Adobe Premiere Pro For Dummies
by Keith Underdahl
Adobe Premiere Pro For Dummies
Published by
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About the Author
Keith Underdahl is a digital-media specialist residing in Albany, Oregon. Professionally, Keith is an electronic publishing specialist for Ages Software, where he serves as program manager, interface designer, multimedia producer, graphic artist, programmer, customer support manager, resident Portable Document Format (PDF) guru, and when the day is over, he even sweeps out the place. Mr. Underdahl has written numerous books, including Teach Yourself Microsoft Word 2000, Microsoft Windows Movie Maker For Dummies, Macworld Final Cut Pro 2 Bible (co-author), and Digital Video For Dummies, 3rd Edition.
My beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger.
James 1:19
Authors Acknowledgments
So many people helped me complete this project that I hardly know where to begin. First and foremost I wish to thank my family for allowing me to work two full time jobs as I completed Adobe Premiere Pro For Dummies. My wife Christa has been my entire support staff, head cheerleader, creative advisor, and inspiration throughout my entire writing career. She was the one who urged me to start writing for a small motorcycle magazine in 1995, and that endeavor has led to so many great adventures and challenges in the years since. I owe everything to Christa.
My undying gratitude also goes out to my two very favorite movie subjects, Soren and Cole Underdahl. Not only do my boys take direction well, but they are also incredibly intelligent and look great on camera! I also received help both on-screen and behind the scenes from Ryan and Wendy Holbrook, and havoc23.
I wish I could take full credit for the quality and content of Adobe Premiere Pro For Dummies, but many other kind folks contributed to this work to make it what it is. Id like to thank Steve Hayes for hiring me once again to write this book, my project editor Linda Morris, my technical editor Dennis Short, my copy editor Barry Childs-Helton, and the many other folks at Wiley Publishing who toiled to make this one of the best references on Adobe Premiere Pro to be found.
Finally, thanks to Liz McQueen, Jill Devlin, and all the folks at Adobe for inviting me to help develop this excellent video-editing tool; Ive been on the user side of Adobe software for so long that it was great to finally get a chance to contribute and be useful!
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