How Linux
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TABLE OF CONTENTINTRODUCTION Before dvng hdfrt nt the wnk wrld of GNU/Lnux systems, t' important t undrtnd hw th came but nd some f the trm you may nuntr while rrhng nd ung them. I'll trt with a brf history f the bg three: UNIX, Linux, nd GNU. UNIX a rrtr, mmnd-ln bd rtng system rgnll dvld by Dnn Rth nd Kn Thompson (mng thr) t AT&T's Bell Lb n th lt 1960 nd rl 1970. UNIX dd lmt entirely n the C rgrmmng language (l invented by Rth) nd was rgnll ntndd to be used as a rtbl nd convenient OS fr programmers nd rrhr.
As a result f a lng nd mltd legal htr nvlvng AT&T, Bell Lb, and th fdrl gvrnmnt, UNIX nd UNIX-lk operating tm grw in popularity, dd Thmn' influential philosophy f a modular, mnmlt rh to ftwr dgn. The mdrn operating tm w use vr d, uh Windows nd mOS, r md of mn, many dffrnt (nd very thnl) mnnt, nludng 9
krnl tht hl ftwr mmunt wth hardware nd th graphical ur ntrf (GUI) elements you n screen. Try thinking about, fr example, how mvng th mouse trnlt to the cursor mvng across th rn or how a fl trd on your ld-tt drv. Smngl simple tk are tull mmnl mlx whn you undrtnd ll the mnnt n play and how ukl mdrn mutr can rfrm th tn. Wndw and macOS r dgnd t rt wth little frtn bl, users ml don't nd to undrtnd hw thng work behind th n. In other words, vrthng bnth the grhl user interface (GUI) functionally rrlvnt t mt users.
Now, lt' move t GNU/Lnux dtr. A dtr (hrt fr distribution) bt thught f as a ntl wrd kg
f th r ftwr components that make up a GNU/Lnux rtng tm. Consider distros lk Fedora, Elmntr OS, Linux Mint, Manjaro, Ubuntu as rughl th functional uvlnt f Windows nd mOS. A typical GNU/Lnux distribution nlud th Lnux kernel; GNU tl and lbrr; a windowing tm fr dlng 12 windows on rn and ntrtng with input dv; a dkt environment fr rfrmng tn with OS rgrm; nd ddtnl rt. Evn th rdng description is a vast mlftn. Sm f th most mmn dkt nvrnmnt r GNU' GNOME, KDE' Plm, MATE, nd XFCE.
Dffrnt flavors f dtr use dffrnt dkt environmentsfancier r leaner, more or less lk Mrft Wndw, r whtvrbut th r components f th OS r th m. A software frm or rgnztn typically packages ll these rt and creates n 13 ISO fl (thnll, th compressed mg f n installation CD-ROM or DVD), which ur can dwnld nd ntll n their computers. For xml, Cnnl is th mn tht mng th rl f th popular dtr Ubuntu; Mrft nd Al funtn n a similar rl whn rlng nw vrn f Wndw r mOS. If u'r skilled enough, you n hrr-k mnnt nd kg a distro f ur own, but we won't gt nt that hr.
A mntnd, Al' nd Mrft' platforms r just as mlx, but I'll rnt a mlrl simplified vrvw f their r components. Th r f mOS a UNIX-like OS lld Drwn built on a UNIX-lk hbrd krnl lld XNU (X not UNIX).
Th Au nd Fndr GUI lmnt r jut m f th additional components tht mr th full macOS system. Chrome OS bd n Chrmum OS nd th Lnux kernel. Windows 10 is a mmbr of th Wndw NT fml nd uses a hbrd krnl and th Windows Shll. On a d nt, Microsoft continues t bult ut funtnlt fr t Windows Subtm for Lnux (WSL), whh ddd th full Lnux krnl to Wndw 10. I wuld b remiss nt to tt tht runnng a GNU/Lnux tm nt like runnng macOS or Wndw, ll for rgulr ur. Simple tasks dn't lw work as you'd expect.
Fr ntn, ntllng rgrm nt 16
lw trghtfrwrd vn if u use a dtr' bult-n tr, whh mght nt have the ltt vrn f various rgrm. For uh tasks, u nd t b wllng t t least learn the basics f th trmnl r td mmnd-ln ntrf. Snnr, multfuntn rntr, and thr peripherals rnt hllng, 17 too, drvr ntlltn r not easy t trublht. Be prepared to spend a lt f tm rlrnng how t d basic tasks n nw w and t rh for solutions in vru frum ttrd r th web. If u gt frustrated l wth thnlg, GNU/Lnux systems r nt the bt fit. Ultimately, whether n n-ur OS th rrt choice fr you depends n hw u u your mutr.
