Calisthenics Workout Bible
The #1 Guide for Beginners - Over 75+ Bodyweight Exercises (Photos Included)
by Bruce Harlow
Copyright 2017 By Bruce Harlow
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Bruce Harlow
Table of Contents
Finding the right exercise routine can be difficult. The routine you do choose depends on what you want to achieve. Calisthenics is a great routine if you want build strength through bodyweight exercises.
This book will focus on explaining what calisthenics is and what advantages and disadvantages as well as 75+ Bodyweight Exercises
What is it?
Calisthenics is derived from the Greek words kallos, meaning beauty, and sthenos, meaning strength, which points to calisthenics as a way of achieving beauty and strength.
It is as a way to develop physical fitness and beauty by using your own body weight. Generally, the exercises are carried without using any equipment. It is through mostly rhythmic movements that strength and flexibility are increased, using the bodys own mass as resistance.
Jumps, bends, twists, swings and kicks are often done along with stretching exercises. When done regularly and energetically, Calisthenics can improve cardiovascular and muscular strength, at the same time improving balance, coordination, and agility. This is why Calisthenics is often the go-to exercise for military and sports teams, as well as part of school exercises in grade schools and high schools.
The Origins of Calisthenics
The ancient Greeks valued strength and physical fitness, as the legends of Hercules evince. They viewed the body as a temple for the soul and mind, something that needed to be kept healthy and optimal.
Calisthenics started out as gymnastics, where the body is tempered by progressive exercises that test agility, flexibility, and strength. Although calisthenics was dropped by the Greeks in favor of sports, calisthenics has become popular again. Many favor calisthenics because of the ease with which you can start doing it; after all, you dont need much prior training or any special equipment. You dont even need a gym membership, just your own body and the determination to exercise.
Also, unlike most specialized muscle building routines, calisthenics works on you as a whole, improving strength, as well as flexibility and agility, as the ancient Greeks valued holistic learning above all else. This is why calisthenics holds a prominent place in free running circles, or parkour.
The Advantages and Disadvantages of Calisthenics
Advantages of Calisthenics
As mentioned above, calisthenics is a very old practice, and yet, is still relevant today. This only shows the effectivity and many benefits that can be derived from calisthenics. Below is a list of advantages that are clearly offered by calisthenics.
- It can be learned with relative ease. In calisthenics, you dont really need to learn how to use special equipment and special routines. Since youre using your own body as a weight, you are relatively familiar with it.
The resistance that you are using for your training is already fitted to your needs exactly. There are many beginners who find calisthenics easier to learn and do than using weights, such as barbells and dumbbells.
- Relatively safe to do compared with other exercises. As you are only using your own body and not any special equipment, you are eliminating a lot of the risks. In calisthenics, you push your body within certain parameters, while the use of barbells and dumbbells allow beginners to add extreme amounts of weight that often leads to injury.
Also, calisthenics requires you to progress through the exercises. You cant jump into the harder exercises on a whim. They cannot be done. You have to really work to be able to do the more challenging exercises. This means that your body is prepped for the next challenges. This is not true for other weight training procedures.
- Calisthenics will benefit many athletic pursuits. The strength and agility you can gain in calisthenics also greatly affect your performance in a wide range of sports and athletics. There is no universally accepted theory as to why that is, but many believe that this is because calisthenics improves your physical fitness holistically.
- The difficulty of the exercise is amped up by changing the muscles capacity to exert force. Admittedly, this can be somewhat confusing. In calisthenics, since you are using your own bodyweight for resistance, you cant really add more body weight to make the exercises more challenging. What you can do is make it more challenging for your muscles to exert the effort by changing the position and manipulating the leverage of your muscles.
The Disadvantages of Calisthenics
- It can be difficult building up great lower body strength. Since you are not using any weights as resistance, it can be very hard for you to develop lower body strength. As the biggest and most powerful muscles of the human body can be found in the lower body, such as the gluteus and quads, you also need a heck of a lot of resistance to achieve any considerable strength gains. Of course, this can only become a concern if you are training specifically for lower body strength.
- It is difficult to manipulate leverage and increase the resistance when it comes to the lower body. There really is no way around this fact. The lower body is just built in a way that does not allow for much leeway to design exercises with decreased leverage. This is basically why most calisthenics videos do not have much emphasis on lower body exercises.
- The muscle mass you can build up is limited with calisthenics. Although this is still very much debated, it has become a popular opinion. Although you definitely CAN achieve great muscle mass and tone with calisthenics, there is some difference in the size and tone you can achieve if you do a lot of weight training.
Again, calisthenics is more about building up your strength as a whole unit and not just to make certain muscles pop. If you want to have the muscle definition of a body builder, then it would be better if you did bodybuilding training.
- The exercises you do can be limited as well. Although there are a lot of benefits with using your own body weight as resistance, it is still true that this limits the exercises and training that you can do. Your own body weight can only offer so much resistance. This means that exercises are limited to how much you can manipulate leverage, while the weight or resistance you put up cant really be altered.
Calisthenics is an age-old training and exercise regimen with its own set of advantages and disadvantages. Nevertheless, it is a great way to train your body to achieve feats that seem almost impossible and gain near superhuman strength.
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