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Cellulite Myth
The Shocking Truth About Cellulite
Russell Eaton
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Title: The CelluliteMyth
Subtitle: The shocking truth aboutcellulite
Author: Russell Eaton
Copyright Russell Eaton2015
Smashwords.com edition
This edition published 9 September,2015
ISBN: 978-1-903339-51-0
All Rights ReservedWorldwide
1. Introduction
This book goes straight to the point and explains the truthbehind the myth. It is widely believed that cellulite under the skin (on the legs,buttocks or stomach) can be got rid of. And that cellulite, if nottreated, can become unhealthy. This is not so.
The truth is that cellulite under the skin(on the legs, buttocks or stomach) cannot be got rid of, but theappearance may be improved. And rest assured that cellulite if not'treated' does not becomeunhealthy.
Unfortunately the beauty industry is fullof false claims and bogus sales pitches made by people with avested interest in selling cellulite cures. This has resulted inmany myths and misunderstandings about cellulite, and it isregrettable that suchmyths are often repeated in well-meaning but misguided books on thesubject of cellulite.
So p lease do read on to discover the true nature of celluliteand what you can do about it. This information can save you a lotof grief, time and money.
2. What Exactly isCellulite?
The dimpled, rutted appearance of the skinon the legs, buttocks or stomach (known as cellulite) is awell-known condition among women. Here is a photo:
![Appearance of Cellulite If youre seeing bumps on your behindyoure in good - photo 4](/uploads/posts/book/368720/tmp_91031b9df10b127d1218c6c63a9a8af7_4umRkz_html_m4c863efb.jpg)
Appearance of Cellulite
If you're seeing bumps on your behind,you're in good company: About 90 percent of women (and virtually nomen) have cellulite. Cellulite usually appears between the ages of25 a nd 35, andprogressively becomes more pronounced with time.
Cellulite is caused by lose 'connectivetissue' (also known as 'septa') which allows fat cells to 'bubbleup' towards the skin surface. In men cellulite is much less commonbecause the connective tissue (septa) is criss-crossed, so the fatcells are held firmly in place. Put another way, the structure of women's connective tissueis vertical (like mattress springs), men's connective tissue isangled, which means that fat cells don't push through and pucker asmuch. Here is an image to illustrate this:
![The health beauty industry tries to capitalize on cellulite by offeringa - photo 5](/uploads/posts/book/368720/tmp_91031b9df10b127d1218c6c63a9a8af7_4umRkz_html_m2e0b85bc.jpg)
The health& beauty industry tries to capitalize on cellulite by offeringa variety of home remedies, snake oils, lotions, potions, creams,gadgets, massage machines, special diets and the like. None of thisworks for one simple reason: you can never get rid of cellulite -it stays with you for life. A woman simply cannot change the wayher connective tissue is designed, so the presence of cellulitejust has to be accepted as a normal, healthy fact of life.
Do not be seduced by cellulite reductioncreams on the market: there is no possible way for any one of themto alleviate cellulite, no matter how expensive and no matter howscientific-sounding the sales pitch. Also, painful, dangerous anduncomfortable services ranging from endermologie to body massagingand body-wrapping have proven to be totally ineffective when itcomes to treating cellulite.
" Endermologie (also known as LPG) is a skinkneading technique developed about 10 years ago in France. Thistype of device has two rollers attached to an electrically powereddevice. Users wear nylon stockings to decrease the amount offriction. Treatments range from 35 to 45 minutes of rolling theskin of the hips, thighs, legs, buttocks and stomach. The littlepublished research with this device does not show any legitimateefficacy in the treatment of cellulite ". Source: Len Kravitz, Ph.D., Cellulite: Everything You Wantto Know and More, www.drlenkravitz.com.
To be clear: cellulite is not a skinproblem, it's an underlying structural issue relating to theconnective tissue that holds the fat cells in place. But don't losehope. You may be able to improve the appearance of the skin so thatthe cellulite is not soobvious. This book explains how, so please do read on.
What exactly iscellulite composed of? Cellulite is nothing more than regular fatcells. The cellulite fat cells that you can see with so muchdisapproval are identical to all the other fat cells in your body.There is nothing special about cellulite. Do not be confused byfancy words such as collagen, adipcytes, connective tissue,adiposis edematosa, dermopanniculosis deformans, status protrususcutis, gynoid lipodystrophy, and orange peel syndrome. In thecontext of cellulite, all these terms are meaningless - they trulymean nothing.
Clearly, the appearance (i.e. theseverity) of cellulite can vary from person to person, and it canbecome more apparent with time, but the nature of cellulite doesnot change. It does not develop into any kind of disease, it doesnot lead on to some kind of health problem, it is not even amedical condition; it is purely a cosmetic issue. Having cellulitedoes not make you less healthy than a person with no cellulite, andhaving cellulite is not a sign of illness or of being unhealthy insome way.
As mentioned,cellulite is caused by lose connective tissue that allows fat cellsto move upwards towards the skin. Research shows that cellulite ismore common in the over-weight because when fat cells get fatterthey have less room to manoeuvre. As a result they are more likelyto be squeezed upwards towards the skin surface. But even slimpeople can have cellulite as a result of having 'weak' connectivetissue. The following picture shows how cellulite is more likely tooccur when your fat cells become fatter:
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