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Unknown - Masturbating Little Girls

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Unknown Masturbating Little Girls
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Masturbating Little Girls

Chapter 1

Jody was fresh, blond and thirteen. She was tall for her age, willowy, and had a real zest for living. She loved learning anything new. And her latest thing that she was "into" as she put it, was playing with herself.

"Oh, hello, Manny," she said, recognizing the voice on the phone. "How are you feeling?" She propped her feet on the radiator that was thumping with the sound of circulating water. "What did you say? This damn radiator is making a hell of a lot of noise. Oh, you're staring out of the window and you wish I was there? Yeah, I know, it's lousy isn't it, this snowstorm and all, and we have to study."

"What am I doing? I'm playing with myself, of course." Jody always had her hand on her crotch when she was on the phone.

She had her hand on her crotch because she was always horny. It was automatic. She would dial a phone number and plop! There would go her hand between her legs.

The phone would ring, she would answer, and plop! There would go her fingers to her pussy, rubbing over the denim of her jeans, or tucking up under the skirt of her plaid school uniform.

They would twist under the elastic of her panties and dig between her pussy lips and find that lovely secret she had only recently discovered her clit that felt so good when rubbed.

"Tell me what you're doing," Jody heard Manny say.

"Okay. I'll give you a play by play description. If I can. I get very aroused, you know." She had her jeans on so she quickly zipped the fly down and reached under the elastic waist of her little panties.

"Mmmmm, Manny, it feels so good. Oh, how I wish you were here to see.

I'm rubbing my pussy now. What does it look like? Well, you've seen it, you know how it looks. Yeah, I know you still want to hear it.

"Well, it's all blond and soft and downy. Sparse. So you can still see my pink pussy underneath. And now my finger is going all wildly over it, digging in between the pussy lips, just like you did it to me.

"Mmmmmmm, oh, Manny, can't you come over? Oh, it feels so good. Mmmmmmm.

And now I'm rubbing real hard, flitting my finger all over it, making it all swollen and sensitive.

"And now I'm yanking my jeans down to half-mast and my panties too.

Yeah, I'm all bare now from the waist down to the knees. Oh, Manny, it feels so good. Oh, I wish you were here to eat me."

"Yeah, now I've put a finger up my pussy. Mmmmm, it's so gooey and wet inside. Oh, it's wonderful. Yeah, it's great. Terrific. Mmmmm, I'm digging two fingers up my cunt hole now."

"I'm thrusting a finger in and out of my hole now. My legs are spread real far apart. I'm straddling the stool. My thighs are so far apart.

And now I'm feeling my thighs. They feel so good and soft.

"Why don't you come over and rub them for me, honey, Manny, could you?

Oh, if you were here to watch me, I'd really get off. Oh, it would be so great.

"Honey, Manny, what are you doing? You got your hot cock out of your fly? Of course! I don't have to ask, do I? Yeah, while I'm, mmmmmmm, getting it off on this end of the wire, while I'm digging my fingers up my, ohhhhhhh, cunty, tell me how you're beating your meat, hon, please?"

"Yeah, Jody, well, uh, it's hard to describe," Jody heard him say. She heard him pant on the other end of the wire. It was like a dirty telephone call, except that she knew the heavy breather. It happened to be her fourteen-year-old boyfriend.

"Well, try to describe it, huh?" She was busy trying to squirm down on the stool and reach a finger way down between her ass cheeks, and wriggling it up her rosebud of an asshole. "Mmmmmmm," she moaned.

"Whatd'ja do, huh? Whatd'ja do?" he said, breathing hard and heavy on the other end.

"I'm stickin' it up my asshole, honey, and oh, it feels so good, oh, it makes me feel like I'm gonna come right away," she moaned, grappling with her asshole, her pussy hole, and her cunt slit and clit all at the same time. "Honey, hold on, I need another hand," she said, laying down the receiver.

Manny heard the receiver clunk down and the sound of her moanings and groanings. "Ahhhhhhhhh, Oooooohhhhhh, eeehhhhhh, ehhhhh, oh, oh, oh, Jody, honey, do it some more."

She liked to talk to herself, like she was talking to a lover, while she masturbated. In a sense, she was her own lover.

She thrust her two fingers up her pussy hole and dug in and out of it wildly. In and out and in and out, her fingers went, doing a dance of their own. They rotated expertly around and around her little, tight cunt walls.

"Ahhhhh," she groaned, finger-fucking her asshole at the same time. When she masturbated, she was a magician. She was practicing sleight-of-hand, and sleight-of-finger.

Her hands and fingers were everywhere at once, digging into all her sexual holes, reaching up to pinch and knead her nipples, digging into her mouth to be sucked on and thereby arousing her lips and tongue.

"Ahhhhhhh," she moaned. She slid off the stool and sat on the bare floor, placing her cunt right near where the receiver hung down and touched the floor.

She dipped into her pussy-hole and made wet, sucking sounds, slurping sounds, with her fingers in her honeyed hole. "Can you hear it?" she yelled real loud to Manny.

"Yeah, yeah," she heard him yell back. "Go on." He must be yelling real loudly for her to hear. Probably the floor monitor in his dormitory would come running soon. Ned, the monitor, was a bespectacled bookworm and a real fairy if he was anything, still a virgin at fourteen. It disgusted her. Jody and everyone she knew, girls and boys, had already had reams of sexual experience, had done every conceivable act and then some, the degree and variety of which would put any adult to shame.

And she loved it. Jody loved sex. She was so glad to be a teenager at last. She was always curious about sex, ever since she could remember.

And now she had the equipment to do something about it.

Even when she was three, four and five, she remembered seeing her brother run around home naked. She loved watching his little tiny penis wiggle around as he ran. She loved watching her mother give him a bath, and soap and towel him there between the legs.

When the children had gone to bed, they snuck into each other's rooms and played with each other in bed, under the covers.

Jody was surprised to find out that a lot of middle class children were pretty hung-up about that. They'd never explored each other.

But her father was an artist and her mother was a writer and they had no hang-ups about such things. They exulted in life, and although they had standards for behavior in public, they thought a healthy knowledge and exploration of each other's bodies, as children, was a good thing. It made sex easier when you grew up. Her parents never said much about it.

They were just easy-going and never said anything against it, never judged them, even when they would look in on them at midnight when they went to bed and found them naked and snuggled in each other's arms.

Her mother would carry her off to bed, slip her into her nighty, and that was that. No big deal.

And now Jody was grateful. No playing doctor and nurse anymore, that was for sure. Just good healthy honest sex and masturbation.

"Jody, what are you doing now," shrieked Manny over the receiver. His groans came hot and heavy over the wire.

"I'm masturbatin' with the receiver," she crooned, digging it into her groin. She wished it were smaller so she could get it right up inside her. "Ohhhhhh, it's so great. It's like a black cock inside me. An electronic cock. Oh, I hope I don't get a shock," she squealed, lying back on the cold floor with the receiver cradled between her slim, soft thighs, and laughing. "Can you hear my cunt talk?" she laughed.

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