Table of Contents
List of Illustrations
- Chapter 1: Introduction
- Chapter 2: Fuel Cell Thermodynamics
- Chapter 3: Fuel Cell Reaction Kinetics
- Chapter 4: Fuel Cell Charge Transport
- Chapter 5: Fuel Cell Mass Transport
- Chapter 6: Fuel Cell Modeling
- Chapter 7: Fuel Cell Characterization
- Chapter 8: Overview of Fuel Cell Types
- Chapter 9: PEMFC and SOFC Materials
- Chapter 10: Overview of Fuel Cell Systems
- Chapter 11: Fuel Processing Subsystem Design
- Chapter 12: Thermal Management Subsystem Design
- Chapter 13: Fuel Cell System Design
- Chapter 14: Environmental Impact of Fuel Cells
List of Tables
- Chapter 1: Introduction
- Chapter 2: Fuel Cell Thermodynamics
- Chapter 3: Fuel Cell Reaction Kinetics
- Chapter 4: Fuel Cell Charge Transport
- Chapter 5: Fuel Cell Mass Transport
- Chapter 6: Fuel Cell Modeling
- Chapter 7: Fuel Cell Characterization
- Chapter 8: Overview of Fuel Cell Types
- Chapter 10: Overview of Fuel Cell Systems
- Chapter 11: Fuel Processing Subsystem Design
- Chapter 12: Thermal Management Subsystem Design
- Chapter 13: Fuel Cell System Design
- Chapter 14: Environmental Impact of Fuel Cells
Third Edition
Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering
Colorado School of Mines
[PhD, Materials Science and Engineering, Stanford University]
School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Seoul National University
[PhD, Mechanical Engineering, Stanford University]
The G.W.C. Whiting School of Engineering, and The Energy, Environment,
Sustainability and Health Institute
The Johns Hopkins University
Gaia Energy Research Institute
[Doctorate, Engineering Science, The University of Oxford]
R.H. Adams Professor of Engineering
Departments of Mechanical Engineering and Material Science and Engineering
Stanford University
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data is available:
ISBN 9781119113805 (Cloth)
ISBN 9781119114208 (ePDF)
ISBN 9781119114154 (ePub)
Cover Design: Wiley
Cover Illustrations: Ryan O'Hayre
Cover Image: Glacial abstract shapes ppart/iStockphoto
To the parents who nurtured us.
To the teachers who inspired us.
Imagine driving home in a fuel cell car with nothing but pure water dripping from the tailpipe. Imagine a laptop computer that runs for 30 hours on a single charge. Imagine a world where air pollution emissions are a fraction of that from present-day automobiles and power plants. These dreams motivate today's fuel cell research. While some dreams (like cities chock-full of ultra-low-emission fuel cell cars) may be distant, others (like a 30-hour fuel cell laptop) may be closer than you think.
By taking fuel cells from the dream world to the real world, this book teaches you the science behind the technology. This book focuses on the questions how and why. Inside you will find straightforward descriptions of how fuel cells work, why they offer the potential for high efficiency, and how their unique advantages can best be used. Emphasis is placed on the fundamental scientific principles that govern fuel cell operation. These principles remain constant and universally applicable, regardless of fuel cell type or technology.
Following this philosophy, the first part, Fuel Cell Principles, is devoted to basic fuel cell physics. Illustrated diagrams, examples, text boxes, and homework questions are all designed to impart a unified, intuitive understanding of fuel cells. Of course, no treatment of fuel cells is complete without at least a brief discussion of the practical aspects of fuel cell technology. This is the aim of the second part of the book, Fuel Cell Technology. Informative diagrams, tables, and examples provide an engaging review of the major fuel cell technologies. In this half of the book, you will learn how to select the right fuel cell for a given application and how to design a complete system. Finally, you will learn how to assess the potential environmental impact of fuel cell technology.
Comments or questions? Suggestions for improving the book? Found a typo, think our explanations could be improved, want to make a suggestion about other important concepts to discuss, or have we got it all wrong? Please send us your feedback by emailing us at posts these discussions, fliers for the book, and additional educational materials. Thank you.
The authors would like to thank their friends and colleagues at Stanford University and the former Rapid Prototyping Laboratory (RPL), now the Nano-Prototyping Laboratory (NPL), for their support, critiques, comments, and enthusiasm. Without you, this text would not have been written! The beautiful figures and illustrations featured in this textbook were crafted primarily by Marily Mallison, with additional illustrations by Dr. Michael Sanderstheir artistic touch is greatly appreciated!