This edition published in 2019 First published in Gre at Britain in 2011 by Dorling Kindersley Limited, 80 Strand, London, WC2R 0RL Copyright 2011, 2014, 2019 Dorling Kindersley Limited A Pe nguin Random House Compan y 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 001312863Ma y /2019 All rights re served. No part of this publication ma y be re prod uced, store d in a re trieval syst em, or transmitt ed in any f orm or by any means, electro nic, mechanical, photo copying, re cord ing or otherwise , without the prior writt en permission of the c opyright o wner . A CIP catalogue r ec or d f or this book is a v ailable fr om the British Libr ary . ISBN 978-0-2413-6440-6 Print ed in China A WORLD OF IDEAS: SEE ALL THERE IS TO KNOW .com Senior Art Editor Edward Kin sey Project Art Editor Amit Malhot ra Art Editors Kaberi Hazarika, M ansi Nagdev , Zaurin Thoiding jam, Shr ey a Anand Virmani Assistant Art Editor Mini Dhawan Cartographer s Ed Merritt , Simon Mumfor d Managing Art E ditor Owen Pe yton Jones, Ashita Murgai Consu ltant Art Dire ctor Shefali Upadhyay Art Dire ctor Philip Ormero d Senior Editor Pip Morgan Project Editors Nic ola Hodgson, P eter Pr eston, Alka Ranjan Editors Brishti Bandyopadhya, Shatarupa Chaudhuri, Sudeshna Dasgupta, Dharini, Rahul Ganguly , Bincy Math ew, Karis hma W alia Picture R esearc her Karen Van Ross, Sakshi Saluja Managing Edito r Julie Ferris, Rohan Sinha Production Ma nager Pankaj Shar ma DTP Designers Neeraj Bhatia, Arjinder Singh, Jagtar Singh, Associate Publisher Liz Wh eeler Referen ce Publisher Jonathan Metcalf C ONTRIBUT ORS R.G. Grant, Ann Kay , Michael K err igan, Philip Pa rker EDITO RIAL C ONS UL TA NTS Sir Barry Cunlie, Eric Evans, K enn eth Morgan, Miri Rubin DORLING K INDERSLEY 2011 ED ITION BRITO NS AND INV ADERS UP T O 1066 Introduct ion Timeline Britain s First Peop le Arriv al of rst human-lik e species in Britain and colonizatio n by modern humans aro und 15,000 years ag o. Stone Age Br itain Settlers build stone monuments and agriculture develops. STONEH ENGE Iron Ag e Britain War rior elites in hill-f orts dominat e Britain, maintaining stro ng links with Euro pe and pr oducing art of gr eat beauty . Caesars Inv asion Julius Caesar establishes tre aty re lations with British tribes, dra wing Britain into the orbit of Roman political ambitions. Conquest and R esistanc e The Romans, under Empero r Claudius, conquer m uch of Britain, despite bitter r esi stance in W al es and the north of England. HADRIANS WAL L A Distant Pro vinc e Much of Ro man Britain pro spers as towns grow an d road s encour age tr ade and communication. Outside the Empire By the 5th c entury , c ommunities in Ir eland and re mote parts of Sc otland l ay the foundations of independent kingdoms.
Life in Roman Britain Rome pr ofou ndly aects British lif e with its military org anization, urban lifestyle , new reli gious beliefs, and nove l foods. End of Empire In 410 , Roman rule ove r Britain co mes to an end, leaving Britain exposed and at the mercy of Germanic barbarians. THE SUTT ON H OO SHIP BUR IAL Holy Ire land Rapid gro wth in Ire lands Christian Chur ch in the 5th c entury , as abbots of the main monasteries beco me powerful and send missionaries abro ad. Anglo-Saxo n Rulers Between the 5th and 8th c enturies, Anglo-Sax on inva ders establish the powerful kingdoms of Mer cia, Northumbria, and W essex. FRANKS CASKET Christian England Missionaries sent by P op e Gre gory I c onvert Anglo-Sax ons to Ch ristianity , transf orming England into a vibra nt and thriving Christian culture , lar gely based in monasteries. Viking Raiders and Settler s Anglo-Saxo n kingdoms succumb t o V iking raiders, armies, and settlers, leaving Wes sex to stand alone, weak and beleaguer ed. BOOK OF KELLS ALFRED TH E GREA T Wes sex T a kes the Lead In the 10th ce ntury , severa l able kings of Wess ex pro gres sively c onquer Vi king-held area s of England, uniting the co untry as far north as the bor der with Sco tland, and becoming kings of the English. Ir eland in the Viking Ag e From their port- enclaves in Ire land, the Vikings, without c onquering the c ountry , play a major r ole in shaping Irish culture . Trium ph of the Danes At the turn of the rst millennium, the Danes succ essfully invade En gland and take over the thro ne for a quart er of a ce ntury . DK LO NDON Senior Art Editor Helen Spencer Pre-pr oduction Pr oduce r Robert Dunn Produc er Nancy-Jane Mau n Senior Manag ing Art Editor Lee Griths Managing Edito r Gareth J ones Associate Publishing Dire ctor Liz Wh eeler Art Dire ctor Karen S elf Design Dire ctor Philip Ormero d Publishing Dire ctor Jonathan Metcalf DK IND IA Senior Art Editor Chhaya Sajwan Senior Editor Anita Kakar Project Art Editor Pooj a Pipil Editor Aadithyan Mohan Managing Art E ditor Sudakshina Basu Senior Managin g Editor Rohan Sinha Pre-pr oduction Ma nager Sunil Sharma DTP Designer Umesh Singh Rawat 2019 ED ITION