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Text and interior illustrations 2010 Quotidien Malin, an imprint of Les ditions Leduc.s
English translation and cover 2019 Sterling Publishing Co., Inc.
Previously published in French as Homeopathie: Guide Pratique by Editions Leduc.s,
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ISBN 978-1-4549-2638-2
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Names: Quemoun, Albert-Claude, author. | Pensa, Sophie, author.
Title: Homeopathy : the complete guide to natural remedies / by Albert-Claude Quemoun, with Sophie Pensa.
Other titles: Homopathie. English
Description: New York : Sterling Ethos, 2019.
Identifiers: LCCN 2019004413 | ISBN 9781454926375 (paperback)
Subjects: LCSH: Homeopathy. | Herbs--Therapeutic use. | BISAC: HEALTH & FITNESS / Homeopathy. | HEALTH & FITNESS / Herbal Medications. | HEALTH & FITNESS / Alternative Therapies.
Classification: LCC RX71 .Q8413 2019 | DDC 615.5/32--dc23
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Interior design by Sharon Jacobs and Nancy Singer
Cover design by David Ter-Avanesyan
Cover photograph by Marina Lohrbach/Getty Images
To the memory of my father, and to my mother, who showed me a great deal of affection.
To my teachers, who knew how to inspire in me their passion for a form of treatment that was so effective and nontoxic.
To my colleagues and friends who were doctors, pharmacists, veterinarians, and dentists and who encouraged me.
To the universities.
To the lecturers at Institut Homopathique Scientifique (Homeopathic Scientific Institute). Centre Homopathique de France (French Center for Homeopathy), Institut National Homopathique Franais (French National Homeopathic Institute). Socit Franaise dHomopathie (French Homeopathic Society), and Socit Mdicale de Biothrapie (Medical Society of Biotherapy).
To the researchers at Institut National de la Sant et de Recherche Mdicale (French National Institute of Health and Medical Research; INSERM) who validated my ideas.
To my family and friends.
To my collaborators.
To the editor and editorial team, who have a lot of patience and have supported me in expressing my views.
To Dr. Olivier Rabanes, who reviewed and corrected the historical details.
To Dr. Florine Boukhobza, who proofread what I wrote.
HOMEOPATHY IS AN EFFECTIVE FORM OF MEDICINE. ITS greatest advantage is that it is nontoxic and does not cause side effects. But for a beginner, it can sometimes be complicated to use.
This book is a practical guide intended for:
Professionals starting in practice
Families who need practical advice while waiting for the doctor
All those who wish to understand the rudiments of homeopathy
You will find a wealth of information suited to your needs throughout this book and advice that is very easy to put into practice, with detailed indexes to enable you to find the information you are looking for as quickly as possible. This book is also a reference manual that will help you discover the subtleties of homeopathy and its incomparable advantages, but also its difficulties and occasional pitfalls.
Knowledge of homeopathy will enable you to use the remedies that fit your ailments, your personality, and your reactions, whether physical, mental, or emotional. You will discover a type of medicine in which each person who is ill is treated as unique and is questioned and treated with care and attention. Homeopathy treats each person in a specific and special way with the remedy that suits them at every moment of their life. It can even make the task easier with complex remedies prepared specifically for the patient or already available on the market.
It is often necessary to consult a doctor for a detailed diagnosis as well as for such things as lab tests, X-rays, MRIs, or other scans. Using conventional medicines is sometimes necessary, even after taking into account their often toxic effects. Most often, homeopathic techniques are complementary; when homeopathy is not enough to cure a problem, it can help to support standard allopathic treatment.
I have devoted my life to homeopathy and would like to share my knowledge and experience with you. I want this book to be your guide and be useful to you.
from the Greek hmoios (similar) and pthos (suffering).