
CONFLICT MANAGEMENT ANDINTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATIONIn the glob ally inter con nec ted world, conflicts often arise as a result of tensionsbetween differ ent cultural percep tions and diverse social pref er ences. Effectivelymanaging conflicts and harmon iz ing inter cul tural rela tion ships are essen tial tasksof inter cul tural commu nic a tion research.This book seeks to find effect ive inter cul tural conflict manage ment solu tionsby bring ing together a group of leading inter na tional schol ars from differ entdiscip lines to tackle the problem. Consisting of two parts, this book covers majortheor et ical perspect ives of conflict manage ment and harmony devel op ment in thefirst and conflict manage ment and harmony devel op ment in differ ent culturalcontexts in the second. Integrating the latest work on conflict manage ment andinter cul tural harmony,
Conflict Management and Intercultural Communication takesan inter dis cip lin ary approach, adopts diverse perspect ives and provides for a widerange of discus sions. It will serve as a useful resource for teach ers, research ers,students and profes sion als alike.
Xiaodong Dai is Associate Professor at the Foreign Languages College ofShanghai Normal University, China. He currently serves as the vice pres id ent ofthe China Association for Intercultural Communication (CAFIC ).
Guo-Ming Chen is Professor of Communication Studies at the University ofRhode Island, USA. He is the found ing pres id ent of the Association for ChineseCommunication Studies (ACCS). He served as the exec ut ive director of theInternational Association for Intercultural Communication Studies (IAICS) forsix years and is currently the pres id ent of the asso ci ation.

Edited by Xiaodong Dai and Guo-Ming Chen
First published 2017by Routledge2 Park Square, Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon OX14 4RNand by Routledge711 Third Avenue, New York, N Y 10017Routledge is an imprint of the Taylor & Francis Group, an informa busi ness2017 selec tion and edit or ial matter, Xiaodong Dai and Guo-Ming Chen;indi vidual chapters, the contrib ut orsThe right of Xiaodong Dai and Guo-Ming Chen to be iden ti fied as theauthors of the edit or ial mater ial, and of the authors for their indi vidualchapters, has been asser ted in accord ance with sections 77 and 78 of theCopyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reprin ted or repro ducedor util ised in any form or by any elec tronic, mech an ical, or other means,now known or here after inven ted, includ ing photo copy ing and record ing,or in any inform a tion storage or retrieval system, without permis sion inwriting from the publish ers.
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British Library Cataloguing in Publication DataA cata logue record for this book is avail able from the British Library.
Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication DataA catalog record for this book has been reques ted.ISBN: 978-1-138-96283-5 (hbk)ISBN: 978-1-138-96284-2 (pbk)ISBN: 978-1-315-26691-6 (ebk)Typeset in Bemboby RefineCatch Limited, Bungay, Suffolk
CONTENTSXiaodong Dai and Guo-Ming ChenBenjamin J. BroomeYuxin Jia and Xue Lai JiaYoshitaka Miike
vi Contents
Patrice M. BuzzanellXiaodong DaiBeth Bonniwell HaslettStella Ting-ToomeyGuo-Ming ChenJing YinMunzhedzi James Mafela and Cynthia Danisile NtuliYan Bing Zhang, Chong Xing and Astrid VillamilYuko Takeshita
viiXuan Zheng and Yihong GaoYiheng Deng and Pamela Tremain KochMichael B. HinnerJuana Du and Ling ChenAlois Moosmller
Benjamin J. Broome is Professor in the Hugh Downs School of HumanCommunication at Arizona State University.
Patrice M. Buzzanell is Distinguished Professor in the Brian Lamb School ofCommunication and the School of Engineering Education at Purdue University.She is the past pres id ent of the International Communication Association (ICA)and the pres id ent of the Council of Communication Associations (CCA) and theOrganization for the Study of Communication, Language and Gender (OSCLG).
Guo-Ming Chen is Professor of Communication Studies at the University ofRhode Island. He is the founding presid ent of the Association for ChineseCommunication Studies (ACCS). He served as the exec ut ive director of theInternational Association for Intercultural Communication Studies (IAICS) forsix years and is currently the pres id ent of the asso ci ation.
Ling Chen is Professor in the School of Communication at Hong Kong BaptistUniversity. She was the editor- in-chief of
Management Communication Quarterlyand the asso ci ate editor of
Communication Theory.
Xiaodong Dai is Associate Professor at the Foreign Languages College ofShanghai Normal University. He currently serves as the vice pres id ent of theChina Association for Intercultural Communication (CAFIC ).
Yiheng Deng is Associate Professor at Southwestern University of Finance andEconomics.
xii Contributors
Juana Du is Assistant Professor and the program head of the Master of Arts inIntercultural and International Communication on-campus program at theSchool of Communication and Culture at Royal Roads University.
Yihong Gao is Professor and the director of research at the Institute of Linguisticsand Applied Linguistics in the School of Foreign Languages at Peking University.She is also the vice pres id ent of the China English Language Education Association(CELEA) and has served as the presid ent of the Association of ChineseSociolinguistics (ACS).
Beth Bonniwell Haslett is Professor in the Department of Communication at theUniversity of Delaware. She has published four books and more than thirtyarticles and book chapters, and has presented over sixty papers at regional,national and inter na tional confer ences.
Michael B. Hinner is Professor at the Freiberg University of Mining andTechnology. He is the editor of the book series
Freiberger Beitrge zur Interkulturellenund Wirtschaftskommunikation (
Freiberg Contributions to Intercultural and BusinessCommunication).
Xue Lai Jia is Associate Professor of Intercultural Communication in the Schoolof Foreign Languages at the Harbin Institute of Technology.
Yuxin Jia is Professor of Sociolinguistics, Applied Linguistics and InterculturalCommunication at the Harbin Institute of Technology. He is a past pres id ent ofthe International Association for Intercultural Communication Studies (IAICS)and the China Association for Intercultural Communication (CAFIC ).
Pamela Tremain Koch is Adjunct Professor at the Seidman College of Business,Grand Valley State University. Her research fields are cross- cultural lead er shipand conflict manage ment.
Munzhedzi James Mafela is Professor of African Languages at the University ofSouth Africa. He was a guest editor of the
Southern African Journal of FolkloreStudies in 2011 and the scientific editor of the same journal in 2013.
Yoshitaka Miike is Associate Professor in the Department of Communication atthe University of Hawaii at Hilo and Fellow at the Molefi Kete Asante Institutefor Afrocentric Studies. He is past chair of the International and InterculturalCommunication Division (IICD) of the National Communication Association(NCA).
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