Numerical Brain Teasers
Exercise Your Mind
by Erica Sadun
Version: P1.0 (January 2023)
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Table of Contents
Copyright 2023, The Pragmatic Bookshelf.
Early Praise for Numerical Brain Teasers
Enhance your numerical skills while enjoying pitting your wits against deceptively simple puzzles. I like the short descriptions of how the puzzles arose, and occasional hints of deeper mathematics lurking just below the surface. Engaging, attractive, and tremendous fun. Educational, too!
Ian Stewart |
Emeritus Professor of Mathematics, University of Warwick |
These were fun to solve one by one, but the real fun was in writing solvers for each class of problem.
Ricardo Signes |
CTO, Fastmail |
A delicious way of wasting timewhich makes it not a waste at all.
Jon Skeet |
International Author and Speaker |
I was skeptical at first, but this book really has my number.
Jill Rouleau |
Ansible Cloud Architect |
Thirty seconds after opening this book I was scribbling on a scratch pad to work on these crunchy puzzles. Irresistable!
Mike Pope |
Technical Writer and Editor |
This is a wonderful collection of math puzzles, some traditional, others new. Theres plenty here to challenge the most seasoned puzzle solver.
Walt Mankowski |
Senior Data Analyst, University of Pennsylvania |
Thank you to all the subscribers of the @pragprog Twitter account who made this book possible by viewing, liking, and interacting with my puzzle tweets. Its been so much fun creating and sharing these brain teasers with you and Im grateful to have an audience thats as excited about them as I am.
Thank you, as well, to my development editor, Brian MacDonald, who knows the difference between Spidermen and Spider-Men and is willing to put up with my quirky authorship.
Thank you to my technical reviewers, who graciously put in the time working through my puzzles, my logic, and my storytelling to make sure I was as accurate as possible. All mistakes are my own. Many of my correct statements are due to them. Specifically, thank you to Frances Buontempo, Trevor Burnham, Zulfikar Dharmawan, Michael Fazio, Derek Graham, Andy Lester, Daivid Morgan, Jason Pike, Karl Stolley, and Roman Zabicki.
Additional thanks to Dave Rankin, Pragmatic CEO, and the one who said, Why dont you put those puzzle things all together in a book? I did and thats why this book exists.
To my husband and children, I can only do this because you make it possible. Thank you all for being yourselves and enriching my life.
Copyright 2023, The Pragmatic Bookshelf.
I have always loved puzzles. From the time I was a child, my extended family surrounded me with them. They would put aside clippings from newspapers for us kids and indulge us with small books of collected puzzles. Recently, my dad was under the weather. I sent him a family care package: some snacks and a book of word-find puzzles.
Theres something comforting about engaging the mind. Each solution brings diversion and, possibly, a dash of endorphins or some other brain chemical, helping lift you up as you conquer every challenge. Theyre a wonderful way to get your brain going when youre starting work, to divert you during a short break, or to help you transition back to normal life when your workday ends.
A good puzzle has a bit of crunch to it. It challenges, rewards, and then allows you to move on with life, having entertained yourself or learned something. Puzzles are momentary delights. My best-selling iOS apps were built around number-, word-, and logic-puzzles.