For this, as in the previous volume, I have relied heavily on works old and new to develop what I hope is a different and more thorough interpretation of a man who, although written about many times before, has often escaped the biographers critical gaze. To all those who gave of their time and ideas in the course of writing this book by answering my questions, my sincerest thanks: Thomas Biskup, Kirsty Carpenter, Malcolm Crook, Charles Esdaile, Alan Forrest, Alexander Grab, Jacques Hantraye, Michael J. Hughes, Frederick Kagan, Michael Rapport, Michael Rowe, Michael Sibalis, Margaret Waller and Peter Wilson. To those who took the time to read the manuscript in its entirety, Ed Wright, my friend and colleague Peter Hempenstall, the copyeditor Peter James and proofreader Catherine Best, their collective input has made this a vastly improved work and I thank them all from the bottom of my heart. Anna Simpson at Bloomsbury and Christina Tucker at Yale helped me through the editorial process. My thanks to Michael Fishwick at Bloomsbury for allowing me the luxury to write a book of this length, and to my agent, Bill Hamilton, for his support.
This project has been assisted by the Australian Government through the Australia Council for the Arts, its arts funding and advisory body. It enabled me to spend two months writing a draft of the book in Ledig House in upstate New York in 2010 . My thanks to D. W. Gibson for making my stay there a welcome one. Over the years the University of Newcastle has generously assisted me with travel to research in Paris. I would like to thank the university and also my colleagues in the School of Humanities who make working as a teacher and scholar an incredibly rewarding experience, especially (but not only) Lyndall Ryan, Michael Ondaatje, Camilla Russell, Lisa Featherstone, Julie McIntyre and Trisha Pender. The Newcastle University library has provided much needed assistance in sourcing some of the more obscure books for me when I could not get them at the Bibliothque nationale in Paris. In Paris, my dear friends Cyril and Marie-Nol Malapert, Marie-Franoise Dufief and Laurent Peyron have been an enormous support over the years. Paris would not be the same without them. And to my darling Andrea who has had to endure long absences over the years. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me.
Philip Dwyer studied in Perth (Australia), Berlin and Paris, where he was a student of Frances pre-eminent Napoleonic scholar, Jean Tulard. He has published widely on the Revolutionary and Napoleonic eras, and is Director of the Centre for the History of Violence at the University of Newcastle, Australia.
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