Candy Darling
Memoirs of an Andy Warhol Superstar
Candy Darling
![for Sam Green Contents Candy Darling My Face for the World to See CANDY - photo 2](/uploads/posts/book/197394/images/fig_02.jpg)
for Sam Green
Candy Darling
My Face for the World to See
Your voice will thrill a nation
Youd be terrific at RKO
Jane Russell would have to go.
A grief shared is half a grief
A joy shared is twice a joy
One hopes that Carroll Baker is being well payed.
Barbara Stanwyck just gambled her whole place away to Ray Milland.
I try to get what I want whenever its possible.
I have always found that socially unacceptable people make the best lovers because they are more sensitive. Sandy spoke to me on the phone today and suggested a sex change.
I can be happy and fullfilled I will never doubt it. I can not afford to. Each thought Each movement tuned to some great moving force.
They dont show love anymore in movies just sex and violence. A man and a woman are no longer idealized in pictures but they are shown as if a couple of dogs in heat.
What is it you wish?
I desire believing.
Dear Kathy,
I was glad to hear from you. I was in Toronto, Canada, on a publicity tour with Andy. It was so exciting. Did you see my picture in Photoplay? What? You didnt know? Yes my dear your famous cousin has finally made page 5 of the January issue of our old bible. Remember how we used to pour over them fan magazines? Drooling over Liz and Kimhating Debbie. Well now they can drool over me cause Im famous and Im beautiful! (In my 82 lbs. of makeup.)
I am so pissed. My manager called me tonight told me about this new show Applause. Its a musical version of All About Eve and it stars Lauren Bacall. Now my manager handles an actor named Tas Pengley. Hes very handsome like Gregory Peck but hes a real conceited punk. He has an attitude like Laurence Harvey asking me personal questions and acting so superior and snotty. Well he has tickets for opening night. He was going to take Sandy but she cant go so she asked him to take me because its a very Big opening. Now this fuck wont because hes too afraid of his image to be seen in public with me. Hes afraid of being read for being a fagwell I can get very evil. Ill just tell every one hes a fag. I can get very Joan Crawford about the whole thing. Any way I shouldnt be acting like this.
Another frig in my life. My date for New Years Eve. Jim Hanafy. Get a load of this. New Years Eve I went out with Jim, Geraldine and Leonard. When we were in the building where I live with my manager Sandy we asked the doorman to get us a cab. Now I cant tell him to give the doorman a tip can I? He never sees that doorman but Im always making him get me cabs. So I gave Jim a dollar to give to the doorman cause hes the man. Well when we got in the cab he still didnt give the doorman the cab he stuffed it in his pocket. I said give me that dollar and rolled down in window and gave it to the doorman. I just got over a terrific cold. I got it when we went to Canada. I think it was pneumonia or pleurisy because I was taking everything and couldnt get rid of it. You see I went up to the frozen north in a micro-mini and a monkey fur jacket. Oh, and my other coat was a plastic trench coat. Bought one of those wet look coats it was $70. I hate it. When its warm out the coat is warm when its cold out the coat is cold. The monkey coat is glamourous but not warm. A friend of mine (Andrea Feldman) killed herself and she had a new black mink coat. I would like to buy it from the mother but I dont know her. I found this great makeup for the lips. Max Factors Germinesse tawny tint and with it Max Factors lip gloss in the compact but you need a lip brush.
Looper $2.98
Box 1328
FDR Station
New York, N.Y. 10022
As Life is action in passion
June Haver
The Daughter of Rosie OGrady
Well thanks for the punch in the nose Id like to give it right back to you but I dont think you could take it.
men of prayer
The Hydrophobia Hop is a dance where your dogs go wild.
Hes got a lot of polish he sells it after the show.
Stage Struck Suzie
Miss Ted Marks
Frances Lee
Astrology in the Aquarian Age
the new practitioner
Always be good and care for others.
8 W. 62nd St.
1) Call Ronald to move your things.
2) Get pattern & material
3) Call Gail
504-523-0881 Channel 26 only underground radio station 100s of 1000s of kids listen to it and it will bring in another 15 thousand.
Dr. Berger 10 a.m.
I must do whatever furthers my career, I must take the steps necessary to further my ability to function on the highest level I can operate on. I operate better as a woman.
New book by Jackie Curtis 101 Tips on How to Look Cheap & Common.
pray for Gods guidance.
10 a.m. Dr. Berger
The children always referred to me as Marilyn Monroe or Greta Garbo.
Le Club E. 55
212 EL 5-5520
gut crunching
Oh Kathy dig this. I was in Maxs Kansas City (the chic hang out for the jet set of the world) earlier. This girl I know came in and told me she found a diamond bracelet in Le Club before she came to Maxs. She gave it to the owner and I when I heard this ran right to the phone and called Le Club and informed them that I left my diamond bracelet there. I grabbed Burt but by the time we got there the fuckin place was closed.
This is how I look now
Heather rouge from 5 & 10
Revlon natural wonder
lid shadows
cornflake brown enough
amber blonde
bottom lashes
Max Factor lip gloss
Aw Rite
Right now Im on the Long Island R.R. on my way home. It is 5:15 a.m. Saturday, Jan. 17.
To Bill King
Id go in a burning building for you. If you fell overboard Id jump in.
1/19/70 Mon.
Be good, good, good, better, better, best, best, best you can be. Real, real, very real.
goodness sweetness simplicity all the things you are.
Zachary Scott and Sydney Greenstreet join Joan down the road of mystery murder & men.
Anna-Fanny-Nanna-Ann-Zanobia-Zanubia-Lenore-Delita-Empress-Abdulla Miranda Mirandelle-Chicquita
Candy Darling
Candy Darling
Candy Darling
Candy Darling
Candy Darling
Candy Darling
Candy Darling
Candy Darling
Candy Darling
Candy Darling
Candy Darling
Candy Darling
I never had anything that made me this sick before Manhattans.
1a beautiful big house in Long Island and one in California.
2learn languages & sew
3Cabin on Lake Winnepesaukee
Rug for my roomcolor T.V. fallnew clothes white backless shoes, hormone treatment electrolysis. dogfur coatcarnew house
My goal is to be a beautiful woman, rich and married by 1971.
Sun., January 25, 1970
I used 1 oz. hair lightener 1 oz. Winterheat oz. crm.
Dear Pat,
This is awful stationery to write on I know but I feel I better write when Im in a writing mood. Thank you for your cards and letters. Ive been abominable about keeping in touch.
I was very displeased about that picture of myself in Nova. Its a horror. Partly the makeup mans fault. Anyway I am also in the December Esquire p. 88 and the January Photoplay p. 5 and the Feb. Photoplay but no picture in that one.
I hope you and Julian enjoyed your cruise. I was in Toronto, Canada, for the opening of a theatre.
In your last letter you asked about Barbara Kravitsky. I received a phone call from her. She is living with her husband Teddy now in New Orleans. She is coming up to New York soon and said she will take me back with her for a little visit. Everyones married and I plan to also. Yes Pat I have decided to be sex changed. I am too female to be half & half. There is a very good book on the subject written by Dr. Harry Benjamin The Transsexual Phenomenon. I think you should read it Pat it would be fascinating to you both. Let me know what you think of this step I want to take.