This edition first published 2013
2013 Blackwell Publishing, Ltd with the exceptions of Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 7, Chapter 10 2013 Franois Grosjean and Ping Li
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Grosjean, Franois.
The psycholinguistics of bilingualism / Franois Grosjean and Ping Li , Primary Authors; with contributions from Ellen Bialystok ... [et al.].
p. cm. Includes index.
ISBN 978-1-4443-3278-0 (cloth) ISBN 978-1-4443-3279-7 (pbk.) 1. BilingualismPsychological aspects. 2. Cognition. 3. Memory. 4. Psycholinguistics. I. Li, Ping, 1962 II. Bialystok, Ellen.
P115.4.G77 2013
A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library.
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Author Biographies
Primary authors
Franois Grosjean is Professor Emeritus of Psycholinguistics at Neuchtel University, Switzerland. His many publications on bilingualism include three books: Life with Two Languages: An Introduction to Bilingualism (1982), Studying Bilinguals (2008), and Bilingual: Life and Reality (2010). The latter was selected as a Choice Outstanding Academic Title. He is a Founding Editor of the journal Bilingualism: Language and Cognition and was its first Coordinating Editor.
Ping Li is Professor of Psychology, Linguistics, and Information Sciences and Technology at Pennsylvania State University. His books include The Handbook of East Asian Psycholinguistics (Volumes 13; General Editor; 2006), and The Acquisition of Lexical and Grammatical Aspect (co-authored with Y. Shirai, 2000). He is Editor of the journal Bilingualism: Language and Cognition , and Associate Editor of Frontiers in Language Sciences .
Guest authors
Ellen Bialystok is Distinguished Research Professor at York University in Canada. She has published extensively on bilingualism and its cognitive effects across the lifespan. Her books include Bilingualism in Development (2001) and Lifespan Cognition: Mechanisms of Change (2006) (co-edited with Fergus I.M. Craik). She is a fellow of the Royal Society of Canada and her research has been recognized with numerous awards, including the 2010 Killam Prize in the Social Sciences.
Raluca Barac , PhD, is a research manager at the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto, Canada.
Annette de Groot is Professor of Experimental Psycholinguistics at the University of Amsterdam. She is the author of Language and Cognition in Bilinguals and Multilinguals: An Introduction (2011), and with Judith Kroll she edited Tutorials in Bilingualism: Psycholinguistic Perspective s (1997) and the Handbook of Bilingualism: Psycholinguistic Approaches (2005). She is a member of the editorial board of Bilingualism: Language and Cognition .
Rosa Manchn is Professor of Applied Linguistics at the University of Murcia, Spain. Her books include Writing in Foreign Language Contexts: Learning, Teaching, and Research (2007), Learning-to-Write and Writing-to-Learn in an Additional Language (2011), and L2 Writing Development: Multiple Perspectives (2012). Together with Chris Tardy, she edits the Journal of Second Language Writing .
Virginia Yip is Professor and Chairperson of Linguistics and Modern Languages as well as Director of the Childhood Bilingualism Research Centre at The Chinese University of Hong Kong. Her books include Interlanguage and Learnability (1995) and The Bilingual Child: Early Development and Language Contact (co-authored with Stephen Matthews, 2007), which received the Linguistic Society of Americas Leonard Bloomfield Book Award. She has also co-authored a series of books on Cantonese grammar.
In the last 25 years, the field of bilingualism has grown tremendously, as can be seen by the presence of numerous introductory books on the topic, the publication of edited and more specialized monographs, the emergence of encyclopedias and new academic journals, not to mention numerous websites and blogs dedicated to the subject.
One of the most dynamic areas of bilingualism research involves the psycholinguistic study of both adults and children. Most books usually concentrate on particular domains such as language processing and representation in adult bilinguals, bilingual child language acquisition, the cognitive aspects of bilingualism, the bilingual brain, and so on. Few books cover all these domains at once. In addition, most are aimed at advanced students and specialists or at those who have a solid background in cognitive psychology, psycholinguistics or applied linguistics.
This book on the psycholinguistics of bilingualism is a general introduction to the field rather than a comprehensive survey. Among its different aims, the first is to present the most important aspects of the area in a clear, informative and pedagogical manner. To do so, the main authors have benefited from the collaboration of guest authors, who are experts in their own fields Ellen Bialystok and Raluca Barac, Annette de Groot, Rosa Manchn and Virginia Yip. The second aim is to make the issues discussed accessible to non-specialists, most notably undergraduates and masters students with little previous exposure to the field of bilingualism and, sometimes, limited knowledge of psycholinguistics and cognitive psychology. The third aim is to give the various areas of the psycholinguistics of bilingualism equal weight, even though some are investigated more extensively by todays researchers. For example, written language processing has received much more attention than spoken language processing in recent years even though bilingualism primarily involves spoken languages. The final aim is to introduce readers to the approaches and methodology used in the field, most notably observation, experimentation, verbal and computational modeling, as well as brain imaging.
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