Access 2007 Forms & Reports For Dummies
by Brian Underdahl and Darlene Underdahl
Access 2007 Forms & Reports For Dummies
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About the Authors
Brian Underdahl is the well-known, bestselling author of over 70 computer books on a broad range of subjects. He has appeared on a number of TV shows, including the Computer Chronicles, and several TechTV programs, and is the subject of an hour-long interview on the syndicated Computer Outlook radio program. One of his titles was recently recommended to viewers by Scott Gurvey, Bureau Chief, on the Nightly Business Report on PBS, and his books have won awards including an Award of Merit from the Northern California Technical Communications Competition and the Referenceware Excellence Award for best title in the Graphic Design and Multimedia category.
Brian has been involved in personal computers from their beginning and has a background in electrical engineering. His last real job was as a Senior Programmer/Analyst for a large company, where he worked hard to bring the power and freedom of PCs to the desktops.
Brian figures that its the author who should do the work so that readers can get their moneys worth. Thats why his books are different he takes the time to explain whats going on so that readers can understand the subjects easily.
Darlene Underdahl spent many years as a Quality Assurance expert. She is applying that attention to detail in the writing she does today. In addition to technical writing, she has written a memoir of her early years and is gathering notes for future projects. She works and lives with her husband, the bestselling author Brian Underdahl, in the mountains above Reno, Nevada.
Darlene: For Brian...
Authors' Acknowledgments
No book is the product of one person, even if one person has the title of author and gets to have his or her name on the cover. Im very lucky to have a lot of people I can thank for all the hard work and effort they put into this book. They include Kyle Looper and Pat OBrien.
Id also like to thank the many people who provided me with the wonderful Access tools and add-ons so that I could give you an idea about how you can get even more from Access. Please do check out the Web sites I list for these great products you owe it to yourself to see how much more productive you can be.
We cant work without a functioning computer, so special thanks go out to Allison Wagda at ZoneLabs for providing ZoneAlarm Internet Security Suite. I sleep a lot better at night knowing that I dont have to worry about viruses and spyware, and I hope all my readers realize the importance of this type of protection.
Finally, many thanks to Fred Holabird of Holabird Americana,, for allowing me to use samples from the Holabird Americana databases in order to be able to show some real-world examples in this book. Fred is a good friend and Ill always be grateful for his help!
Publishers Acknowledgments
Were proud of this book; please send us your comments through our online registration form located at
Some of the people who helped bring this book to market include the following:
Acquisitions, Editorial, and Media Development
Project Editor: Pat OBrien
(Previous Edition: Nicole Haims)
Acquisitions Editor: Kyle Looper
Copy Editors: Andy Hollandbeck, Mary Lagu
Technical Editor: Michael Alexander
Editorial Manager: Kevin Kirschner
Media Development Specialists: Angela Denny, Kate Jenkins, Steven Kudirka, Kit Malone, Travis Silvers
Media Development Coordinator: Laura Atkinson