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Copyright Gambhir Bhatta and Joaquin L. Gonzalez III 1998
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ISBN 13: 978-1-138-31929-5 (hbk)
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Gambhir Bhatta is a Lecturer, Public Policy and Administration, at the Department of Political Science, National University of Singapore (NUS). He also teaches at the Singapore Institute of Management. Dr. Bhatta received his Ph.D. in Public and International Affairs from the University of Pittsburgh, USA. Prior to NUS, he was with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in Uganda as UNV Programme Officer, and he has also served as a consultant to the UN as well as the private sector in various countries. He is a specialist on planning, management, and evaluation of development projects/programmes, and on management training. His research work has appeared in the Policy Studies Journal (US), the American Asian Review (US), Asian Profile (Hong Kong), and Regional Development Dialogue (Japan), among others.
Joaquin L. Gonzalez III is a Lecturer, Public Policy and Administration, Department of Political Science, National University of Singapore (NUS). He received his Ph.D. in Political Science from the University of Utah, USA. Before joining NUS, he was previously associated with the Policy Research and Operations Policy Departments of the World Bank in Washington, DC, the Philippine Presidential Commission on Government Reorganization (PCGR), and the Congress of the Philippines. Aside from his University position, Dr. Gonzalez is concurrently the Research Coordinator of the Canada-ASEAN Governance Innovations Network Program (CAGIN), and the Principal Adviser of the Philippine Overseas Workers Welfare Administration (OWWA)-Filipino Overseas Workers in Singapore (FOWS) Skills Training Program. Dr. Gonzalez is the author of three forthcoming books - Philippine Labour Migration: Critical Dimensions of Public Policy (Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies), Development Sustainability Through Community Participation: Mixed Results from the Philippine Health Sector (Aldershot, UK: Ashgate Publishing), and Succeed in Business: Philippines (Singapore: Times Editions) (with Luis Ma. Calingo).
Shakeb Afsah is a Consultant at the Environment, Infrastructure and Agriculture Division, Policy Research Department, The World Bank, Washington, DC (USA).
Emil P. Bolongaita, Jr. is Professor and Director of the Politics and Governance Desk of the Washington Sycip Policy Forum, the policy arm of the Asian Institute of Management (AIM) in Manila, Philippines.
Alex B. Brillantes, Jr. is Associate Professor at the College of Public Administration of the University of the Philippines, and was on secondment to the Local Government Academy, Philippine Department of the Interior and Local Government, as its Executive Director.
John Burns is one of the partners at the Centre for Public Management in Ottawa, Canada.
William Cole is Program Manager, Participation and Policy for Micro-enterprise Project, with the Asia Foundation, Jakarta, Indonesia.
Peter Evans is a Professor in the Department of Sociology, University of California at Berkeley (USA).
James R. Klein is the Asia Foundations Representative for Thailand, Laos and Vietnam, and has previously served as the Foundations Representative for Cambodia (19931995), and for Malaysia, Singapore and Brunei (19911993).
Gillian Koh is a Research Fellow at the Institute of Policy Studies, Singapore. She received her doctoral degree from the University of Sheffield, UK, for her thesis based on an analysis of the Singapore Administrative elite.
Bhavya Lal is Senior Policy Analyst with the International Development Unit of Abt Associates in Cambridge, Massachusetts (USA).
Jermain T. M. Lam is Associate Professor with the Department of Public and Social Administration, City University of Hong Kong.
Benoit Laplante is a Consultant at the Environment, Infrastructure and Agriculture Division, Policy Research Department, The World Bank, Washington, DC (USA).
Denis Osborne is a UK-based independent advisor and consultant on development and governance, and was previously the British High Commissioner in Malawi.
John M. Page is Chief Economist for the Middle East and North Africa Region at The World Bank, Washington, DC (USA), and was one of the principal authors of the highly-acclaimed The East Asian Miracle: Public Policy and Economic Growth.
Stephen Parker is Chief Economist at the Asia Foundation Headquarters in San Francisco, California (USA).
Tipaporn Phimphisut is the Director of the Research Centre for Policy and Development, Faculty of Political Science at Ramkhamhaeng University, Bangkok, Thailand.
Pasuk Phongpaichit is an Associate Professor at the Political Economy Centre, Faculty of Economics, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand.
Vinod Sahgal is a Principal at the Office of the Auditor General of Canada, and is presently responsible for the audit of the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA).
Sirisamphanh Vorachith is the Head of Personnel and Administration at the Department of the Societe Lao dImport-Export, Vientiane, Lao Peoples Democratic Republic.