MALYSHEV Alexander Victorovych
Philosophical reflections atthe beginning of XXI century
Publishing house VSC Prometey, 2006
Malyshev Alexander Victorovych, theDirector of Vinnitsa sociologicalcenter Prometey.
A.V. Malyshev Philosophical reflections at the beginning of XXIcentury 2006, 84 p.
In his work, the author makes one more attempt to answer the mainquestion of philosophy what is primary the spirit or the matter. Analysis offrost patterns shows that the life in the Universe is typical and appears in linewith the rule Everything or Nothing. A human being was formed initially byanother human being as well as other forms of life. The nature of female andmale physhology is explained in a different way. Male is the external being ofthe Universe, while female is internal.The kind of difference of humanitys ability to explore the nature, where themain role is played by existence of the full range of chemical elements in the area,where people have been developed, is explained in another way.The philosophy of the state is described from another point of view.Contradicting the theory of communism by Marx, the study on family and priority isoffered to the public. The structure of the society in the frames of synergetics finds itsreflection in the rule Everything or Nothing. While considering the issue of the roleof the Church in life of the society Sacramental study on atheism is offered.
ISBN 966-621-047-9ISBN 966-621-107-6ISBN 966-526-018-4 ( ) ISBN 966-621-093-2 ( )
Is the synthesis of the eclectic philosophy possible? ....................................4
Ist die Synthese der eklektischen Philosophie mglich? ............................19
The teaching of non-adequate perception in psychology (Emancipation
and the present time) .....................................................................................34
The philosophy of the state ...........................................................................47
A Doctrine of Sacramental Atheism ............................................................62
The structure of the society in the framework of synergetic ......................75
Bibliography ..................................................................................................81
Is the synthesis of the eclectic philosophy possible?(Annotation)
As it is known in .the basis of alienation of man from ail formsof existence in society is the alienation of man from man. But thesignificant role in it is played by an unclear understanding of theorigin of both life on the Earth and mankind in this life. In sciencenow despite plenty of scientific researches both for the benefit ofidealism and for thy benefit of materialism the paradigm of clearworld outlook is mot formulated yet. The intereliminating doctrinesconcerning the main problem of philosophy have both positive andnegative sides. Proceeding from what follows, that the solution ofthe given problem will promote a diminution of alienation of manfrom man.For a solution of the given problem it is necessary to refuseexisting ideas of the world outlook, once again to analyze modemscientific achievements in ail fields of knowledge and to try toproduce an opinion, which could contain as many scientific reasonsas possible in itself. It will allow to produce the most transparentworld outlook.The preliminary analysis of the last scientific achievementsallow to make outlines of a new conclusion, which in essenceconsists of the statement that life on the earth has taken place neitheron biblical scenario nor on the Darwin theory of evolution. It is atypical product of synthesis of an aggregate universe. In other wordsthere is a typical project of a biosystem in the universe, which isembodied in life as soon as favourable conditions appear. Theseconditions are: temperature of the planet, gravitation holdingatmosphere, optimum light thermal and radiation illumination,optimum rotation of a planet about the axis and around the Sun. Assoon as favourable conditions appear the laws of physics, chemistryand natural and colloid chemistry start to work. They altogethersynthesize DNA of ail representatives of vegetative and animal lifein interdependence. After that the developmental assimilation of anevolutional absorbtion of DNA information happens. Man in this
System was synthesized initially as a man. The growth ofsocialization began in that biological period, when frontal zones ofcerebral cortex of man in their development began to exceed abovesimilar zones of similar animals.The new ideas of world outlook will allow us to come to theconclusion that mankind has one parent. It is the universe. The givencircumstance should promote a diminution of alienation of man fromman and, as a result, from ail forms of existence in society. Ail theseshould be reflected in growth of humanization of society.
Is the synthesis of the eclectic philosophy possible?
Published in magazine
(Roma. Italy. 2005, 2)
The problem of world view understanding and the role of a man inthe society has its history since a man began to think abstractly and wasaccustomed to life culture. Different teachings appeared. The thinkerswere split up into two groups in their discussions idealists andmaterialists, putting forward various scientific argumentation. It lastedfor more than two and a half century. There were so many argumentsthat the scientists had to teach eclectic philosophy. But this eclecticphilosophy is no way an uncertainty, the essence of which is amorphous.And its essence cant but cause dialectic protest of the human mind.Therefore the synthesis of eclectic philosophy is essential, the faction ofwhich could have played the methodological role in the perfection of thesocial organization. Many scientists tried to achieve this cherished factionand to be among honorable stars in science. Well try to do this one moretime, being armed with the latest achievements of modern science, ridingthe pair of Pegasus of idealism and materialism in one harness. But thedead, to Parnas for stars!
The analysis of the recent scientific achievements sometimesbewilders scientists making them ask a question: if nature is ingenious tothe extent that a human mind can not perceive its creations then it meansthat nature (the Creator) is more intelligent than man? Here are someexamples. Scientists are not able to understand and simulate theproduction of live cells in the way new cells of biological organisms areproduced involving RNA of DNA nucleotides. Another example.Scientists are not able to simulate the production of starch in the imageand likeness of photosynthesis of plants with participation of the sunlight.Scientists are not able to understand in which manner the well-ordered
variety of chemical elements was formed in nature and which were soeasily systematized in the periodic table? In this regard, one believesinvoluntarily that materialists may be too orthodox. This allows,following E. Kant, to make another attempt at reconciling idealism andmaterialism; i.e. to attempt at making a synthesis of the eclecticphilosophy.Analyzing existing teachings with a critical eye, it is worthmentioning, above everything, that there are constructive kernels in eachof them. And it is so indeed. It is not possible to disagree with the notionthat, as idealists state, nothing cannot emerge from nothing. Andindeed, the existing nature-microbes as a threshold of the living and thenon-living; cellular organisms; vegetative organisms, water and landones; viviparous water, flying and land organisms; and, at last, livecreatures with developed higher psychic functions among which the manon the land and the dolphin in the water take the highest hierarchy;- areinterconnected and correlated in a most complex way. The structure ofbiochemical mechanism, reproduction and self-regulation of organismsis so complicated that it is beyond the scope of a human mind.Furthermore, life on the earth is directly connected with all laws andchemical elements of nature and correlated with atmospheric processesand processes of the earth satellite and the whole solar system. Then, inthis connection, there logically comes a question: If all this emergedfrom nothing (as orthodox materialists say), then it means that theelementary nothing had some kind of experience to be able to simulateall this?. Maybe, idealistic philosophers were somewhat rightmaintaining: ideas of Plato; logos of Heraclites; intelligence ofBerkley; universal substanceof Spinoza; monads of Leibnitz;insolubility of the outside world of Hum; a priori forms of sensibleconsciousness and thing in itself of Kat; immanent forceof Morgan;absolute spiritof Geigel; negation of the notion of causality, necessity,substance as not given in experience of Mach; embryonic systemand principal coordination of Avenarius; tendency to stability ofPetzold; theory of charactersof Plekhanov; empiriomonism ofBogdanov; empirical symbolism of Yushkevich; agnosticism ofHuxley. The same can be said about followers of the teachings ofsolipsism, relativity, Lamarckism and, finally, the immanent school andthe theory of emergent evolution. Though alongside with it, it isnecessary to note that admitting the truth of idealists' considerations, their
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