Recent World Bank Discussion Papers |
No. 223 The Development of the Private Sector in a Small Economy in Transition: The Case of Mongolia. Hongjoo Hahm |
No. 224 Toward an Environmental Strategyfor Asia. Carter Brandon and Ramesh Ramankutty |
No. 225 "Fortress Europe" and Other Myths about Trade: Policies toward Merchandise Imports in the EC and Other Major Industrial Economies (and What They Mean for Developing Countries)Jean Baneth |
No. 226 Mongolia: Financing Education during Economic Transition. Kin BingWu |
No. 227 Cities without Land Markets: Lessons of the Failed Socialist Experiment. Alain Bertaud and Bertrand Renaud |
No. 228 Portfolio Investment in Developing Countries. Edited by Stijn Claessens and Sudarshan Gooptu |
No. 229 An Assessment of Vulnerable Groups in Mongolia: Strategiesfor Social Policy Planning.Caroline Harper |
No. 230 Raising the Productivity of Women Farmers in Sub-Saharan Africa. Katrine Saito |
No. 231 Agricultural Extension in Africa. Aruna Bagchee |
No. 232 Telecommunications Sector Reform in Asia: Toward a New Pragmatism. Peter L. Smith and Gregory Staple |
No. 233 Land Reform and Farm Restructuring in Russia. Karen Brooks and Zvi Lerman |
No. 234 Population Growth, Shifting Cultivation, and Unsustainable Agricultural Development:A Case Study in Madagascar. Andrew Keck, Narendra P. Sharma, and Gershon Feder |
No. 235 The Design and Administration of Intergovernmental Transfers: Fiscal Decentralization in Latin America. Donald R.Winkler |
No. 236 Public and Private Agricultural Extension: Beyond Traditional Frontiers. Dina L. Umali and Lisa Schwartz |
No. 237 Indonesian Experience with Financial Sector Reform. Donald P. Hanna |
No. 238 Pesticide Policies in Developing Countries: Do They Encourage Excessive Use? Jumanah Farah |
No. 239 Intergovernmental Fiscal Relations in Indonesia: Issues and Reform Options. Anwar Shah and Zia Qureshi |
No. 240 Managing Redundancy in Overexploited Fisheries. Joshua John |
No. 241 Institutional Change and the Public Sector in Transitional Economies. Salvatore Schiavo-Campo |
No. 242 Africa Can Compete!: Export Opportunities and Challengesfor Garments and Home Products in the US. Market. Tyler Biggs, Gail R. Moody, Jan-Hendrik van Leeuwen, and E. Diane White |
No. 243 Liberalizing Trade in Services. Bernard Hoekman and Pierre Sauv |
No. 244 Women in Higher Education: Progress, Constraints, and Promising Initiatives. K. Subbarao, Laura Raney, Halil Dundar, and Jennifer Haworth |
No. 245 What We Know About Acquisition of Adult Literacy: Is There Hope? Helen Abadzi |
No. 246 Formulating a National Strategy on Information Technology:A Case Study of India. Nagy Hanna |
No. 247 Improving the Transfer and Use of Agricultural Information: A Guide to Information Technology. Willem Zijp |
No. 248 Outreach and Sustainability of Six Rural Finance Institutions in Sub-Saharan Africa. Marc Gurgand, Glenn Pederson, and Jacob Yaron |
No. 249 Population and Income Change: Recent Evidence. Allen C. Kelley and Robert M. Schmidt |
No. 250 Submission and Evaluation of Proposalsfor Private Power Generation Projects in Developing Countries. Edited by Peter A. Cordukes |
No. 251 Supply and Demandfor Finance of Small Enterprises in Ghana. Ernest Aryeetey, Amoah Baah-Nuakoh, Tamara Duggleby, Hemamala Hettige, and William F Steel |
No. 252 Projectizing the Governance Approach to Civil Service Reform:An Environment Assessmentfor Preparing a Sectoral Adjustment Loan in the Gambia. Rogerio F. Pinto with assistance from Angelous J. Mrope |
No. 253 Small Firms Informally Financed: Studies from Bangladesh. Edited by Reazul Islam,J. D.Von Pischke, and J. M. de Waard |
No. 254 Indicatorsfor Monitoring Poverty Reduction. Soniya Carvalho and HowardWhite |
No. 255 Violence Against Women: The Hidden Health Burden. Lori L. Heise with Jacqueline Pitanguy and Adrienne Germain |
No. 256 Women's Health and Nutrition: Making a Difference. Anne Tinker, Patricia Daly, Cynthia Green, Helen Saxenian, Rama Lakshminarayanan, and Kirrin Gill |
(Continued on the inside back cover) |