I want to thank you and congratulate you for downloading this book , Accelerated Learning: The Best Accelerated Learning Techniques to Learn More, Improve Memory, Enhance Intellect and Process Information Faster.
This book contains proven steps and strategies that will greatly help you learn information faster and use it to your advantage in any situation you desire in life. This information I am going to be sharing with you can change your life in so many ways. If you practice and implement them on a consistent basis, the person you will become will truly amaze you.
If you follow the steps set forth in this book, you will be able to be more successful in all areas of your life. You will learn things faster, retain them better, and use them at a whole new level.
Thanks again for downloading this book. I hope you enjoy it!
Chapter 1: How Does Accelerated Learning Work?
So much information flies back and forth in our lives on an everyday basis. We certainly do live in an extremely fast-paced world. Learning new things can seem as though it takes forever, and being able to remember all of the information we process can be nearly impossible considering all of responsibilities going on in our lives. We get busy with the real world, and it often takes precedence over making any significant changes in our lives.
If you can learn to use the proper accelerated learning techniques I will share with you within this book, then you can make your way in the world much more smoothly and become far more successful in any of your endeavors. Simply put, accelerated learning is the task of learning things in a fairly short period of time. However, its not enough just to learn things quickly, you have to be able to remember the things that you pick up and process information on a much greater scale.
Scientists have discovered more about the human brain in the past 25 years than they were ever able to in all of the times before that. With all of the advances that have been made in the medical, scientific, and technological worlds, you can be sure that you have a lot of work to do if you want to keep up.
But do not let that intimidate you. By picking up this book, you have performed an important first step in making some positive changes in how you learn new things. Soon you will be flying past all of the obstacles that could be standing in your way. If you can learn faster, process information more rapidly, and absorb information more efficiently, you will rise to the top quicker than anyone else!
Think of it this way: you actively work on your body to make it stronger; it is now time to start doing the same with your brain. When you let your mental facilities deteriorate, you can run into problems in every aspect of your life. Here are just a few situations not training your brain can lead to:
When you have trouble with your memory, you can find yourself in many frustrating situations. Building effective relationships is difficult when you cant remember the name of someone you met only a few days ago. You may also feel foolish when you are constantly trying to remember where you put things. Do you want to be remembered as the type of person who is always forgetting things and is considered to be forgetful constantly?
It is much more unlikely for you to get promotions or any recognition in your chosen career path if you are unable to learn quickly, adapt to new situations, and remember the facts you need to do your job competently.
- Failing personal relationships
Failing to keep your brain in good shape can cause unwanted stress in your personal relationships and may lead to unnecessary conflict. Even if everything seems to be going well, you just may jeopardize your relationships by forgetting a few important dates or letting yourself fall into a mental rut.
Do you understand now what can happen if you dont begin keeping up with the same standards for your mind that you have for your body? If you do not take care of your mind, you leave yourself open to developing diseases later in life, as your brain atrophies from disuse. But you absolutely do not need to let any of this happen to you! It is within your grasp to take 100 percent responsibility for your lifenobody is forcing you to sit by and idly watch as your mental facilities eventually fade away as you get older!
The chapters to follow will not only show you how to learn things faster but will also explain how to improve your memory and process all of this new information with accelerated speed. These instructions will help you build your intellectual powers and make you stronger mentally than you have ever been before.
Chapter 2: Effective Ways to Learn Effectively
To start down the road toward the accomplishment of your goals, you must first learn how to pick up information in a more effective manner. Although various trains of thought exist in terms of making this possible for you, there are some specific strategies you should pay close attention to if you are dedicated to making this your new reality. Here are the best ways for you to start learning things even faster and more effectively.
Pay Attention to the Way That You Learn
Everyone has a different way of learning things. Some people are visual learners; some are written learners. Others learn by doing or even by hearing information. The only way for you to become an effective learner and be more successful is to make sure that you are aware of the best way for you to absorb the things set in front of you. Remember that everybody is different. What works best for someone else may or may not be relevant to you. Experimentation is key. See what works for your own individual needs!
Get Rid of Distractions
Work at creating an environment that fosters learning. When you want to take in information, make sure that you are devoting your full attention to the matter at hand. Turn off your phone. Turn off the radio. Give everything to what you are trying to learn just then. As it is, your daily life is filled with too many distractions and hindrances that try to get in the way of your tasks; however, now is the time to take as many as possible out of your way. One more thing: turn off the social media! Yes, I am talking about Facebook, Twitter, Snap chat, Instagram the list goes on and on and grows, it seems, every day! Believe me, you will be amazed at how much better and faster you can learn when you are 100 percent focused on the task at hand.
Take Notes
So you have gone ahead and removed distractions. It will also be beneficial for you to get into the habit of making notes for yourself. Not only can it help to write things down, but you should also consider making voice recordings if processing information is easier for you in that way. In addition, implementing both practices will give you twice the reinforcement for your information to make it stick better. I have found from my own personal experience that writing information down in note form helps me remember and learn upwards of200 percent more! Dont downplay how crucial taking notes can be; this can be a huge mistake!
Be Able to Explain to Others
When you go through new information, try to look at it in terms of being able to teach someone else what you have just learned. If you approach things in this manner, you should be able to see the material in a different light.