2 Day Diabetes Diet Recommended Brands
When youre following a new meal plan, grocery shopping can feel a bit overwhelming. To help you stay on track, heres a list of foods and brands that fit into your 2 Day Diabetes Diet plan. This isnt a complete list, and other brand-name foods that fit your meal plan guidelines can be substituted, as long as theyre similar.
Almond Breeze, original
EdenSoy, original or unsweetened
Silk Pure Almond Original almond milk
Silk Soymilk, original or vanilla
Soy Dream, original, enriched original, enriched vanilla
2% Chobani Greek yogurt, plain
Dannon, plain all-natural yogurt
Libert, plain organic 2.5% yogurt
Silk Live! plain soy yogurt
Arnolds Sandwich Thins
Food for Life 7 Sprouted Grains English Muffin
Food for Life Ezekiel 4:9 Sprouted Grain Bread
Natures Own Premium Specialty 100% Whole Grain Bread
Natures Own 100% Whole Wheat Hot Dog Rolls
Pepperidge Farm 100% Whole Wheat Hoagie Rolls
Pepperidge Farm Deli Flats 100% Whole Wheat Thin Rolls
Pepperidge Farm Light Style Seven Grain Bread
Thomas Hearty Grains 100% Whole Wheat bagels and English muffins
Vitalicious VitaBuns
Cheerios (Original)
Fiber One 80 Calories
Fiber One Original Cereal
Kashi GoLean Crunch! Cereal
McCanns Steel Cut Irish Oatmeal
Total cereal
Kashi crackers
Wasa crackers
Annie Chuns Brown Rice Noodles
Bionaturae 100% Stone Ground Whole Durum Wheat Organic Pasta
Bobs Red Mill Organic Whole Grain Quinoa
Hodgson Mill Whole Wheat Couscous
King Arthur Organic 100% Whole Grain Flour
Ronzoni Healthy Harvest Whole Wheat Blend Pasta
Uncle Bens Natural Whole Grain Brown Rice
Flatout breads (varieties with 90 to 110 calories per serving)
La Tortilla Factory 100 Calorie Whole Wheat Tortilla
365 Organic Unsweetened Peanut Butter from Whole Foods
Cedars Hummus, all flavors
Kraft Good Seasons Italian Vinaigrette with Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Land OLakes Butter with Canola Oil
Land OLakes Light Butter with Canola Oil
Newmans Own Dressing Lite Red Wine Vinegar & Olive Oil
Newmans Own Olive Oil & Vinegar Dressing
Olivio, light spread
Olivio, original spread
SmartBalance Light Buttery Spread with EVOO
SmartBalance Light Omega-3 Buttery Spread
SmartBalance Light Buttery Spread with Flaxseed Oil
SmartBalance Original Buttery Spread
Smuckers Natural Peanut Butter
Vans 8 Whole Grains Multigrain waffles
Vitalicious VitaMuffin
Baked! Ruffles Potato Chips
Bear Naked Granola Cookies, all varieties
Edys Slow Churned ice cream
Emerald nuts, dry roasted, cocoa roasted, or cinnamon roasted
Glennys Soy Crisps
Godiva 72% or 85% Cacao Chocolate Bars
Kashi cookies, all varieties
Lindt 70%, 85%, or 90% Cacao Bars
Sweetriot Dark Chocolate
Sun Chips 6 Grain Medley
Hormel Foods Herb-Ox bouillon, all varieties
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Chapter 2
1. P. K. Stein et al., Caloric restriction may reverse age-related autonomic decline in humans, Aging Cell 11, no. 4 (August 2012): 64450. Epub 2012 May 21.
2. T. E. Meyer et al., Long-term caloric restriction ameliorates the decline in diastolic function in humans, Journal of the American College of Cardiology 47, no. 2 (17 January 2006): 398402.
3. I. Salim et al., Impact of religious Ramadan fasting on cardiovascular disease: A systemic review of the literature, Current Medical Research and Opinion 29, no. 4 (April 2013): 34354.
4. M. A. Faris et al., Intermittent fasting during Ramadan attenuates proinflammatory cytokines and immune cells in healthy subjects, Nutrition Research 32, no. 12 (December 2012): 94755.
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Chapter 3
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2. K. A. Varady and M. K. Hellerstein, Alternate-day fasting and chronic disease prevention: A review of human and animal trials. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 86, no. 1 (July 2007): 713.
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8. C. Itsiopoulos, L. Brazionis, and M. Kalmakamis, Can the Mediterranean diet lower HbA1c in type 2 diabetes? Results from a randomized cross-over study. Nutrition, Metabolism, and Cardiovascular Diseases 21, no. 9 (September 2011): 74047. Epub 2010 July 31.
9. J. Salas-Salvad, J. Fernndez-Ballart, and E. Ros, Effect of a Mediterranean diet supplemented with nuts on metabolic syndrome status: One-year results of the PREDIMED randomized trial. Archives of Internal Medicine 168, no. 22 (8/22 December 2008): 244958.
10. K. Esposito, M. I. Maiorino, and M. Ciotola, Effects of a Mediterranean-style diet on the need for antihyperglycemic drug therapy in patients with newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes: A randomized trial. Annals of Internal Medicine 151, no. 5 (1 September 2009): 30614.
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