Praise for Pulling Back the Shades
Dannah and Juli pull back the shades to shine some light on how erotic literature exploits the deep spiritual and sexual longings of a womans heart. With the Bible as a mooring, they help us address these longings in healthy and holy ways. If youve read erotica, have been tempted to read it, or are even mildly curious about it, you MUST read this book!
MARY KASSIAN, author, Girls Gone Wise
Dannah and Juli have created a beautiful guide book for real intimacy that satisfies our deepest longings. They debunk the lies we naively trade for the Truth. Open the pages of this book to discover the satisfaction you deeply long for.
JILL SAVAGE, founder and CEO of Hearts at Home, author of nine books including No More Perfect Moms
Sexual pleasure is not about self-gratification, and it is more than mutual gratification. Single or married, we are called to be spiritually, relationally, and sexually mature, for the glory of God! Whether man or woman, our sinful natures can easily lead us into the false intimacy of BDSM. Pulling Back the Shades exposes the myths of Fifty Shades of Grey. This book will lead many who have fallen into the darkness back into a passion for Gods glory with both a strong mature spiritual and sexual desire.
HARRY W. SCHAUMBURG, founder of Stone Gate Resources, author of False Intimacy and Undefiled
Do you long to be a spiritually satisfied woman? Do you long to be a sexually satisfied woman? Pulling Back the Shades will take you to new places in spiritual and sexual freedom (and its not to a Red Room of Pain!).
LINDA DILLOW, speaker and bestselling author of Calm My Anxious Heart and Whats It Like to Be Married to Me?
You may be surprised that this is a gracious, sensitive, encouraging, and direct (but not embarrassing) book. Dannah and Juli have tackled a tough topic but do so in a compassionate manner, examining the consequences of a trend that may seem new but was just as much of a challenge to first-century Christians as it is today. The temptation is timeless, but so is the solution. Single women, teens, wives, mothers, aunts, grandmothers, sisters this ones for you.
CAROLYN MCCULLEY, author of The Measure of Success, Radical Womanhood, Did I Kiss Marriage Goodbye?
Our culture is changing and the blurry lines of what is right and wrong are confusing to many. It is time for Christian women to take a stand for what is true, right, and holy. Dannah and Juli challenge us all to lead lives that are above reproach without a hint of sexual immorality. This book is a call to influence, with biblical guidelines, our culture by living lives as wise, godly, and pure women.
BETH LUEBE, The Collegiate Navigators
2014 by
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All Scripture quotation, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version, NIV. Copyright 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc. Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved worldwide. The NIV and New International Version are trademarks registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office by Biblica, Inc.
Scripture quotations marked NLT are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright 1996, 2004, 2007 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Wheaton, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.
Scripture quotations marked THE MESSAGE are from The Message, copyright by Eugene H. Peterson 1993, 1994, 1995. Used by permission of NavPress Publishing Group.
Edited by Terry Behimer
Interior design: Ragont Design
Cover design: DBA Faceout Studio
Cover images: Mask: Shutterstock #41846107;
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Author Photos: Dannah Gresh-Steve Smith / Juli Slattery-Cathy Walters
ISBN: 978-0-8024-1088-7
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To Linda Dillow
Linda, you have courageously paved the way for us to talk openly about sexuality in a manner that glorifies the Lord.
We are deeply grateful for your example of faithfulness and for the many ways you have blessed our lives.
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This is a book we never expected to write about a book we never expected you to read: Fifty Shades of Grey. How could a poorly written book series have sold over 70 million copies in its first year? And now its not just that series being devoured by women, but an entire lineup of copycat books rushed to the market so fast that the BBC reported erotica to be cannibalizing the rest of the publishing industry. Erotica is the fastest-selling genre of books selling to women.
We believe that the release of the Fifty Shades of Grey series was a transforming moment that fueled the erotica craze, normalizing its use. The series has done for women and erotica what the advent of the Internet did for men and porn.
Some consider the story of Christian and Anastasia, the hero and protagonist in the Fifty Shades series, to be one of love and healing. Others say its degrading and pornographic. There are plenty of opinions on both sides of the debate and no doubt you have yours. (And, you should know, ours is based only on the books because we havent viewed the movie.) But before we dive into our opinions, we have to stop and confess a few things about our initial reactions to the movement.