101 Ways to Outsource Your Life and Business
- By David Oswald
Published by
Independent Publisher4075 South Durango DriveSte. 111-PNB 58
Las Vegas, NV 89147
www.riversofincome.com 2007 by David OswaldISBN 978-1-60530-698-8Manufactured in the United States
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The Introduction: Outsource it ALL!
-By David Oswald
Ive always been fascinated with organization. I remember being very young and keeping lists ofrandom items that I needed to accomplish during the course of the day and strangely enough, Ikept those items listed on the back of business cards. Keep in mind, I was only 7 or 8 years oldbut for some reason, I felt like I had to make sure that things got done. I guess I knew that oneof the keys to being successful was to complete what you started.
Fast forward to this particular point in time and I would have to say that organization is still veryimportant to me but even more important is the value of my own time. I still keep short lists ofideas and goals but for the most part, I now like to create the ideas and have others help me incarrying out the details. That was the genesis behind 101 Ways to Outsource Your Life andBusiness. Ive been able to gain so much time during my life by allowing individuals who arebetter at particular tasks to do the actual work. All that I do is simply oversee the project ortask, say whether or not Im happy with the job they did and then cut a check at the end of theprocess. Its made my life much less complicated and a lot more FUN!
One of the goals of my company, Rivers of Income LLC, is to assist others in creating multiplesources of income that will lead to true financial freedom in their lives. We publish emailnewsletters and blogs on a weekly basis that help to motivate and inform others how theycan eliminate the garbage from their lives (sometimes literally) and begin focusing onfulfilling their dreams. I encourage you to go to our web site,www.riversofincome.com sothat you can receive this valuable information directly in your email. So many of us say thatone of the reasons that we dont get a chance to do something that weve always wanted toaccomplish is that we dont have the time. When I inform them there is a way to get startedon our dreams, then there are usually other excuses that come along with the initialroadblock.
See, we all have these roadblocks and the only thing that they are is another reason orexcuse NOT to get started. We need to make excuses why we NEED to get started. You onlyhave one life and none of us are getting any younger. So before you wake up another day,its time to take the necessary steps to start outsourcing some of these daily personal andbusiness items which are robbing us of our time and therefore, taking us farther away fromthose dreams we all have. Lets call them dream stealers. You know what Im referring to,the things such as mowing the lawn, taking out the garbage, taking the kids to baseballpractice and the list goes on and on.
What this book provides is a way out of the rat race. It points to the things that are101 Ways to Outsource Your Life and Business preventing you from taking action and giveshelpful ideas on how you can eliminate them totally from your life. All you need to do is take alittle bit of action and youll begin to see how I can help you to win back the hours of your weekthat are getting lost in the mix. With that being said, be courageous and begin taking actionimmediately and if you ever feel yourself in a temporary rut, visit Rivers of Income to bringyourself back to life. Remember OUTSOURCE IT ALL!
Table of Contents
Section II: Personal Outsourcing Ideas.10
Section III: Business Outsourcing Ideas .....28
Publications and Writing ....38
Section IV: Outsource Everything Else.46
What Else Is There Outsource It, Too! ...46
Reasons to Outsource Your Business Work
If you are an individual, or a business, there are a number of reasons why you shouldoutsource. Be aware that outsourcing does not have to mean giving business to overseasindividuals or companies - but it could mean that. If you prefer, you could outsource yourwork to a neighbor down the street, a company in your city, or in another state. The choiceis up to you.
Outsourcing is becoming very popular these days, as companies and people are discoveringthat it means more time for them, and savings, too. Here are some of the most commonreasons why you need to consider adding outsourcing - not only to your business - but toyour home and personal life, too.
Access to Experts
Obviously, you cannot be expected to know everything. Your employees do not either, butthis is one way to get the services, talents, and advice of experts who can provide yourpersonal life or business with the edge - and time you want.
Limited Space
If you are a small business and simply do not have a lot of space, then you need to outsourceyour work and take advantage of the space you do have. Outsourcing your work can alsosave you a lot of money in equipment needs and electrical costs to power it.
Fewer Employees
By outsourcing you can still perform the same services as a larger company, and not havethe expensive overhead and personnel costs to deal with. You will not need to carryinsurance for them, nor have to worry about things being stolen either. This allows you toutilize your income to the greatest profit.
Lower Maintenance Requirements
Maintenance costs are kept low because you are using a smaller facility - perhaps your ownhome. In every way, your expenses are lower if you outsource most of your work.
Higher Work Quality
When you outsource your work, in many cases you aredealing with an individual or a groupof individuals - all who are freelancers. When that is the case, each freelancer knows thattheir next job is always affected by their present performance, which is a very good reasonwhy he or she will provide you with excellent service. About the only exception here, wouldbe if he or she is already overbooked with work and simply needs to complete it as soon aspossible.
Things You Should Consider When Outsourcing
As you already know, outsourcing is a great way to get those extra jobs done that you do nothave time to do yourself. You have your priorities and you know that someone else could dothe job. It frees your time to focus on those things that only you can do. Outsourcing,however, as great an opportunity as it is, does have some potential weaknesses. Here aresome things you need to consider each time you are looking to outsource anything.
Quality of Work Needed
Any project that you outsource can either be given to an expert in America - or outside of it.For the lowest prices, you will need to offshore it. This, however, may give you someproblems in the way of quality. Part of the problem could be caused simply due to languagedifferences. If he or she does not fully comprehend English, then how can he or sheunderstand exactly what you need?