirit
CENTRAL RECOVERY PRESS Central Recovery Press (CRP) is committed to publishing exceptional materials addressing addiction treatment, recovery, and behavioral health care topics, including original and quality books, audio/visual communications, and web-based new media. Through a diverse selection of titles, we seek to contribute a broad range of unique resources for professionals, recovering individuals and their families, and the general public. For more information, visit
Central Recovery Press, Las Vegas, NV 89129 2011 by Claudia Black
All rights reserved. Published 2011.
Printed in the United States of America. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the written permission of the publisher. Publisher: Central Recovery Press
3321 N.
Buffalo Drive
Las Vegas, NV 89129 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 1 2 3 4 5 ISBN-13: 978-1-936290-61-1 (paper)
ISBN-10: 1-936290-61-8
ISBN-13: 978-1-936290-78-9 (e-book)
ISBN-10: 1-936290-78-2 (e-book) Cover design and illustrations by Lynne Adamson
Interior design and layout by Sara Streifel, Think Creative DesignIn memory of Earnie Larsen and Father Joseph Martin, two of my heroes, healers whose words and love continue to offer inspiration and hope to millions.
Introduction As a child I was said to have been very quiet and polite, a little girl with long braids and of few words. Growing up with a lot of confusion about why things happened as they did, I was ever so vigilant, listening and watching. Like many in similar situations, I ventured forth with pragmatism about survivorship introspectivebelieving that no one deserves to live a life of fear. Not me, not you. As a young girl, I was developing clarity within a belief system that would drive me in my professional work and personal life.
I am not sure I understood the process as it was occurring, but in hindsight I realize that I ultimately stood tall in the face of my truths. In my healing process, I began to offer to others what I also needed to hear: Your strengths are more powerful than your vulnerabilities. You are very special. You may never have had the opportunity to believe in your specialness. You may believe in it today. As is true for all of us, I have had many life lessons and with those lessons I continue to listen to what has given me strength.
I try to live my life walking the walk, hoping to make a difference in peoples lives by speaking to their hearts with words that offer love and connection. I have worked with thousands of people who have struggled for various reasons; people challenged with losses and addiction, who are angry, lost and confused, and simply afraid. Whatever the complexity of your life experience, these short statements are meant to support you in being true to yourself, valuing yourself, and celebrating your preciousness. Use this book in whatever way supports you at any given time. It may become a part of your morning or bedtime ritual. Perhaps youll carry it with you or keep it close by in your purse, on your desk, or in your car.
You never know when you might need a moment of grounding or inspiration. I hope its pages become dog-eared, as you mark the favorites that you go back to time and time again. I can also envision the sayings offering a source for conversation among friends and family. At the back, you will find a few blank pages to note thoughts or sayings that you want to add for yourself. My wish for you is that you find comfort, inspiration, and hope in these thoughts in a way that ultimately translates into actions that support a life of self-care, self-love, and integrity.
The truth
begins with you
your truth.
The truth
begins with you
your truth.
There is a path out of
any painful situation. Your strengths
are more powerful than
your vulnerabilities. You are perfect
in your imperfections. It is in acceptance
of all that was and is
that your spirit
becomes whole. The goal of healing is
not to let go of feelings,
but to no longer
allow them to dictate
how you live your life. In many languages
the word spirit means
breath or to breathe.
Take a breath. Know yourself;
it will be the gift that you
offer in sharing yourself
with another.
Intimacy is touch
and being touched in heart,
mind, body, and soul. Feelings are to be
listened tothey are
the cues and signals
telling you what you need. The greater your inner
strength and ability
to trust in yourself,
the more willing you are
to take risks. Boundaries empower
you to determine
how youll be treated
by others.
You have the right
to say no.
When you say no
you are actually saying
yes to yourself. Its time to break
the dysfunctional
family rules of
dont talk, dont feel,
dont trust. A healthy relationship
is about the sharing of
strengths and autonomy;
it is not about control. Healthy communication
is listening with
honor and speaking
with respect.
In faith, you find
strength to survive
times of great fear
and sadness. Healing takes time;
it is a process,
not an event.
You cant be honest in
the here and now
when you continue
to deny your
childhood experiences. Becoming whole
involves the journey into
and through the
wounds of childhood. Learning to love yourself
does not mean you
love others less;
it frees you to
love them more. You often live in the
extremesthe all or
nothing, the numbers
one or ten. Finding
balance means learning
the word some
living between the numbers
two through nine. Your needs are important.
Knowing your needs
is the first step in
getting them met.
Your best decisions
and choices come from
a place of inner knowing
and integrity.
Once upon a time
you were a child. May
the child in your heart
remain forever free. Feelings are from
your heart and
what your heart
wants to tell you. You deserve
to live your life
free of fear,
denial, and shame. Resiliency means
putting one foot in front
of the other with both
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