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TABLE OF CONTENTINTRODUCTION Since its March 2017 lunh, Microsoft Teams h t t ght on becoming th unfd communication nd llbrtn platform fr th rrt wrld. Wth over 44 mlln daily tv users, u from 20 million in November 2019, boasting blln f mnut spent daily in Tm mtng, t making trd towards tht lofty gl. Microsoft Teams a ht-bd mgng and video-call application which Microsofts nwr t Slack. But Tm is muh mr thn a l t tlk 10 t your llgu.
Tm dl ntgrtd with the Off365 suite, brngng nt a single ll f th Office365 ftur. And t set u t nbl llbrtn btwn nn n your bun. Mrft Tm was born ut of a proposed $8 blln Microsoft bd fr the chat-based platform, Slk. Aftr Bll Gt m ut gnt th urh, Mrft ddd they could beat them, rthr thn jn thm. Crtd during an ntrnl hkthn, wht w rgnll n ntnt mgng ltfrm nwblld thrugh ntgrtn ftr 11 ntgrtn into something mr: a unfd ltfrm fr online wrk combining th funtnlt f the entire Office365 suite nt one ltn. Th platforms short history has bn dfnd by rd grwth.
It ur b has more thn dubld n November 2019, nd more thn trld the 13 mlln of July 2019. Its mn mttr, Slk, h flln bhnd wth 10 mlln tv ur. Other competitors r hng t ntgrt with these two bhmth ntd: Cisco Wbx, Zm, nd lmt vr other vrtul mtng 12 room vndr r jumping brd Microsoft's surging flgh. The wrld is wrkng mr nd mr digitally. And it d so, wrkr wnt t th frtn nnmu with old tm nd ftwr. Entr Tm.
Th trl-b-fr m dtn (7 mlln n a week!) f Microsoft Tm n th mdt of COVID-19 likely t force rapid vlutn of the platforms ur. But it lk t to bm th mn w that teams llbrt digitally fr a gnfnt hunk f th worlds wrkfr. A th nm f the product uggt, Mrft Tm structured rund Teams. Each Team can rt multl wrk called Chnnl whr you n share dumnt and applications using Tb, Cnntr nd Bt. Fr xml, a mrktng drtmnt wll hv t wn Tm. Inside th Tm th mrktng drtmnt can create Channels ddtd t particular rjt.
Inside th Channel thr dfult functionality (ntrlld b Admn), Posts ( newsfeed), Fl (fr hrng dumnt) and a Wiki which rvd th b fr collaboration. Mmbr f th Channel dd specific tb (rh f spreadsheets) r apps t hl mlh that project, r other gl uh rnl dvlmnt. The Microsoft Tm (available n Andrd nd Al) makes mt of t desktop offering mbl, nd thn adds a lt more mbl-nl ftur. Most f these xtr features are fll dgnd fr employees wh dont do their work n mutr. Th Tm mbl lt u ht nd channels just like you wuld 15 n ur lt. Yu can start video r audio ll fr 1-1 mtng but, fr lrgr groups, u n nl ll n ud.
Mrft have ddd one rll hnd ftur which lt u transfer calls from ur lt t your mbl and v versa. The integrations still d wht u nd thm to. Yu can access nd vw any fl tht r n ur hnnl, but f you wnt t edit, , a Wrd dumnt, t wuld tk you t the Mrft Wrd mbl app to do it. You n l hr fl r vn your phone rn in a 16 mtng which a grt tuh for when youre on th g. But th mbl app nt just a not-quite-as-functional approximation f th full ft dkt vrn. It brng t wn features t play.
Yu n u the own smart mr (or office ln) t optimise pictures f dumnt or whtbrd; u n share ur location wthn a tm; you n turn n dark mode, r rrdr th bottom br f th app it wrk for u. Mt f th features r rt f Tm Firstline Wrkr initiative - drtd at 17 wrkr wh dnt use computers on th job. It is this vrl undr-dgtd tr tht Microsoft is lkng to thnlgll bolster. Phone Ln wrkr n uu llr nd u th Tm Aut-ttndnt, whh t a virtual receptionist. Mngr and employees n t, dt, nd w hft schedules wthn Teams. Thr even a specific Pr function which can be ud t ubll lbrt mbd wrk.
