MMA Champions Training: The 7 Day Bootcamp To MASTERING theMMA Fundamentals
Greg Johnson
2015 Greg Johnson
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Being Fit toFight...
Chapter 2: Fighting Stance andFootwork...
Chapter 3: StrikingTraining...
Chapter 4: Take-downs & Take-downDefense...
Chapter 5: The GroundGame...
Chapter 6: The 7-Day MMA BootCamp...
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Congratulations on yournext step with MMA ChampionsTraining .
This book contains provensteps and strategies on how to learn mixed martial art techniquesfrom your own home.
Mixed martial arts is notjust a sport but also a way of life. If you want to learn how tofight, you need to work on your body and mind every day. Mixedmartial arts may be a physical sport but it requires you to bementally fit as well. You need to develop the fighters mentality ofattacking when the opportunity presents itself and to defend orevade when needed. You should also maintain an excellent level offitness together with a well balanced diet.
Mixed martial arts requireendurance and strength. Your cardio-respiratory health must beexcellent to last 5 minutes in the fighting arena. You should alsohave strength behind your punches to do damage and you should bestrong enough to resist your opponents will. Lastly, you shouldhave a good foundation in the fighting styles that dominate thesport. This book will help you develop these characteristics as youbegin your journey in training to become a mixed martial artsfighter.
Thanks again fordownloading this book, I hope you enjoy it!
Chapter 1: Being Fit to Fight...
MMA is a very demanding sport. Even the training will burnout all your workout energy. You also need to be at your peakcondition during fights as well as in sparring sessions.
To develop a body readyfor fighting in 7 days, you need to start working out every day.This book assumes that you already do general workouts beforestarting this boot camp. We will only focus on fight-centeredworkouts.
Here are the specificfitness abilities that you need to develop and the workouts thatyou need to do to work on them:
Speed andagility
Mixed martial art fightersneed to last multiple rounds to win. If you are fighting withsomeone with the same level of skill, the determining factor willbe your fitness. You see it time and again in the Octagon and otherMMA arenas. The fighters fight to a stalemate for two straightrounds. You begin to see fatigue set in when the 3rd round starts.At the start of this round, one fighter stands from his chair withenergy while the other is breathing heavily and waits until thereferee's signal before standing up.
Whoever is more energeticwins ninety percent of the time.
You need to build yourendurance to fight in the championship level. Championship fightsin the UFC are five rounds long. Each round is 5 minuteslong. You only have 1 minute of rest in between rounds. You shouldtrain your body to move around, do damage and defend for 25 minutesif you want to even survive against a UFC champion.
Luckily for you, endurancecan be developed. Here is a 7-day training regimen if to developthis level of endurance:
Days 1,3 and 6
Jog for 15 minutes
Rest for 3 minutes beforedoing the next workout.
Do a sprint for 20 secondsstraight. Take a 10-second rest in between reps. You should do 3reps total.
Burpee with push-ups
You start in a standingposition. Bend your knees until your hands touch the floor, andthen quickly extend your legs backward to the push-up position. Dotwo slow push-ups focusing on doing the correct form. Do thereverse actions to get back to the starting position. Do 5 reps ofthis exercise.
Muay Thai Knees
Start by assuming a ThaiClinch Stance:
Imagine that you have anopponent in front of you. Take your fighting stance. Righthanded-fighters should take the orthodox fighting stance whileleft-handed fighters should take the southpaw stance. Put yourjabbing hand on the back of your imaginary opponents neck and yourother hand over it. Do not interlock your fingers.
To start the rep raise you knee to strike your hands. Imaginehitting your imaginary opponents lower jaw. Do 10 reps with eachleg. Rest for 10 seconds and do another set. Do three sets toconclude the training.
The whole routine willlast 50-60 minutes depending on your level of fitness. If you feelwinded after this workout, you need to take a step back from theboot camp training and continue building yourendurance.
Day 4: Rest Day
Day 2, 5 and 7:
Jog for 15minutes
Rest for 3 minutes beforedoing the next workout.
Do a sprint for 20 secondsstraight. Take a 10-second rest in between reps. Do 5 repstotals.
Do 16 reps of squatswithin 1 minute. Rest for 30 seconds before doing it again. You should do five sets of this workout.
Jab-Straight Combination
The Jab-Straightcombination is the most basic fist-striking move. It is a boxingmove so you need to assume a boxing stance (orthodox or southpaw).Take a deep breath then throw a jab while blowing forcefully fromyour mouth and follow it with a straight punch with another strongblow from your mouth. To time your punches, count one-two as fastas you can in your mind as you are throwing them. Do as manyjab-straight combinations as you can in 3 minutes.
You should increase thespeed of your jab-straight combination as you do more workouts. Ifyou feel that you are about to faint within or after the workout,you should stop immediately, rest and eat some crackers with water.If you feel like the workout is too hard or if you feel winded outwith these routines, you should do more endurance training beforemoving on with the boot camp.
Chapter 2: Fighting Stance and Footwork...
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