AB Exercises
Ab Exercises For Core Strength & A Flat Stomach
(With over 15 of the most effective, time tested ab exercises!)
Bowe Packer
Publishers Notes
The information in this book is no way intended to replace the knowledge or consultation of your personal health provider. Before you start any diet or exercise program you should consult your physician.
The author and publisher specifically disclaim all responsibility for any liability, loss or risk, personal or otherwise, which is incurred as a consequence, directly or indirectly, from the use or application of any contents of this book.
Any and all product names referenced within this book are the trademarks of their respective owners. None of these owners have sponsored, authorized, endorsed, or approved this book.
Always read all information provided by the manufacturers product labels before using their products. The author and publisher are not responsible for claims made by manufacturers.
Kindle Edition 2014
Manufactured in the United States of America
I dedicate this book to all those people out there who remind us of the things we have forgotten about ourselves.
And this holds especially true of my beautiful and amazing wife, Alma. She is the one woman who has the most amazing talent to let me grow and love the things about myself that I have not fully accepted.
I cherish the love she has for me when I may not know how to love myself.
May we all have this kind of beautiful soul in our life.
Sent from LOVE,
Sunshine In My Soul
So youre thinking about trying to get in shape. You know you want to have a better physique but you also know its going to take a lot of hard work in order to get there. So what do you do? Youve probably weighed out this choice for a while and youve second guessed this decision a few times. But in the end you decided to go for it. You decided to jump in with both feet and really get moving on a diet and exercise plan thats going to get you amazing abs faster than you would have ever thought possible.
If youre thinking yea right you cant help me. Nothing has helped me yet and this wont either then youre definitely wrong. Youll be amazed just how fast you can get great abs if youre willing to do everything that Im about to tell you through the course of the next six chapters. Dont worry, theyre not very long. Youll be able to read them in just a few days to a couple of weeks (depending on how dedicated you are to the reading material) and get started immediately after that. Now thats some fast results.
Heres The Real Question
Are you ready to get started? Have you thought it through and decided that its now or never? Its time to get those rock hard abs or die trying? Well if thats you then thats exactly what well do. Well start getting into the material thats going to give you those great abs real soon. First, lets give you a brief overview of what you can expect from this book. What are we going to teach you?
Well were going to help you prepare for success. You need to be ready for the success youre going to achieve and you definitely need to be ready to make it happen. If youre not prepared then you simply cant succeed, thats the unfortunate truth. So think about what you want to achieve and prepare yourself mentally to reach that goal.
Chapter 1- I Cant Find My Abs!
As a former overweight individual and a pretty funny guy (if I do say so myself) I used to tell people that I had six pack abs. Of course they would look at me with this expression that somewhat bordered on confusion or pity perhaps. They didnt know if they should laugh or if I was trying to be serious. Then I would get to the punch line and say something about them being under the bags of potato chips. They would laugh and probably feel a little relieved that I wasnt hopelessly disillusioned about my situation. I knew how overweight I was and I knew I didnt have a six pack, but at that point I acted like I didnt care.
If you dont have a six pack right now or even if you cant see your abs at all right now, youre going to be fine. What you need is to be committed to getting those abs as quickly as you can. If youre willing to work for it then I can help you get there no matter where youre starting out. Youll be able to get that six pack or the washboard look youre going for.
Now your abs are also called your core by most fitness people which means if you start a different fitness program or start talking to a sports expert youll hear them refer to your core frequently. Actually just about everyone is talking about the core now because weve all finally figured out how important it really is. Keeping your core healthy is a great way to ward of diseases actually and to get yourself in better shape than ever before. One of those diseases youll be helping to ward off is a heart attack. Did you know your waist size has a lot to do with your risk for heart attacks? Well you should.
For a man your waist should be no more than 40 inches. A womans waist should be no more than 35 inches. If youre bigger than this now it just means you need to work on it. And thats why you purchased this book. So youre already on your way to getting healthier. Youre going to be able to do more with those new abs of your than you might have ever thought possible.
Chapter 2- What Are They?
Your abs are actually a group of muscles in your lower stomach. Some say these muscles are only one group while others say there are upper and lower abs. What really matters to you is probably just where they are and how youre going to get them toned up enough to develop six-pack abs right? Well thats fine. You dont have to care about what the groupings are of your muscles, but you should know how to work them properly and that means understanding a little bit more about them. This will also keep you from hurting yourself with your exercise as well.
Rectus Abdominis
There are four different major groups of muscles in your body. For the most part, (at this stage anyway) youre not too concerned about the other three, youre only concerned with your abs. So well talk about the abdominal muscles, rectus abdominis if youre feeling partial to the Latin, first.
Your abs are definitely very well-known and theyre a part of the body that most people seek to tone up first. The abs are long and flat and extend from the pubis to the seventh set of your ribs. What gives them the six-pack look that everyone knows about are the linea alba that cut through each section and form ridges. When you cut down the weight over the abs you reveal this line.
What Are They Good For?
Your abs actually help you with a lot of different things. They are your stabilizer for one, keeping you upright and also keeping you flexible. The rectus abdominis actually helps your pelvis and ribs and your ability to bend from one side to the other. Without it, you wouldnt be able to move your arms or legs without falling either, because it keeps your body still during these processes.
What you should know however is that there is more to your abs than just the are you think about. There is another area known by medical professionals as the external oblique muscles. Remember how we said the rectus abdominis is actually flat and thin? Well the external obliques are on the outside of the abs and form a V shape from your ribs to your pelvis.
Down a little further (around the fifth to twelfth ribs) is an area that is known as thiliac crest which includes the inguinal ligament and the linea alba. This is a type of border which forms at the pelvis. Its actually right at your waist and forms a ridge alongside and down to the pelvis. Its a type of tissue running all the way from your hips down to your groin, the pubic bone to be specific. These muscles help you to move and flex your spine; they also allow you to bend and to rotate your torso.
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