10 Stacks to Success: How to achieve success one goal at atime is a simple guide with powerful content intended to help others createa successful lifestyle and achieve their goals in life through proven tactics.
Topics include:
Building astrong mental and physical foundation.
Producing apositive, productive mindset.
How to defeatour mental fears.
How to unlockcreativity.
And finally, how to earn asubstantial amount of money in order to enhance your lifestyle
Using in-your-face facts, observations many ignore, vividlyentertaining examples, and extensive research and knowledge from many of theelite icons in the life-success field, readers will develop a new perspectivetowards achieving success. While your head may spin faster than a Hanukkah dreidel and the tactics may come across as crazy, thisbook is designed to make your brain view life in new light, unleashing theamazing person inside.
The decisions we make now are decisions that will either take usone step further from our goals or one step closer. The decision, you see, isall yours.
This was my life altering decision:
In 2001, after repeating senior year, I finally graduated highschool. While I wasnt sure what I wanted to do, I knew that several more yearsof schooling wasnt my priority. However, my parents forced me to attend communitycollege. My father proudly drove me to fill out the application, as he believedthis was the beginning of a bright future for me. I sluggishly sharpened my No.2 pencil and slowly began to fill the circle next to Asian. Minutes later,after completing the application with absolute disgust, fear, and anxiety, Ibegrudgingly slid it under the plexiglass windowtowards the female attendant who seemingly hated her job. She then proceeded tomuffle through the intercom Thatll be fifty-five dollars. Cash, check, orcredit? She snapped her bubble gum multiple times. I slowly handed her mycheck filled out in the blood from my fingertips and watched her take my soulwith nine-inch nails that were more decorated than a Christmas tree.
A month later, I received a notification letter with the returnaddress 666 Lucifer Blvd. My final payment with the devil was scheduled onMonday November 4th at 8:30 a.m., the date of my placement exam. Withoverwhelming joy and a smile stretching ear to ear, my mother proudly took theletter and hung it on the refrigerator for all to see. To celebrate this prouddecision of my attending college, my parents promised me (in their best BobBarker voice) a BRAND NEW CAR!
That fateful Monday morning, November 4th, finally arrived. Itensely walked into the classroom with eyes wider than a porcelain doll andlooked at the teacher tasked with officiating thetest. At 8:30 a.m. sharp I began filling out the top portion of the test. Mybody was in complete discomfort and my nerves trembled enough to sound off thecar alarms in the parking lot. Just after writing in my name, I stared at thedrop ceiling and found myself enveloped in a daydream about what life would belike if I went through this experience. I saw myself constantly taking tests,studying pointless information, and sharing unoriginal ideas with otherstudents. All I could visualize was a life that was being created, controlled,and manipulated by someone else. I snapped out of this Freddy Krueger- esque nightmare only to realize I was sweating and pantinglike a fat kid in gym class. I immediately stood up, authoritatively stomped tothe front of the room and handed in my test to the Bride of Chucky (theteacher). She immediately asked me, Are you sure you are finished? Iconfidently responded, Yes. I am sure. As this woman stared at the blank testsheets in front of her, she peered back at me and replied, You know this isyour future, right? With a confident smile (and a giggle) I responded, Naaahh , this is your future! I pointed my finger aroundthe classroom and at her face. The entire classroom erupted in laughter,cheered, and applauded as I exited the room (at least that is how I rememberit.) Monday, November 4th at 8:33 a.m. I made theintuitive, fearless, confident, and positive decision that changed my life forthe better and forever. I chose to create my own dreams.