Essential Oils for WeightLoss
Easy Ways to Supercharge Your Weight Loss Successwith Essential Oils
Isla Burroughs
Smashwords Edition
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Table of Contents
I want to thank you and congratulate you fordownloading the book, Essential Oils for Weight Loss: Easy Waysto Supercharge Your Weight Loss Success with Essential OilsThis book contains proven steps to help you reach your weight lossgoals using the potent power of essential oils. Essential oils arenatural oil extracts from fruits, plants, and seeds that when usedin a variety of different ways, provide exceptional healthbenefits. The extraction of the oil is done primarily through steamdistillation or cold pressing.
The use of essential oils dates backcenturies to the time of the Ancient Egyptians around 3500 B.C.Since then we have learned even more about the amazing benefits ofessential oils, especially as they relate to weight loss. By usinga few simple oils either individually or in combination, you willsee genuine and significant results. The beauty of most essentialoils is their versatility. Many of the oils can be ingested,combined into a massage oil, or inhaled. The possibilities arealmost endless. You can tailor the use of the oil to yourpreferences and use them in the ways that work best for you. Imsure you will find the information useful and powerful in yourweight loss journey.
Best of luck on your weight loss journey andbeyond. Thanks again for downloading this book, I hope you enjoyit!
Chapter 1
Introduction to Essential Oils
Essential oil is by definition the oilextracted from a plant, seed, fruit or flower that contains thefragrance and essence of the plant from which it is extracted. Butin reality, essential oils are so much more than that! They havebeen used for centuries dating back to ancient Egypt when they wereused for religious ceremonies, medicines and cosmetics. Since then,the power of essential oils has been increasingly unfolding. We nowknow that they are extremely potent and can provide various healthbenefits including:
Stress and anxiety relief
Lower blood pressure
Improved digestion
Allergy relief
Pain relief
Respiratory relief
Weight loss
The list goes on. There are literallyhundreds of beneficial uses that essential oils can be used fordepending on the particular type of oil. I think of essential oilsas natures pharmacy that provide the remedy that we neednaturally, as long as we know where to look.
For those unfamiliar, there are a variety ofways in which essential oils can be administered. They are mostcommonly either used directly on the skin through massage, inhaledusing a diffuser, or ingested. When being used in massage, the oilsbecause of their potency, are usually mixed with a base oil orwhats called a carrier oil before being applied to the skin. Thereare many different carrier oils such as grapeseed oil, sweet almondoil, olive oil, coconut oil and the list goes on. Please note thatvegetable shortening, butter, margarine, and petroleum jelly shouldnever be used as carrier oils. The carrier oil allows the effectsof the oil to be experienced, while providing a protection to theskin and body.
In some cases, you can apply the oilsdirectly to the skin without mixing them with a carrier oil, but Iwould recommend consulting a licensed aromatherapist or essentialoil specialist before doing so. There have been instances whereundiluted direct contact with the skin has resulted insensitization. Sensitization is basically similar to a skin allergythat results in a heavy rash or itchiness. More severe cases ofsensitization can lead to respiratory problems or even anaphylacticshock. Once you become sensitized to an oil, you will likelycontinue to be sensitive to the oil, even if you use it in adiluted form with a carrier oil in the future. Its best to stay onthe safe side.
Another way to use essential oils is toinhale the oils. There are many different methods to do this,including placing a drop or two on a cotton ball or tissue andinhaling it. This is a great method for when youre on the go. Youcan also do steam inhalation which is when you place 3-7 drops ofessential oil into boiling water. Then cover your head with a toweland inhale. This is a great method to use when trying to clear upany sinus problems, or headaches. You can also use a diffuser andplace a few drops of the essential oil in addition to water intothe diffuser, and the diffuser will create a mist of the vapormixed with the essential oil of your choice and spray it throughoutthe room. There are some really great diffusers available rangingin price from about $30 all the way up to $200+.
The third way to administer essential oils isthrough ingestion. You can ingest some oils and not others, it isbest to do your own research about any oils you are planning toingest before doing so. The oil must be processed by your liver,and as such you should take particular care not to overdo it whenit comes to ingestion. Accumulation of large quantities ofessential oils in the body can lead to liver and kidney damage.Keep in mind that in some cases, one drop of essential oil isequivalent to 75 cups of tea of that herb! If you would like toingest your oils, use them sparingly, and mix them with honeybefore adding to your water or juice. We will touch on this againin more detail. This is not to scare you, but just to make youaware that you should treat essential oils with the same care asyou do medicine.
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