by Jennifer Boothroyd
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Boothroyd, Jennifer, 1972
Insect pollinators / by Jennifer Boothroyd.
pages cm. (First step nonfiction. Pollination)
Includes index.
ISBN 9781467757386 (lib. bdg. : alk. paper)
ISBN 9781467762250 (eBook)
1. Insect pollinatorsJuvenile literature. 2. PollinationJuvenile literature. I. Title. II. Series:
First step nonfiction. Pollination.
QK926.B66 2015
576.875dc23 2014015506
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1 CG 12/31/14
Table of Contents
This bee is busy. It is
gathering food.
Pollen is powder
inside a flower.
The bee is also helping the
plant. The bee is moving
Pollination is when pollen
moves between parts of
How Do Insects Pollinate?
All insects pollinate plants
in similar ways.
Pollen often sticks to an
insects back, legs, or head.
First, an insect crawls on a
flower. Pollen sticks to the
The pollen rubs off the insect
onto the milkweed flower.
Next, the insect moves to a
different flower. The pollen
falls onto the flower.
Milkweed seeds
blow in the wind.
Then the flower uses the
pollen to make seeds.
Kinds of Insect Pollinators
Many different kinds of
insects pollinate plants.
There is a lot of pollen
on this beetle.
Beetles pollinate.
Lacewings pollinate.
Butterflies pollinate.
Butterflies have bristles on
their legs that carry pollen.
Moths pollinate.
This hawk moth is
feeding on a flower.
Some moths pollinate
flowers that bloom at night.
Wasps pollinate.
Flies pollinate.
Protecting Pollinators
Some pollinators are in
trouble. They are dying out.
Apple, pear, and peach
trees need bees.
Much of the food we
eat comes from plants
pollinated by bees.
These children have a
bee- friendly garden.
It is important to protect