This book has been several years in gestation, and I realize that I have been greatly influenced by people I have met, whose advice, help, questions, or sometimes just an aside, I have found very useful. So I would like to thank the following for various different reasons.
Venerable Ashin Sitagu Sayadaw, Ato Rinpoche, Venerable Pa-Auk Sayadaw Ashin, Chris Collier, Ian Clarke, Dr Linda Covill, Dr L.S. Cousins, Ven Dr Khammai Dhammasmi, Ven Dr Mahinda Degalle, Professor Florin Deleanu, Professor Halvor Eifrig, Dr Jas and Silvia Elsner, Professor Richard Gombrich, Dr Sanjukta Gupta, Professor Paul Harrison, Professor Peter Harvey, Dr Richard Hayes, Juin Hosen, Dr Jenny Kwek, Dr Jinwol Lee, Ven Dr Maha Laow, Dr John Maraldo, Dr Nina Mirnig, Peggy and Dr Teresa Morgan, Sarah Norman, Venerable Dr Pannyavamsa, Dr Dion Peoples, Deng Poonyathiro, Dr Ulrike Roesler, Kyozan Joshu Roshi, Dr Harold Roth, Alex and Annie Sevier, Dr Peter Skilling, Venerable Dr Sunil Sakya, Anne Schilizzi, Venerable Sudhiro, Dr Donald Swearer, Dr John and Deborah Taber, Professors Alan and Vesna Wallace, Jenny Wilkinson, and Professor Stefano Zacchetti. Thanks also to the OUDCE class, Oxford Centre for Buddhist Studies Buddhism classes and lectures, those that attended a summer school at the Bodhi Manda Zen Center in 2011, and US samatha meditators for all the helpfully forthright comments made discussing these texts. The librarians and colleagues at the Oriental Institute and Wolfson College have been kind and helpful. I am grateful to Malcolm Gerratt for asking me to do this book. An anonymous reader appointed by Yale made very helpful suggestions that I have tried to implement.
I practise or try to a traditional form of breathing mindfulness samatha, which has elements of vipassan too. It is a type of practice that used to be very prevalent in rural Thailand and Southeast Asia, but is less so now in those regions. Fortunately it is taught in the UK and the States. So my thanks to Boonman Poonyathiro, and friends and teachers at the Samatha Association. Thanks also to old and new friends at the Oxford Buddha Vihra and the OCBS.
My main thanks, as always, are to Charles, and our family.
Pli texts used are the Pali Text Society (PTS) and the Chaha Sagyana Tipitika CD-ROM
A | Aguttaranikaya |
Ap | Apadna |
Asl | Atthaslin |
D | Dghanikya |
DA | Sumaglavilsin |
Dhp | Dhammapada |
DhpA | Dhammapada-ahakath |
DhS | Dhammasagani |
Ja | Jtaka |
(where the number of the story is given, J: e.g., J 539). |
M | Majjhimanikya |
MA | Papacasdan |
MP | Milindapaha |
Nidd | Mahniddesa |
Patis | Paisambhidmagga |
S | Sayuttanikya |
Sn | Suttanipta |
Th | Theragth |
Th | Thergth |
ThiA | Thergth-ahakath |
UdA | Udna-ahakath |
Vin | Vinaya |
Vism | Visuddhimagga |
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Roebuck, V. The Dhammapada. London: Penguin, 2010 (trans. of Dhp).
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