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Marc Bubbs - Peak The New Science of Athletic Performance That is Revolutionizing Sports

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Marc Bubbs Peak The New Science of Athletic Performance That is Revolutionizing Sports
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An integrated and personalized approach to health, nutrition, training, recovery, and mindsetThere is a new revolution happening in sports as more and more athletes are basing their success on this game-changing combination: health, nutrition, training, recovery, and mindset. Unfortunately, the evidence-based techniques that the expert PhDs, academic institutions, and professional performance staffs follow can be in stark contrast to what many athletes actually practice. When combined with the noise of social media, old-school traditions, and bro-science, it can be difficult to separate fact from fiction.Peak is a groundbreaking book exploring the fundamentals of high performance (not the fads), the importance of consistency (not extreme effort), and the value of patience (not rapid transformation). Dr. Marc Bubbs makes deep science easy to understand, and with information from leading experts who are influencing the top performers in sports on how to achieve world-class success, he lays out the record-breaking feats of athleticism and strategies that are rooted in this personalized approach.Dr. Bubbss performance protocol is for the elite athlete, active individual, strength coach, nutritionist, or practitioner who wants to expand their potential by: Connecting the importance of sleep, digestion, the athlete microbiome, and blood glucose control metrics Creating personalized deep nutrition strategies for building muscle, burning fat, or making weight for competition Rethinking nutrition specifically for team sports Learning how elite endurance athletes fuel, including training techniques to boost performance Applying the new science of recovery that enhances performance Emphasizing the tremendous role of emotional intelligence and mindset in overcoming roadblocks and achieving athletic success (the next frontier in performance) Analyzing the qualities of elite leaders and how to develop them authenticallyDr. Bubbs expertly brings together the worlds of health, nutrition, and exercise and synthesizes the salient science into actionable guidance. Regardless if youre trying to improve your physique, propel your endurance, or improve your teams record, looking at performance through this lens is absolutely critical for lasting success.

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PRAISE FOR PEAK Peak is one of the most impressive and detailed books on - photo 1


Peak is one of the most impressive and detailed books on applied sports science ever publisheda must-have for any practitioner in performance.

Dr. Fergus Connolly, PhD, performance expert; author of Game Changer and 59 Lessons

Peak is an essential read for anyone looking to reach their full potential! Dr. Bubbs has synthesized the research and practices that you can use to amplify your health and performance as an athlete.

Dr. Greg Wells, PhD, human performance expert; exercise medicine researcher; best-selling author of The Focus Effect

You have two options: You can either not read this book and miss invaluable tips on how to become a more efficient and effective athlete and human being (or coach others do the same), or you can read Peak as soon as possible and be that much closer to your quest for total world domination. To anyone who wants to enhance their performance, read this book and thank me later!

Jimmy Conrad, World Cup veteran and former captain of the US Mens National Soccer Team

A must-read for athletes and everyone alike. Peak is an immeasurable tool for becoming the best you can be!

Kelly Olynyk, forward, Miami Heat, NBA

Peak pushes the envelope. If you want to better understand the numerous ways you can positively impact your athletes, this is a must-read!

Mike Robertson, MS, CSCS, co-owner, IFAST, named one of Americas 10 Best Gyms by Mens Health Magazine

Dr. Bubbss advice on nutrition, health, and recovery for peak performance has been a game changer!

Kevin Pangos, point guard, Barcelona FC Basketball

Dr. Bubbs is an amazingly knowledgeable health professional who is able to translate highbrow science into practical, applicable gems that athletes and sports nutrition practitioners can use to fuel body and mind for peak performance. Im very excited about Peak , and you should be, too!

Miguel Mateas, PhD(c), clinical neuroscientist; doctoral researcher in gut-brain communication

In Peak , Dr. Marc Bubbs has produced one of the most comprehensive and practical resources on human performance, nutrition, and recovery available in print form. Whether you are the performance director of a professional sports team, a coach of a youth sports club, or an individual looking to improve your overall health and wellness, Peak will provide you a road map for enhancing your overall probability of success. This well-researched and clearly presented book should be in the libraries of anyone who is guiding the development of athletes and fitness enthusiasts.

