WARNING: Some of the activities in this book require adult help. Its also important that all laws and regulations are followed when carrying out the activities in this book. The author and publisher disclaim any liability in connection with the use of the inf ormation in this book. Published in 2018 by Windml Boks , an Imprint of R sen Publishng 29 East 21 Str e, New Y o rk, NY 10 Coyright 2018 Winml Boks Al rights re vd. No part of his bok may b reo duc in ay fo rm withou prmison wrting from the publisher , xcep t by a re viwer. Produc fo r Rsen b y Ruth Owe n Boks Designr: Ema R nal Phot Cr edits: Court esy of R uby T esay Boks an Shuters tok.
Catlogin--Publicaton Dat Names: Owen, Ruth. Title: I can str a busines! / R uth Owen. Descripton: New Y o rk : Winml Boks , 2018. | Seris: Kis can it! | Inclus inx. Intiers: ISBN 97 8149835 ( pk.) | ISBN 978 1498342 (li bray bun) | ISBN 9781 498376 ( pack) Subjets: LC SH: New busines nterpise --Juve nil tr aue. | Smal busines- -Mangemnt--Juv enil t rau e. | Smal busines- -Mangemnt--Juv enil t rau e.
Clasicaton: LC HD62.5 O94 2018 | DC 658. --23 Manufct red in th e United Sat es of Ame rica CPSIA Complianc Ifo rmation: Batch BS17WM: F or u ther Info rmation cta Ro sen Publishng, New Y or k, New Y or k at 1-80-237 -92
Contents Becom e an Entr epr en eur Y our Big I dea Kn ow Y our Business Ma th Spre ad the Wor d Y our Business P l an Mud Ca n Mean Mo ney ! Ca r Washing G e t Ear nin g w ith Y ar d Wor k Cust omer s T ha t W oof ! Becom e a Pa re nts H elp er A N a il Ar t Business Make Mo ney wi th Y o ur Cr ea tiv ity Swee t T re at s fo r Sale! I Ca n Start a Business! G l ossar y and W e bsites Index
If the answer is ye , mayb now is the time o bcme an entrpenu an star your wn busines! Busines is al but pro ducing a product or p ving a servic an ernig moey in re tun. BECOME AN ENTREPRENEUR Would you l i ke to hav e mor e money to s pen d on boo ks , music , gam es, or ne w cl othes? Ar e you sav in g f or a big pur chase su ch as a ne w bi ke or T V? What Is Business? The re s alwa ys p le nty of yar d wo rk to be do ne Wh y no t get pai d to do it? Runnin g a business w ill hel p you discov er what you li ke do ing a nd wha t your e g o od a t Y oull lear n ne w thin g s, g a in c onden c e, and hav e f un. Y ou w ont just ear n m one y, youll learn ho w to manag e mo ney , too Becom ing a y oung en tre pre neur might ev en g i v e you ideas f or your f utur e a fter s ch o ol
SELLERS AND BUYERS SELLERS AND BUYERS Y ou might n ot r eal i z e it, but you alr eady take p art in business as a custom er Let s ay ou by a prticular brand o f cany . Why ou chos e tha brn? Mayb it s bcause you lik e th aste bt er than other ba ns. The cmpany tha mk es the cany proably spnt a lo t f ime exprimentg with ernt avors t ge the aste just r ight.
Mayb the TV cmer cial peld t o yu bcause it show pole yo ur age njoyig the cany d having a o time. Th cmp any wanted som en lik you t buy their poduct, so they prom ted i n a wy th atr cted you. Mayb the cany is cheapr than other b ans. When a cmpany hs lot f comption, t may give ts product a pric tha s lower than other ban s to atr ct ustomers . You ve xprienc busines as cust omer.
Mayb our bsines ia help s to aisfy a ne or slve a prolem.
Mayb our bsines ia help s to aisfy a ne or slve a prolem.
F or ex ample: Prolem: You r ant es not hav e baysiter fo y u lite cusin uring the scol hoiays. She wo rks fo m home an eds help taking care o f her bistero us lite by . Yo ur bsines ida: Oer yo u servics as baysit er so y ur ant ca quietly get on with some wrk. Onc you hav e n ia, it s ime o some market search . Grow in g sunow er s to sell in pots. YOUR BIG IDEA T he r st ste p in star tin g a business i s to hav e an idea.
Yo ur idea might be co nnected to your h ob by or fav orite pastime Business idea IDEAS Wh a t a re your ho bbi es and p assions ? Do yo u en joy being ar ound lit tl e k ids ? Wh a t a re you go od at? Do yo u like be ing outd oors ? I lo ve an imals! Craf tin g Cooking Sports
Is ther e a need f or your p rodu ct or serv i c e? W h o i s your target customer ? Ar e ther e other businesses in your ar ea off e ring the same servi ce or pr oduct? How mu ch d o the y char ge? How go od is th e com pet itio n, and what coul d you do dif fe re ntl y? Designing and maki ng clo thes and cost umes f or dogs Business idea Mayb our bsines ia s car wshing. How can you bat he cmp tion? Busines oprtuniy: Every Satury , our neighbr tak es hi car to the car wsh. Te pric t o wash t e car in the automic sy tem is $10 .0 Yo ur bsines ida: Yo u er to wash the car in your neighbr s ivew ay for $5.0 Y o ur sevic s cheapr , a n your neighbr oesn t evn have t o leav his house. Y o ur e in busines! Washing cars Business idea MARKET RESEARCH
Onc you hav e n ia f or y u busines, it s ime o think abut star-u cs t . For e xampl e, if your e staring a bking busines, you ne to buy eipment? To pay the sart- up cst, yo ul ne money kown as caitl . Y ou might have s ings or bithay money t o use.
Prhaps r eltiv e wl en you the mony. KNOW YOUR BUSINESS MATH Ev er w onder ed h ow youll use ma th in the r eal w or ld? W hen you star t a business, youll b e doing mat h all the time A pe rso n might invest in your business to make so me mo ney For exa mp le , the investor lends you $5000 In r et urn , you ag re e to pay back the $5000 p lu s interest of $2 50 Y o u get the ca pi tal you need, and in r et urn fo r taki ng a ris k and hel pin g you ge t star ted, the inve stor earn s mo ney
EXAMPLE A Make a batch of 20 cupcakes Ingredients $ 7.50 New mixing bowl $ .00 To tal expenses $ 12.50 Sell 20 cupcakes at 50 each Total sales $ 10.00 Your expenses were greater than your sales, so youve made a loss of $ .50. PROFIT AND LOSS In or der f or a business to b e succ essf ul , it must mak e mo ney A rot is the ir enc betw en your sale (money take n from custo mers) an y our exp nse (money o u spn to era t your bsines) . If expnse ar higer tan y our sale, y oul ma ke los . EXAMPLE B Make a batch of 20 cupcakes Ingredients $ 7.50 New mixing bowl $ .00 12.50 Total expenses $ Sell 20 cupcakes at $ 1 each 20.00 Total sales $ You have made a prot o f $ 7.50. Y ou can use the p rots to build your business.