Fatass No More!
How I Ate Cheeseburgers and Fries and Still Lost Weight
Updated Edition
Also by Kim Rinehart:
The Big Clean: How to Clean and Organize Your Home and Free Your Mind (Revised and Updated)
Really Pregnant! Confessions of a New Mom-To-Be or Why I Couldnt Stop Eating Brownies
Fatass No More!
How I Ate Cheeseburgers and Fries and Still Lost Weight
Updated Edition
Kim Rinehart
Artrum Media
Fatass No More! How I Ate Cheeseburgers and Fries and Still Lost Weight (Updated Edition). Copyright 2011 by Kim Rinehart.
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission from the publisher except in case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and articles. For information go to www.artrummedia.com.
Published by Artrum Media.
eBook ISBN13: 978-0-9837050-9-3
eBook ISBN10: 0-9837050-9-7
Disclaimer: This book is not intended to replace medical advice or be a substitute for a psychologist. Always seek the advice of a doctor before beginning this or any weight loss program. The author and the publisher expressly disclaim responsibility for any adverse affects of this book. Neither author nor publisher is liable for information contained herein.
For the dieters.
Hello, Again
Since I first published this book way back when, my life has changed in many ways, the main one being that I had a baby. With that in mind, and with the challenges of losing the baby weight, I decided to reissue this book and add a short chapter about how I lost the baby weight. However, the gist of the book is the same. Basically, its about how I got tired of going on countless diets and never losing any weight. In fact, sometimes Id gain weight. Oh, the horror of trying your best and failing to succeed!
Is there anything more frustrating?
So, after a few years of this, I decided that Id just lose the weight Id gained by using good old common sense and my body as a gauge to tell me when I was full and when it was time to stop eating. And it worked! While the weight loss was not instantaneous, it worked over time which helped me to keep the weight off and not backslide.
Mostly, this book is about my weight loss with some helpful tips thrown in to help illustrate how I did it. Please keep in mind that this is what worked for me and I am not telling anyone what to eat or what to do. It is up to the individual person to find what will work for them.
In the end, I think, losing weight is about being conscious of what youre eating and how much youre eating. I found out for myself that there were no tricks to it and it was simply being aware of how much food I was actually consuming.
If you are on a weight loss journey, I wish you luck. But, as I found, luck didnt have much to do with me losing weight. It was all about knowing that I had put myself into this predicament and only I could get myself out.
So, with that, here is my weight loss story. I hope you find it helpful and inspiring. And I have found thats what most weight loss books dothey inspire you to lose weight, though some of them are so complex it would take a rocket scientist to figure them out. Having said that, let me say this: Losing weight isnt rocket science and it shouldnt be overly difficult. Hopefully, I have managed to write a story that is both inspiring and uncomplicated.
Diets Suck
Lets face the factsdiets suck. They force us to change our natural eating patterns and thats why they suck. And theyre always too good to be true, arent they? They claim you can lose an extraordinary amount of weight in no time flat. They claim this and they claim that and most of them never keep their promises.
This is not a diet.
What if I told you there is an easy way to lose weight and it doesnt cost one red cent? What if I told you that you can do it on your own and that you that you can eat pretty much what you want, including cheeseburgers and French fries while youre doing it? What if I told you that you can do it without starving yourself and that all you have to do is a little rearranging of your eating habits? What if I told you that you will never have to go on another diet in your life and still be able to maintain your weight?
I know what youre thinking. Shes going to tell me how to lose weight by eating cheeseburgers and fries? Ive heard it all now! Why did I even pick this book up? This is crazy!
No, it isnt. But diets are.
And they dont work. They never have and they never, ever will. It usually goes a little something like this: You diet, you lose a little weight, you stop dieting, you gain back more weight. Its an endless cycle of counting calories and watching everything you put into your mouth and it just makes your head hurt, doesnt it? God only knows what youve done and how much money youve spent doing it. I know I did a lot and there was only one thing that ever worked for me. I stopped dieting.
Yup. You heard me.
I just stopped dieting. I hated it anyway and it never did me any good. Why torture myself? And thats all youre doing, too. Youre looking for a secret, magical way to shed those pounds and, folks, there isnt any. There is no magic pill or any big secret to losing weight. There is, however, a huge industry that will tell you otherwise, but thats a different topic for a different day.
So, what can you do if you just cant seem to shed those pounds? What can you do if youve tried everything and everything didnt work? Heres an idea: Dont go on a diet!
Radical? Hardly. Diets fail because they wreak havoc on your body by forcing it into the survival zone. They also fail because diets are an unnatural way to eat.
No big secret: You have to eat. Big secret: You cant eat everything you want. Bigger secret: You can eat what you want most of the time. Biggest secret: You can only do it about once a day.
Dont get confused just yet. Let me break it down for you, starting with the love of my two favorite food items.
To me, there is nothing like a cheeseburger and fries. And I mean nothing. Which would I prefer? A fancy meal in a fancy restaurant or a cheeseburger and fries? You got it. Cheeseburgers and fries are my cake and I like to eat thema lot. Just the thought of a delicious burger topped with cheese and hot, steaming French fries are enough to make my mouth water. Add a glass of soda, and Im good to go.
I dont only just eat cheeseburgers and fries, of course. I also eat pizza, salads, fresh fruits and vegetables, ribs, you name it. I eat what I want and when I want. Mostly.
Sounds crazy, doesnt it? Eating what you want and not gaining weight. How could that be?
Heres the secret: I eat what I want but not every day and certainly not for every meal. Also, I usually only eat these foods for lunch, earlier in the day. Thats the trick, thats whats helped me lose weight and thats what kept me from gaining it back. Thats what kept me from going crazy and feeling deprived. Im going to get into more detail a little later on, but right now, let me explain how I got here.
It was this love of cheeseburgers and fries that caused me to gain an awful amount of weight. And I gained it because I overindulged and also because I was on a very hectic and stressful schedule. In addition to that, just like many other Americans, I thought it was my right to consume more food than I needed. Way more food. I didnt stop when I was no longer hungry. I didnt stop when I was full. I didnt stop until I thought I was about to burst. And the kicker is, a few hours after I had eaten, I would snack on a candy bar and a soda. The more I ate, the more I wanted to eat.
I overindulged and I paid the price. My weight rose until I was about one-hundred and sixty-five pounds, forty-five pounds heavier than Id been as a teenager. On a five-foot-three inch frame that spells disaster.
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