While th mbl vrn f th dkt rdut does wht t on th tn, whh is ll you nd for th mt part, 18 th nw mbl-f ftur r whr Tm rll trdng ahead f th mttn. Mrft Tm rt f n Off 365 bun or enterprise unt. That means tht your rgntn must hv n Office 365 Bun Premium, Business Entl, or one f the Off 365 Entrr dlmnt. You n download th fr vrn f Mrft Teams n t own but t is a stripped dwn version, wth n t th rt f Office365. Once you r lggd nt Off 365, u n access Tm thrugh the application lunhr, th same n other application. Alternatively, u uld choose to k th Off 365 website ltgthr b vtng Teams drtl.
However, th r not th nl places whr you can access Tm. Whn you lg nt Teams through Off 365, you wll a lnk t download th dkt version of Tm. It' perfectly rnbl to u the wb version and th dkt vrn interchangeably nd t' ntrl u t u whh one u rfr. Teams l h excellent mobile n the Andrd nd Al App Stores. Just search fr Tm in th tr, download th and lgn with your Off 365 login to gt trtd. A good l t start by building ut ndvdul tm, whh r the gru f l tht you wll b mmuntng with.
Th frt time you gn nt Teams, u mght b rmtd t rt a new tm, but tm n l b rtd t a later tm frm the mn interface. Any user n rt a new tm, u d nt nd t hv administrator rights t d . A team should have a lgl 21 grouping t it. Th might b dtrmnd b your rgntn drtmntl trutur. All tm must be given a nm nd t rmmndd tht a description is ddd, lthugh this tnl. You n l t a rv tn.
If you create a rvt tm, th thr mmbr f ur organization will nt t unless you invite thm to join. On a tm h been rtd you will be rmtd to dd people to th tm. Yu n dd anybody from within ur rgntn tht h an Off365 unt. Th person wh rt the tm, b dfult, 22 the owner. As th owner, u hv th blt t hng tht nd can give someone else wnr rmn. Evr rn you dd t the team wll automatically bm a member.
Th dn't hv t accept n nvttn r d anything t nfrm membership. When th gn into Teams, th wll see th tm n th lt f thr teams nd they wll b able t all th hnnl, messages nd everything l rltd t th team. Tm ntgrt mll with other Off 365 like Ml nd Pl. If 23 u jum r to ur Outlk Onln address bk, u will see that any tm u create wll be ltd undr Gru. Th does not wrk n the other drtn, if u create a group n ur ddr book, th will nt rt a nw tm. Cnvrtn n b trtd within th rlvnt chat r hnnl b tng a mg n th conversation fld t the bttm f the rn.
On you have td a message in a channel, t wll b vbl t ll team members. An mmbr f th hnnl can type nd t mg. Yu n hv multl nvrtn tkng place n different channels at th same tm. Rlng to mg uldn't b mlr nd mr rl hn w trt to buld a nvrtn thread. All rl r lnkd together tht w knw they r related to the m topic. Conversations n l be drtd at f team members.
Much lk Twttr, using the @ symbol and then typing a team members name will nur the message g drtl to tht rn nd sends thm an alert. It' a gd w of making ur mbd a mg that's important to thm. If 25 mn nd n @reply t you nd u are typing in a dffrnt channel, an ndtr wll b dld letting u knw u have a nw mg. Messages that u hv posted n b edited f you need to mk a hng. Yu cannot dt mg td by mn l. Messages n b formatted ung the row f buttn undrnth th text field.
The buttn wth the lttr A wll xnd th txt box allowing u mr t wht you are tng. Yu n also t n a mg ubjt frm hr. Yu n use the frmttng tn t make txt bold, tl, add n undrln r hghlght. Yu n hng the z f the fnt and thr are l m options for bulltd nd numbered lt. A STEP-BY-STEP GUIDE ONHOW TO USE MICROSOFT
Hw T Gt Started WthMrft Tm
Hr a step-by-step guide t hl you get started wth Microsoft Teams: 1. Create n Aunt A) For dkt

Step 1: G t th Microsoft Teams webpage and lk n the rfl icon t th t-rght corner of the screen.
Step 2: In th Sgn n g that appears, click n th Create one! lnk t set up a nw unt. 
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