Frequently cited ancient authors and works are abbreviated as follows in the notes:
Cic. Cicero
D.H. Dionysius of Halicarnassus
Pomp. Letter to Pompeius
Rom. Ant. Roman Antiquities
Thuc. On Thucydides
Diod. Diodorus
H. Herodotus
L. Lucian
Hist. How to Write History
P. Polybius
Pl. Plutarch
Malice On the Malice of Herodotus
T. Thucydides
X. Xenophon
Standard collections, frequently cited modern works and journals are abbreviated as follows in the notes:
AJPh American Journal of Philology
ANRW W. Haase, ed., Aufstieg und Niedergang der rmischen Welt (Berlin and New York, 1972)
ATAH J. Marincola, Authority and Tradition in Ancient Historiography (Cambridge, 1997)
BNJ I. Worthington, ed., Brills New Jacoby. Online publication, updating FGrHist, following that works method of citation
BTP G. Parmeggiani, ed., Between Thucydides and Polybius (Washington, D.C., 2014).
CC T. P. Wiseman, Clios Cosmetics: Three Studies in Greco-Roman Historiography (Leicester and Totowa, N.J., 1979)
CCRH A. Feldherr, ed., Cambridge Companion to the Roman Historians (Cambridge, 2009)
CGRH J. Marincola, ed., A Companion to Greek and Roman Historiography, 2 vols. (Malden, Mass., and Oxford, 2007)
CJ Classical Journal
CPh Classical Philology
CQ Classical Quarterly
CT S. Hornblower, A Commentary on Thucydides, 3 vols. (Oxford, 19972008)
EGM R. Fowler, Early Greek Mythography, 2 vols. (Oxford, 20002013)
F, FF Fragment, Fragments
FGE D. L. Page, ed., Further Greek Epigrams (Cambridge, 1981)
FGrHist F. Jacoby, et al. Die Fragmente der griechischen Historiker, 15 vols. in 3 parts (Berlin and Leiden, 192358; Leiden, 1994) Each historian is assigned a number, followed by T(estimonium) or F(ragment): thus 70 F 9 means historian no. 70 (Ephorus), fragment 9
FLP E. Courtney, ed., The Fragmentary Latin Poets (Oxford, 1993)
FRHist T. J. Cornell, ed., The Fragments of the Roman Historians, 3 vols. (Oxford, 2014). Citation follows the method of FGrHist, assigning a number to each historian followed by T or F
GH J. Marincola, Greek Historians (Greece & Rome New Surveys in the Classics, no. 31, Oxford, 2001)
GRBS Greek, Roman and Byzantine Studies
HCP F. W. Walbank, A Historical Commentary on Polybius, 3 vols. (Oxford, 195779)
HCT A. W. Gomme, A. Andrewes and K. J. Dover, An Historical Commentary on Thucydides, 5 vols. (Oxford, 19451980)
HSCPh Harvard Studies in Classical Philology
ICS Illinois Classical Studies
IEG2 M. L. West, ed., Iambi et Elegi Graeci, 2 vols., 2nd edn (Oxford, 19891992)
JHS Journal of Hellenic Studies
JRS Journal of Roman Studies
LatHist C. S. Kraus and A. J. Woodman, Latin Historians (Greece & Rome New Surveys in the Classics, no. 27; Oxford, 1997)
LH A. J. Woodman, Lost Histories: Selected Fragments of Roman Historical Writers (Histos Supplement 2; Newcastle, 2015)
LIMC Lexicon Iconographicum Mythologiae Classicae (Zurich, 198199)
LSG Avenarius, Lukians Schrift zur Geschichtsschreibung (Meisenheim am Glan, 1956)
Nature C. W. Fornara, The Nature of History in Ancient Greece and Rome (Berkeley, Los Angeles and London, 1983)
ORF4 H. Malcorati, Oratorum Romanorum Fragmenta Liberae Rei Publicae, 4th edition (Turin, 1953)
ORGRH J. Marincola, ed., Greek and Roman Historiography (Oxford Readings in Classical Studies; Oxford, 2011)
PCG R. Kassel and C. Austin, eds., Poetae Comici Graeci (1983)
PEG A. Bernab, ed., Poetae Epici Graeci, 4 vols. (19872007)
PMG D. L. Page, Poetae Melici Graeci (Oxford, 1962)
PMGF M. Davies, Poetarum Melicorum Graecorum Fragmenta, vol. 1 (Oxford, 1991).
PRHW F. W. Walbank, Polybius, Rome and the Hellenistic World: Essays and Reflections (Cambridge, 2002)
Polybius F. W. Walbank, Polybius (Berkeley and Los Angeles, 1972)
Purposes H. Verdin, G. Schepens and E. deKeyser, eds., Purposes of History: Studies in Greek Historiography from the 4th to the 2nd Centuries BC (Leuven, 1990)
RE A. von Pauly, G. Wissowa and W. Kroll, Real-encyclopdie der classischen Altertumswissenschaft, 84 vols. (Stuttgart, 18941978)
RICH A. J. Woodman, Rhetoric in Classical Historiography: Four Studies (London, Sydney, and Portland, 1988)
SIG3 W. Dittenberger, Sylloge Inscriptionum Graecarum, 4 vols., 3rd edn (Leipzig, 1915)
SP F. W. Walbank, Selected Papers (Cambridge, 1985)
T, TT Testimonium, Testimonia
TAPhA Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association
Topoi E. Herkommer, Die Topoi in den promien der rmischen Geshichtswerke (diss., Tbingen, 1968)
TrGF B. Snell et al., eds., Tragicorum Graecorum Fragmenta, 5 vols. in 6 parts (Gttingen, 19862004)
TrRF W.-W. Ehlers et al., eds., Tragicorum Romanorum Fragmenta (Gttingen, 2012)
VS H. Diels and W. Kranz, Die Fragmente der Vorsokratiker, 6th edn, 3 vols. (Berlin, 195152)

JOHN MARINCOLA WAS born in Philadelphia in 1954, and was educated at Swarthmore College, the University of Pennsylvania and Brown University. He is the Leon Golden Professor of Classics at Florida State University. His main interests are Greek and Roman historiography and rhetoric. He is the author of Authority and Tradition in Ancient Historiography and Greek Historians, and has edited A Companion to Greek and Roman Historiography and Oxford Readings in Greek and Roman Historiography, among other books.
The bibliography does not contain works listed in the Abbreviations. Bibliographies for individual historians can be found in the relevant chapters.
Bowersock, G. W. (1965) Augustus and the Greek World (Oxford)
Brown, T. S. (1973) The Greek Historians (Lexington, Mass.)
DAlton, J. F. (1931) Roman Literary Theory and Criticism: A Study in Tendencies (London and New York)
Drews, R. (1973) The Greek Accounts of Eastern History (Cambridge, Mass.)
Duff, T. E. (2003) The Greek and Roman Historians (Bristol)
Gantz, T. (1993) Early Greek Myth: A Guide to Literary and Artistic Sources (Baltimore and London)
Gill, C. and T. P. Wiseman, eds. (1993) Lies & Fiction in the Ancient World (Exeter and Austin)
Grube, G. M. A. (1965) The Greek and Roman Critics (London)
Hose, M. (1994) Erneuerung der Vergangenheit: die Historiker im Imperium Romanum von Florus bis Cassius Dio (Stuttgart)
Jacoby, F. (1909) ber die Entwicklung der griechischen Historiker und den Plan einer neuen Sammlung der griechischen Historikerfragmente,