The Ultimate Bodybuilding Diet,
Nutrition and Workout Plan
for Men and Women
By Jenny Allan
Smashwords Edition
Copyright 2013 Jenny Allan
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Table of Contents
Lifting heavy weights is not a newphenomenon, even the cavemen began to lift rocks. Apart from thecavemen, the ancient warriors also show us how important liftingweights can be for building muscle strength. Throwing spear to afar off distance was the name of the game at that time, andcarrying heavy shields and swords was only possible because oflifting heavy weights. This signifies the fact that lifting heavyweights can help you gain strength. When you look at the lifestyleof the Greek Warriors, it is evident that they lifted heavy swordsand shields, for which their endurance level increasedmanifolds.
Power lifting and Olympic lifting are the twotypes of weight lifting measures there for the taking. Toparticipate in the Olympic Games, especially the wrestling andboxing matches, one has to focus on the Olympic weight liftingtraining techniques. The competition as to who can lift moreweights can be ideal between two competitors, primarily when itcomes to lifting weights the right way.
Weight lifting isnt just about winning orlosing the weight lifting competition, rather muscle strength issomething that can help you live a healthy life. If you areintending for such a lifestyle, then you need to look forward tolifting weights, which can increase your level of endurance,resulting in muscle strength which you can look forward to. Forsomeone looking to stay fit all the time, body building should bethe way to go.
Before you go any further, make sureyouve watched the following free video that shows you the 3bodybuilding mistakes that are killing your muscle growth.
Important Video: The 3 biggest bodybuildingmistakes
You need to watch that free video because itwill show you what you are doing wrong and how to fix it tomaximize your muscle growth!
ModernBodybuilding Techniques
When it comes to bodybuilding, nutrition isthe fundamental you need to look forward to. Even the earliestbodybuilders had a keen eye on the nutrition, which plays a keyrole in the development of body muscle and strength. Without theintake of proper food, you cannot expect the desired bodybuildingresults, irrespective of how had you train. Your muscle needs toregain the energy they lose during the workout, and this can onlybe achieved by having a proper diet along with training. If youwant to get big, then you need to concentrate on your diet as well.If you dont, you can end up coming across unfavorable results,rather than building any muscle strength.
If you look into the past, the bodybuildersat that time had everything extreme. From extreme training toextreme diet was their way to go, and this was the reason theymanaged to achieve the required bodybuilding results without mucheffort. Speaking of the earlier bodybuilders, they used to take aday off during a week to ensure their muscles had enough to recoverand grow as desired. During the late and early fifties, the use ofsteroids became common, and the bodybuilders used to rely on theseartificial growth stimulators whose efficiency and productivity isstill a question mark.
IdealTime for Working Out
To achieve the required results, you need totrain during the hours you think will be perfect for your body.Many People prefer working out in the morning or the evening whenthey come back from work. However, if you have a gym nearby youroffice, then you can train during the lunch break and then eathealthy. There are several options you can rely on, and you need tokeep an eye on the daily work schedule you are faced with beforesetting yourself a time to work out.
A modern bodybuilder might consider thefollowing weekly routine:
Monday is Chest Day On Monday youshould conduct multiple sets for your chest exercises.
Bench Presses do one warm-up set and thenget progressively heavier. Once this is reached revert to lighterweights. Do ten sets in total.
Decline Barbell Presses do one warm-up, thendo heavier sets and close with one final set. You should do fivetotal sets.
Push-Ups conduct three rep-out setsin total.
Tuesday is core and cardio day OnTuesday you should conduct multiple sets of exercises thatstrengthen your core. This might include twists as well as legraises and crunches followed by running a track or doing a stairmaster.
Wednesdayis back and shouldersday On Wednesday you should do multiple sets of exercisesthat target your back and shoulders.
Pull-Ups Conduct three sets of wide grippull ups with bodyweight. Then add a weight belt and additionalweights to increase for heavy sets.
Lat Machine Pull-Downs Conduct five sets bypulling to the chest.