If u'r a rgrmmr, you m rfr a stable, trd-bk dgn. If you have a r or older PC lng rund the hu, 18 a lightweight GNU/Lnux dtr mght gv it nw life. On major rn u mght consider ung a GNU/Lnux dtr tht mn r technically fr, lthugh you huld rtnl ntrbut what u can t th mmunt tht mntn ur distro f h. Although th r f th rtng system n't mthng u tll consider whn bung a PC, t mght b a factor if you r building your wn dkt. You can bu a Wndw 10 Home license, but that wll run u t least $139. Yu can't even gt mOS unless u for Apple hrdwr.
Anthr temptation fr m users the customizability and flexibility f n ur GNU/Linux tm. As ttd, mn distros support different dkt nvrnmnt, each f whh n ffr a fresh ntrf. Stll nthr drw is lng-trm urt nd stability. Many distro dvlr mntn rl for years nd dn't require u to udt f u dn't wnt to. Th hl mntn ntn and nur fwr brkdwn. The move frm Wndw 7 to Wndw 8 url a strong nugh xml f th rl f hngng t mn thng too ukl.
Yu may also appreciate one f th hlh tht gud mn GNU/Linux projects. Yu'll hr uh terms as Libre (fr in frdm, not cost); FOSS (Fr and On Source); nd FLOSS (Free/Libre nd Open Sur). GNU ffr a mr in-depth xlntn of th different m within th fr ftwr mvmnt. Hwvr, for tudnt nd hm ur wth lttl r n thnl xrt wh ml don't wnt t b bthrd wth unforeseen complications, thr' blutl n hm in wanting a computer that mk ur lf easier. Fr 21 th ur, Windows nd macOS r much more familiar and thus more ntutv, nd trublhtng mt problems n b dn wthut ndng Cmmnd Prompt or Trmnl rtvl. It' nt ll a lost u, thugh.
Yu can still gt ulr brwr uh Chrm, Firefox, nd th Tor Brwr (Microsoft is brngng the nw Edge t Lnux, t); mmuntn tl uh as Sgnl nd Slack; urt software uh VPN nd wrd mngr; and multmd ntl such VLC Plr. Skng f VPN, th Lnux 22 krnl now urt th WrGurd VPN rtl. AV ftwr fr Linux is nt common, but m tn nlud Clm AV nd Sh. Stm vlbl for Dbn-bd GNU/Lnux OSes, though u may have luk wth thr distros if u r willing to nur your OS meets the installation requirements. Altrntvl, u can u Valve's gaming-centric StmOS dtr, whh tlf is based on Dbn. Nt that a grwng number f games, including AAA ttl, urt GNU/Lnux thr natively r wth hl from Steam's Proton tl.
Vlv even nnund tht 23 t ltt VR game, Half-Life: Alx wll gt a full release fr Lnux platforms. Thr are tll n native vrn f Blzzrd' Bttl.Nt, E' Game Store, and EA' Orgn ltn for GNU/Lnux tm, but u may be able t get your favorite game lunhr ltn nd non-Steam gm runnng with Steam's Prtn tool r emulator alternatives uh Lutr or Wine. BASIC COMMANDS ND
Wh Unix mmnd? Int this a bk about hw Linux works? It , f course, but Lnux a Unx flvr t heart. Yull th word Unx n th chapter more than Lnux bu u can take wht you lrn straight vr to Slr, BSD, nd other Unx-flvrd tm. Iv ttmtd to avoid vrng t many Linux-specific ur ntrf xtnn, nt nl t give you a better bkgrund fr ung th other operating tm, but l bu th xtnn tnd t b unstable.
Th Burn Shell: /bn/h Th shell n f the mt mrtnt rt of a Unx system.
Th Burn Shell: /bn/h Th shell n f the mt mrtnt rt of a Unx system.
A hll a program that run mmnd, lk the ones tht ur ntr. Th shell also rv as a mll programming environment. Unix rgrmmr ftn break mmn tk nt little mnnt and u the hll t manage tasks nd piece thng together. Mn important parts f th system are tull hll rttxt fl tht ntn a sequence of shell mmnd. If youve wrkd with MS-DOS previously, u n think f shell rt as very wrful .BAT files. Because thr important, Chapter 11 dvtd ntrl t hll rt.
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