Why Catastrophic Earthquakes Will Soon Strike the United States
Why Catastrophic Earthquakes Will
Soon Strike the United States
Copyright 2016 John L. Casey.
Cover photo by: NOAA/NGDC, J. Dewey, U.S. Geological Survey.
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Library of Congress Control Number: 2016919743
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This book is dedicated to the team of geologists and researchers who asked me to form the International Earthquake and Volcano Prediction Center (IEVPC). They are among the most courageous people I know, and they are dedicated to saving lives by challenging the barriers of the scientific establishment through innovative earthquake and volcano prediction research.
They are
Dr. Dong Choi, Dr. Fumio Tsunoda, Dr. Ole Humlum, Dr. Masashi Hayakawa, Dr. Zanghao Shou
Dr. Giovanni Gregori, Dr. Arun Bapat, Dr. Natarajan Venkatanathan,
Dr. Valentino Straser, Dr. Lev Maslov, Bruce Leybourne
Since 2008, I have had the opportunity to follow the quest of one man, John Casey, and his singular, yet intensely dedicated efforts against overwhelming odds to tell both the American people and the rest of the world to get ready for a potentially dangerous new cold climate. Recently, he has added to the body of not just climatology but also of geology with research that connects what is happening on the Sun, with catastrophic earthquakes and volcanoes here on Earth.
It has been my distinct pleasure to be a firsthand witness and chronicler to the enduring struggle of John and the scientists around the world who have supported him to get the real story published about what is happening with the climate. He has been under assault from the U.S. government, environmental extremists, a hostile and often slanderous mainstream media intent on making sure no one hears his important message. He has further been assailed by a corrupt climate science establishment that has become enslaved to the almighty dollar and the fame of being politically correct.
The efforts to stifle John, his research, and his Space and Science Research Corporation (SSRC), were, in the end, for naught. The thoroughness and idealistic pursuit of truth in climate change research led him inexorably to the development of the relational cycle theory (RC theory) of climate change, and later to write his first climate book, Cold Sun . The book was later acquired by Humanix Books, a subsidiary of Newsmax Media, Inc., who restructured and updated that book and published it as Dark Winter in 2014. By midsummer 2015, it was the number one bestselling climate book in the United States in an online bookstore. I am delighted to say this book was not about global warming; rather, global cooling!
The RC theory, according to my own online review, is without question the best climate change theory today, far surpassing the utterly failed greenhouse gas theory. How do I know this? The answer is simple. Since he began to make public highly controversial predictions on our climate in spring of 2007, I can confirm that he has never erred! His long list of important climate variation predictions have been spot on, and I have documented them with my online postings over the years for all to read. No other climate researcher has such a public track record of accurately predicting the Earths climate. No one!
This includes all the so-called best scientists at NASA, NOAA, the EPA, and of course at the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (UNIPCC).Though he was deserted by so-called friends after he predicted the end of global warming back in 20072008, he now has perhaps tens of thousands of loyal supporters and followers and a host of lasting friends and supportive distinguished scientists around the world.
Bottom line, through it all since 2007, he and his relational cycle theory of climate change have weathered the storm and come out on top.
John has also drawn the support from many honest scientists around the world who have come to his aid and joined with him in the past nine years. Their support to John attests to the purity of his research and his obvious ability to understand complex engineering or scientific problems.
As Italian theoretical physicist Dr. Giovanni Gregori has said, John Casey approaches problems like a true scientist, who follows Leonardo Da Vinci, and he also knows how to explain concepts in a form that anyone can understand.
A highly respected Japanese professor emeritus of geology, Dr. Fumio Tsunoda, a coauthor of this book, has given one of the most glowing opinions of Johns climate understanding in his book Dark Winter with the following: The air has filled with lectures and rumors that our Earth is getting warmer. The author of Dark Winter , John Casey, has found evidence to the contrary. His work is quite a revelation that marks a step toward a new scientific civilization. This book adds a brilliant page to the history of science.
And from an Indian physicist, Dr. Natarjan Venkatanathan, who said, Dark Winter is simply a great work! It throws new light into the climate patterns of the Earth. Johns concepts will help people better understand nature and the full story of what is behind our climate changes.
Scientific endorsements just dont get any better than that.
The SSRC closed in August 2015 after completing its years-long mission of alerting the American people, the media, the science establishment, and the U.S. government of the need to prepare for the potentially dangerous new cold climate. No one is more referenced on the web with regard to the coming cold climate than John Casey. Under his new one-man consulting company, Veritence Corporation, he is expanding his technical analysis and commentary into other areas of sciencethe space program for example.
Still, the impending calamities of this cold epoch have caused him to intensify his work with a new focus on the study of the imminent threat we are all under from predicted catastrophic earthquakes.
That new area of geological concentration actually began some years ago. His track record of success in climate science research led to him being asked by a group of international geologists in 2011 to form a new company. In February 2012, the International Earthquake and Volcano Prediction Center (IEVPC) was founded with the mission of saving lives by improving the worlds ability in predicting major earthquakes of magnitude 6.0 or larger, yet with the added qualifier of doing so up to months in advance of the actual occurrence of the quakes. Dr. Dong Choi, in Canberra, Australia, became its director of research and is coauthor of this historic book.
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