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Eric Christiansen - The Northern Crusades: Second Edition

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Eric Christiansen The Northern Crusades: Second Edition
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The Northern Crusades, inspired by the Popes call for a Holy War, are less celebrated than those in the Middle East, but they were also more successful: vast new territories became and remain Christian, such as Finland, Estonia and Prussia. Newly revised in the light of the recent developments in Baltic and Northern medieval research, this authoritative overview provides a balanced and compelling account of a tumultuous era.

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Eric Christiansen, a Fellow of New College, Oxford, is the author of The Origins of Military Power in Spain and works mainly on Northern history in the Middle Ages. Danish by descent and English by education, he has spent some time in and around the Baltic Sea, and has lectured in London, Copenhagen and Florida. He has translated the histories of Saxo Grammaticus and Dudo of St Quentin.

Acclaim for The Northern Crusades:

This interesting, well-written book fills a major gap in historians
literature dealing with the late Middle Ages in northern Europe & a
worthy introduction to a complex area of history James Brundage in
the Journal of Ecclesiastical History

The authors many insights give the book an importance far
beyond the circle for which it was intended For Mr Christiansen
history remains an art as well as a science Peter King in
the Slavonic Review

His scholarship is wide, honest and exact Grounded in rigorous
historical observation, not ideological fervour, military Christianity is
explained with a brilliance which leaves the reader at once dazzled
and sickened Valuable, learned and attractively written
F. R. H. du Boulay

The Northern Crusades

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First published by Macmillan
Published in Penguin Books 1997

Copyright Eric Christiansen, 1980, 1997
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The author owes more than he can repay to almost everyone else who has written on the subjects of crusades and the North, but in particular to Christopher Tyerman, Peter King, and Peter and Birgit Sawyer; and to the late John Fennell, the late Karol Gorski, and the late Karl Leyser.

960S990SChristian churches established among West Slavs, Danes, Poles, Russians.
997Martyrdom of St Adalbert of Prague in Prussia.
1000Polish archbishopric founded at Gniezno.
1050sBuilding of cathedrals of Holy Wisdom at Novgorod and at Polotsk.
1066Ousting of German missions and rule from West Slavs.
1070sAdam of Bremen writes his History of the Archbishops .
1086Martyrdom of King Canute IV in Denmark.
10969First Crusade to Jerusalem.
1103Pilgrimage of King Eric of Denmark to the East.
1103/4Establishment of Lund as metropolitan of the North.
1108?Appeal for war on Slavs in Magdeburg diocese.
1116Russian outpost among Estonians at Odenph.
1118Hospital of St Mary for Germans founded at Jerusalem.
1124 and 1127Missions of Bishop Otto of Bamberg to the Pomeranians; bishopric at Wollin.
112936Bernard of Clairvaux composes Rule for the Templars.
1135Danes raid Rgen; Saxons build stone fort at Segeburg.
113943Saxon conquest of Wagria and Polabia.
11434Cistercians enter Sweden and Denmark.
1147First Northern crusade, against the Baltic Slavs.
1164Revolt and subjugation of the Abotrites by the Saxons and Danes.
11689Conquest of Rgen by Valdemar I of Denmark.
1171Alexander III authorizes crusade against the east-Baltic heathen.
1181Fall of Duke Henry of Saxony.
1185Pomeranian Slavs submit to Canute VI of Denmark.
1188Estonians raid Uppsala. First mission to the Livs.
1198Innocent III authorizes the Livonian crusade; Bishop Berthold slain.
1200Bishop Albert establishes the see of Riga and Order of Sword-Brothers.
12001209Conquest of the Livs and Letts by Bishop Albert and crusaders.
1215Innocent III consecrates Christian bishop of the Prussians.
1217Honorius III authorizes crusade against the Prussians.
1219Valdemar II founds Reval and begins conquest of northern Estonia.
1225William of Sabinas first legation to the east-Baltic churches.
1226Frederick IIs Bull of Rimini grants Prussia to the Teutonic Order.
1230Gregory IX authorizes the Teutonic Order to conquer the Prussians.
123140Teutonic Knights and crusaders conquer the western Prussians.
1236Sword-Brothers annihilated by the Lithuanians at Siaulai (Saule).
1240First crusade against the Russians; Swedes beaten on the Neva, Pskov taken.
1242Teutonic Knights defeated at Lake Chud. Prussians revolt.
1249Treaty of Christburg. Conquest of middle Finland by the Swedes under Birger Jarl.
12546Conquest of Samland.
126083Revolt and final subjugation of the southern Letts, the Curonians and Prussians.
1290Conquest of Semigallia by Teutonic Knights of Livonia.
1292Swedes establish outpost of Viborg (Viipuru) in Karelia.
1297Civil war in Livonia.
1300Swedes build fort of Landskrona on the Neva.
1304Crusaders from Rhineland assist the Teutonic Knights against Lithuania.
1308Teutonic Knights occupy Danzig.
1309Headquarters of the Teutonic Order moved from Venice to Marienburg.
1318Novgorodians raid Finland and burn bo cathedral.
1323Treaty of Nteborg ends Swedish-Novgorodian war. Peace of Vilnius between the Teutonic Order and Gediminas of Lithuania.
1329King John of Bohemias crusade; Prussia at war with the Poles and Lithuanians.
1332Prussia makes peace with Poland.
1337Emperor Lewis IV authorizes the grand-master to conquer Eastern Europe.
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