Italian Phrases For Dummies
by Francesca Romana Onofri andKaren Antje Mller
Italian Phrases For Dummies
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About the Authors
After her university studies in linguistics and Spanish and English language and literature, Francesca Romana Onofri lived abroad for several years to better her understanding of the cultures and languages of different countries. In Spain and Ireland, she worked as an Italian and Spanish teacher, as well as a translator and interpreter at cultural events. In Germany, she was responsible for communication and special events at a museum of modern art, but even then she never gave up her passion for languages: She was an Italian coach and teacher at the Opera Studio of the Cologne Opera House and did translations especially in the art field. Back in Italy, Francesca has edited several Italian books and works as a translator of art books, as well as a cultural events organizer and educator.
Karen Mller is currently studying Italian and English linguistics, literature, and culture. Before entering academia, Karen worked in the field of public relations and wrote articles for all kinds of fashion magazines and newspapers. She has had the occasion to work on German-Italian projects, including verb, vocabulary, and grammar handbooks and Italian exercise books.
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A s society becomes more and more international in nature, knowing how to say at least a few words in other languages becomes more and more useful. Inexpensive airfares make travel abroad a more realistic option. Global business environments necessitate overseas travel. You may have friends and neighbors who speak other languages, or you may want to get in touch with your heritage by learning a little bit of the language your ancestors spoke. Whatever your reason for wanting to learn some Italian, this book can help. Were not promising fluency here, but if you need to greet someone, purchase a ticket, or order from a menu in Italian, look no further than Italian Phrases For Dummies.
About This Book
This isnt a class that you have to drag yourself to twice a week. You can use this book however you want, whether your goal is to pick up some words and phrases to help you get around when you visit Italy or you just want to be able to say Hello, how are you? to an Italian-speaking neighbor. Go through this book at your own pace, reading as much or as little at a time as your heart desires. You dont have to trudge through the chapters in order, either; just read the sections that interest you.