Intermittent Fasting
Everything You Need to Know About IntermittentFasting
(Lifestyle University Book 2)
By Walter James Brown
Smashwords Edition
Copyright 2015 by Walter James Brown
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Thank you for downloading IntermittentFasting: Everything You Need To Know About IntermittentFasting. This book is an excellent guide for people who want toknow everything there is to know about Intermittent Fasting. If youare a beginner, or even if you already are familiar withIntermittent Fasting, you will get immense value from this book.The book shows you what Intermittent Fasting is, contains theproven benefits of Intermittent Fasting, debunks common myths, andwill show you how to implement Intermittent Fastingefficiently.
I was always skeptical about IntermittentFasting. As a personal trainer, I know that the only way to getresults in the gym is to work hard and consistently. So, when Iheard about Intermittent Fasting I simply thought it was a gimmickfrom the health industry, trying to sell people something. But itwas when I saw a close colleague of mine get crazy results withIntermittent Fasting that I realized it isnt a gimmick. I gave ita shot and within no time, I got insane results too. My moodimproved, I lost weight rapidly and it was very easy tosustain.
There are a lot of articles and books aboutIntermittent Fasting, but most of them fail to properly explaineverything there is to know about it. I never had a clear guide tohelp me with my Intermittent Fasting journey. I always had to askpeople who knew more about it (and the question always was: do theyreally know what they are talking about?). Or I had to scramblelibraries, the web and random articles to constantly learn moreabout Intermittent Fasting, not knowing whether any of theinformation was even legit.
With this book, I want to share my knowledgeand insights. When I read a book, I personally like it when itgives me every piece of information I need to know about aparticular subject, and thats why I decided to create myversion of an Intermittent Fasting book. You will benefit greatlyfrom the knowledge I have built throughout the years. This willsave you tons of time by showing you the truth about IntermittentFasting and it will prevent you from making time-consuming andcostly mistakes.
This book will provide all the informationneeded to implement Intermittent Fasting into your life. I willexplain what Intermittent Fasting is, what the benefits are, showyou the common Intermittent Fasting Models, debunk the commonmyths, show you how to implement it with 4 easy steps, and finallyshow you all the reasons why you might be failing with IntermittentFasting and how to solve them.
Again, thank you for downloading this book. Iwill provide bonus content at the end, so be sure to read it all!Enjoy, and good luck with implementing Intermittent Fasting!

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Chapter 1: What Is Intermittent Fasting?
Fasting is the first principle ofmedicine; fast and see the strength of the spirit reveal itself.~Rumi
Fasting isnt something new. Human beingshave been fasting for a large part of history due to food scarcityor religious/spiritual reasons. Nowadays people fast a lot lessthan before, and this is quite logical with all the food we haveaccess to.
Intermittent Fasting, on the other hand, isquite new. It is a new and different way of planning your meals.Research has shown several benefits regarding our health andlongevity when you Intermittent Fast. It has shown that it, whendone properly, manages our body weight, extends life, regulatesblood glucose and a lot more.
Normally we are accustomed to eating threemeals a day, and maybe even consume snacks in-between those meals.But Intermittent Fasting is different. With Intermittent Fastingyou are consciously choosing to skip certain meals. This can bedone one day a week, but it can also mean that you skip breakfastevery day and that lunch will be your first meal of the day. Thereare several ways to do it, but this really depends on yourgoals.
What is Intermittent Fasting?
The meaning of Intermittent Fasting is thatyou deprive yourself of food on certain points of the day. You willonly eat between certain hours, the so-called Time Windows. Youwill choose these time windows by what suits you best throughoutyour day. For example, if you choose to eat from 12:00 PM to 08:00PM, then that will be your time window. Youll make sure that youconsume all your calories between those hours and nothing outsideof them.