Praise for
If you want to feel better, look better, be happier, and feel younger, this book is a must-read. In it, Dr. Fenster tells you why freeing your fascia is vital to leading an energetic, pain-free lifeand he tells you, step by step, just how to do it.
Dr. Fabrizio Mancini, Americas #1 healthy-living media expert, world-renowned chiropractor, international best-selling author and speaker, business consultant, and president emeritus of Parker University
As a masters certified practitioner of Active Release Techniques, it is refreshing to read a book that understands the importance of fascia. This is an area of soft-tissue rehabilitation that cannot be overlooked in the treatment of pain syndromes. Dr. Daniel Fenster has done an outstanding job. Kudos!
Christopher Anselmi, DC, ART
In this exciting and informative book, Dr. Daniel Fenster introduces you to one of the most important and mysterious organs in your bodythe fascia. He teaches you how to optimize your fascia, improving your flexibility, mobility, and ultimately your overall health.
Dana Cohen, M.D.
Having known Dr. Daniel Fenster professionally for over 30 years and seen the success of his work, this book is the grand culmination of those years. His comprehensive approach to understanding and treating fascia is second to none.
Oz Garcia, nutritionist
Fascia is a very important subject in exercise, and this book examines fascia thoroughly.
Harley Pasternak, nutrition expert and celebrity trainer
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Copyright 2020 by Daniel Fenster
Published in the United States by: Hay House, Inc.:
Published in Australia by: Hay House Australia Pty. Ltd.:
Published in the United Kingdom by: Hay House UK, Ltd.:
Published in India by: Hay House Publishers India:
Cover design: Howie Severson Interior design: Nick C. Welch Indexer: Joan Shapiro
Interior photos: : Structure and Distribution of an Unrecognized Interstitium in Human Tissues, Petros C. Benias et al., Scientific Reports, March 27, 2018, from the Scientfic Reports, May 10, 2018, published by Springer Nature.
: Fascia Research Society. Photography by Thomas Stephan.
All photos in courtesy of the author.
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The author of this book does not dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of any technique as a form of treatment for physical, emotional, or medical problems without the advice of a physician, either directly or indirectly. The intent of the author is only to offer information of a general nature to help you in your quest for emotional, physical, and spiritual well-being. In the event you use any of the information in this book for yourself, the author and the publisher assume no responsibility for your actions.
Cataloging-in-Publication Data is on file with the Library of Congress
Tradepaper ISBN: 978-1-4019-5864-0
e-book ISBN: 978-1-4019-5870-1
Audiobook ISBN: 978-1-4019-5987-6
To my wife, Jan,
and our children,
Zachary, Benjamin,
and Rebekah
When I started working as a health and nutrition coach at Complete Wellness in 2017, I was initially drawn in by their philosophy of being a one-stop shop for a wide variety of health concerns. In my years here, I have witnessed truly amazing health outcomes that far exceeded patients initial expectations. People with chronic painmany of whom visited doctor after doctor for years, or even decades, with no resultshave walked out of our clinic pain-free. Patients who were self-medicating with drugs or alcohol have conquered their addictions as we eased the crippling pain that had devastated their lives. People who could barely walk have returned to biking and jogging. Athletes have not only healed rapidly from injuries but also increased their speed, strength, and agility.
The simple reason behind these success stories is Complete Wellnesss patient-focused, holistic approach to health care. As the clinic director, Dr. Fenster guides over a dozen experts to consider each patient as a whole and offer integrative health-care plans rather than singling out and treating symptoms in a piecemeal fashion. In fact, the traditional, symptom-based approach often overlooks a vital aspect of a persons health: your fascia.
If youve never heard of the fasciaor think its mostly useless bits of connective tissueget ready to have your eyes opened. Dr. Fenster has shown me that this mysterious organ plays a crucial role in keeping you pain-free, energetic, and happy. Thats why Im thrilled that hes chosen to distill all his knowledge on this important topic in this book, along with the latest research from his interviews with leading experts in the field. Within these pages, youll find a simple guide to what fascia is, how to assess your own fascial health, and how to support your body with nutrition, at-home therapies, and professional aid.
Stagnant, locked-up fascia can cause a host of problems, including chronic pain, anxiety, sexual problems, and possibly even cancer. Dr. Fenster gives you the knowledge and tools you need to free your fasciaeither on your own or with the help of expertsto effect healing on a deeper level than you may have ever experienced.
So if youre ready to join the fascia revolution and achieve the peak physical and mental health you deserve... read on!
Liana Werner-Gray,
health researcher, nutrition coach, and best-selling
author of The Earth Diet and Cancer-Free with Food
In this section, Ill introduce you to the most important organ youve never heard ofyour fascia. First, Ill tell you where this organ is (hint: its everywhere) and why taking care of it is crucial. After that, Ill describe how fascia gets sick. Finally, Ill offer a quiz you can take to determine how healthy or unhealthy your own fascia is.