Illustra ted by D u Fei
the gre a t w all time
A 2,70 0-y ear journey alo ng the worl ds grea te st wa ll
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The Story of the Gre at W al l Map of t he Great Wa ll T he F irst Long W all, Nany ang, bce A Single Barrier, Inner Mongolia, 210 b ce Siege a t Mount Baideng, Pingcheng, 200 b ce 1011 Milita ry Game s, Inner Mongolia, 99 b ce 1213 Return of a Hero, Kucha, 644 c e 1415 The Barrier in t he Grasslands, Heilongjiang, 1138 c e 1621 The Ming Great Wa ll, Juyong P as s/Gubeikou, 1571 c e 2223 The Horse -Te a Market, Yu lin, 1610 ce 2425 Defending t he Bridge, Jiumenkou P as s, 1644 ce Contents H Y x LONDON Proj ect Editor Edward Av es Editor Sophie Adam US Editor Megan Douglass Senior Art Ed itor Jane Ewart Designer Annabel Schick Managing Editors Christine Stroy an, Carine Trac anelli Managing Art Editor Anna Hall Produ ction Editor Andy Hilliard Produ ction Contro ller Samantha Cross Jacket Design Development Manager Sophia MTT Publ isher Andrew Macintyr e Associate Pu blishing Director Liz Wheeler Art Director Karen Self Publ ishing Director Jonathan Metcalf Consultant William Lindesay Tra nslator Wu Qi DELHI Senior Jacke t Designer Suhita Dharam jit Senior DTP Designer Harish Aggarwal Senior Jacke ts Editorial Coord inator Priyanka Sharma First American Edition, 2022 Published in the United States by DK Publishing 1450 Broadway , S uite 801, New Yor k, NY 10018 Based on an original manuscript by Encyclopedia of China Publishing House Retold by Edward Ave s Copyright 2022 Dorling Kindersley Limited DK, a Division of Pe nguin Random House LLC 22 23 24 25 26 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 001324351Mar/2022 Artwork copyright Encyclopedia of China Publishing House, 2022 The publisher would like to thank the following for their kind permission to repro duce their photogra phs: page 3 Alamy Stock Photo: titoOnz (br) All rights reserved. Without limiting the rights under the copyright r eserved above, no part of this publication may be re produced , stor ed in or intr oduced i nto a retrieval sy stem, or transmitted, in any for m, or by an y means (electron ic, mechanic al, ph otocopying, recordi ng, or otherwise), without the prior written permission of the c opyright owner . Published in Great Britain by Dorling Kinder sley Limited A catalog re cord for this book is available from t he Library o f Congress. ISBN: 978-0-7440-4848-3 Printed and bound in China 2631 The Battle of Shanhai P as s, Shanhaiguan, 1644 c e 3233 T he Grea test P ass Under Hea ven , Jia yu P ass , 1880 ce 3435 The Beijing t o P ar is Rall y, Huailai, 1907 c e 3637 The Great Wa ll T oda y, Y a nmen P as s, 2022 c e 3839 The Great W al l Th rough th e Ages T ime-T ra veling Quiz Glossary This is Hong Y u, t he red fox. Like most foxes, she is clever and c unningand alway s hungry . But H ong Yu also has a se cret: she can travel through time! Hong Y u is h idden in every picture of t he book. Look for her as y ou trave l along the Great W al l, a nd turn to p age 39 for a quiz about her adventures. This book was made with F ore st Stewardship Council certied paper one small step in DKs commitment to a sustainable future. For more informat ion go to .com/our-gr een-pledge

The S tory o f the Great W al l The Great W al l of China is o ne of the most incredible b uilding f eats in histor y . It s tretches for 13,170 miles (21,196 k m), snaking across barren desert s and rugged mountains. In fact , t he Gre at W a ll isn t reall y one wall at a ll. It s a whole se ries of walls, built at d ifferent t imes by diff erent dynasties ( ruling f amilies) o ver thou sands of years. So who built the wall (or walls), and why? For centurie s, China s biggest threat came from the north, where nomadic tribesmen ofte n swept down on h orseback to raid Chinese villages and farms. China s first emperor ordered the first Great W al l in BE to keep out these enemy horsemen. Later emperors built new walls as China s borders shifted this way and that. In time, the Great W al l develope d other uses, too. Armies could be transpor ted alon g it and, as t rade dev eloped, it w as used to tax goods brought in a nd out along the Silk Road. ventually , the wall was no l onger u seful a nd it fell into disrepair. ut many sections still survive today . T o gether, they make up t he longes t structu re ever built. Join us as w e explore this amazing ancient wonder. Our story will transpor t you through almost 2,700 years of histor y , stopping off to take in s ome of the key events in China s past. Y o ull wit ness epi c battle s and meet many colorf ul charact ers, from emperors and generals to the everyda y folk who built and worked along the wall. Tu rn the page, and begin an e xciting tr ip through time! Map of the Great W al l K , J P , Y , H, N , S, J P , J P /G, Hj, I M, I M, URUMQI HARBIN SHENYA NG BEING DAT ONG Yell ow River Y P , P, AREA OF MAIN MAP SCAL Fortied pass Fort and fortress eacon tower Wal l Cliff wall Tr ench KY km miles 200

Chariots a re an important attack vehicle. Each one carries three armed warriors. T he Chu build watchtowe rs on hilltops to k eep a lookout for invaders. Duke Huan boasts to Q u W an about the size of h is army . In r eply , Qu W an points out the walled fortress s mighty defenses. Nobles an d import ant off icials r ide in chariots pulled by f our hors es to demonstr ate thei r high-r anking s tatus. The F irs t Long W al l Nany ang, bce In the centuries before China is u nified, its many warring small kingdoms build protective w alls to keep out invaders. The ki ngdom of Chu has emerg ed as a powerful state and erected a lo ng wall to m ark its new frontier. D uke Huan, ruler o f the rival Qi s tate, forms a mi litary a lliance w ith fo ur oth er sta tes to threat en the Chu. He l eads the troops to t he walled fortress at N anyang to meet Qu W an , a Chu politician . As they ride along the ramparts, Qu W an persuades the duke to withdraw hi s troops. The C hu long wall has proved a mi litary mas terstroke. W w Duk Hu d Qu W Q m Cu f B B p fm Lu m T w
Guards can throw heavy boulders down the chute onto attackers. T he five armies in D uke Huan s alliance proudly bear the flags of t heir state . Chariot ri ders grip the vehicle s wooden bar for safety as t hey ride over bumps. S oldiers w ear prote ctive tun ics made of o verlapping p ieces of leather. These two young guards are nervous on t heir first day guarding the battlements . C an you find them? Chute Main gate Chu chariot Cao state army Chen state army Zheng state army Chu guards Battlements To wer Zheng soldiers Boulders