Derek Hansen, international performance consultant, NFL, NBA, MLS, NCAA

Peak is a masterpiece of nutritional science from one of the worlds leading authorities on athletic health and performance. Its a fantastic resource that provides a road map to reaching true wellness.

Dr. Rocco Monto, orthopedic surgeon; physician, Team USA; author of The Fountain

Peak is a highly informative, interesting, useful, and all-encompassing performance enhancement book I wish I had when I started coaching.

Jorge Carvajal, strength and conditioning coach for NFL players, elite military personnel, and big wave surfers

In todays world of human performance, it is becoming harder and harder to blaze new trails. However one of those trails is the model of common language and consistent service from a multitude of specialists, as highlighted by Dr. Bubbs in his new book Peak . With this model of teamwork, we can expect the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. Peak should yield excitement to achieve greater success with your own systems and methods.

Dr. Charlie Weingroff, DPT, Strength and Conditioning Coach, Canadian mens national basketball team; member, Nike Executive Council; consultant to professional athletes

An accomplished contributor to the field of sport performance in his own right, Dr. Bubbs possesses a unique ability to ask relevant questions and identify practitioners and researchers generating the most current and effective solutions pertaining to athlete readiness. Dr. Bubbs is a connector, and Peak is an incredibly comprehensive resource that addresses many of the variables that influence performanceconveniently in one place.

Dr. Doug Kechijian, DPT, performance coach; US Air Force Outstanding Airmen of the Year


The New Science of Athletic Performance That Is Revolutionizing Sports

Dr. Marc Bubbs


Chelsea Green Publishing

White River Junction, Vermont

London, UK

Copyright 2019 by Marc Bubbs.

All rights reserved.

No part of this book may be transmitted or reproduced in any form by any means without permission in writing from the publisher.

Editor: Makenna Goodman

Project Manager: Alexander Bullett

Copy Editor: Diane Durrett

Proofreader: Caitlin OBrien

Indexer: Linda Hallinger

Designer: Melissa Jacobson

Printed in Canada.

First printing May 2019.

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Chelsea Green sees publishing as a tool for cultural change and ecological stewardship. We strive to align our book manufacturing practices with our editorial mission and to reduce the impact of our business enterprise in the environment. We print our books and catalogs on chlorine-free recycled paper, using vegetable-based inks whenever possible. This book may cost slightly more because it was printed on paper that contains recycled fiber, and we hope youll agree that its worth it. Chelsea Green is a member of the Green Press Initiative (www.greenpressinitiative.org), a nonprofit coalition of publishers, manufacturers, and authors working to protect the worlds endangered forests and conserve natural resources. Peak was printed on paper supplied by Marquis that is made of recycled materials and other controlled sources.

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Names: Bubbs, Marc, author.

Title: Peak : the new science of athletic performance that is revolutionizing sports / Marc Bubbs.

Description: White River Junction, Vermont : Chelsea Green Publishing, 2019. | Includes bibliographical references and index.

Identifiers: LCCN 2019000511| ISBN 9781603588096 (hardback) | ISBN 9781603588102 (ebook)

Subjects: LCSH: Physical fitnessHealth aspects. | ExercisePhysiological aspects. | Nutrition. | BISAC: HEALTH & FITNESS / Exercise. | SPORTS & RECREATION / Training. | MEDICAL / Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation. | HEALTH & FITNESS / Nutrition. | MEDICAL / Sports Medicine. | SPORTS & RECREATION / Triathlon. | MEDICAL / Holistic Medicine.

Classification: LCC RA781 .B823 2019 | DDC 613.7--dc23

LC record available at https://lccn.loc.gov/2019000511

Chelsea Green Publishing

85 North Main Street, Suite 120

White River Junction, VT 05001

(802) 295-6300



There is a revolution happening in sports. The financial boom in professional sports over the last decade has led to phenomenal investment in research on athlete health, nutrition, training, recovery, and mindset in an attempt to beat the competition. Multimillion-dollar team complexes, partnerships with universities, the latest advances in technology like sleep pods, GPS, wearable tech; nothing is spared, it seems, in the pursuit of high performance. Unfortunately, the evidence-based fundamentals, the expert treatment from PhDs, the support of academic institutions, and the professional performance protocols used by staffs can be in stark contrast to what many athletes follow in practice. The noise of social media, old-school traditions, and broscience makes it difficult to separate fact from fiction.

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