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Foreword by Mike Pettigrew
L imiting beliefs are one of the biggest reasons people fail to achieve their goals and fail to attain a better quality of life .
Everyone has limiting beliefs, and they sabotage your chances of success. Sadly, most people are blissfully unaware of their own limiting beliefs, even though they enact a powerful influence over their lives .
Many years ago, I became acutely aware of my own limiting beliefs surrounding money, at a time when I was experiencing a financial rollercoaster .
Three years earlier, I started my first real business, which was going quite well except for the fact that I was constantly experiencing financial difficulties. It was literally, feast or famine. One month there was plenty of money, while the next there was barely enough cash for me to eat properly. At that point, I had no idea the root source of my money problems lay in my low self- worth .
As a child, I suffered from asthma, and I couldn't run very far. My classmates soon discovered I was useless at sports and that I was the worst player to be on their sports team. They used to argue over not having me on their team. They would say things like, We don't want Pettigrew, we had him last week and he's useless .
Most of our beliefs are formed through repetition and emotion, and when you hear you are useless again and again, you can start to believe it, just like I did .
As Henry Ford, creator of the first automobiles used to say, Whether you think you can, or you think you cant youre right. What we believe becomes our reality. If we think we cant achieve something, no matter how hard we may try, our beliefs will sabotage that goal .
Right through my teens and into my early twenties I thought I was useless at all sorts of things and, because I thought I was useless, I was incompetent and clumsy .
This became a vicious circle and, no matter how hard I tried to improve my finances, I still continued to experience money problems. Then I hit a brick walla problem so big I thought I was going to have to fold up the business .
I discovered that I owed our suppliers more money that month than was coming in during the following two months. I was deeply shocked, and I had no idea what to do. I considered all sorts of strategies but could not envisage any of them working .
I almost decided to close the business and work for someone else when it dawned on me, if I ceased trading, I would have wasted four years of very hard workand all for nothing .
Around the same time, I experienced other events that showed me I had low self-worth. I started thinking about those experiences and wondered whether my money problems could also be related to my poor self- value .
As a last-ditch attempt to rescue my business and livelihood and to boost my self-worth, I doubled my prices. Even if half my clients stop doing business with me, my business would have still been in a far better position financially .
So, I wrote to each of my clients, explaining that if they wished to continue receiving the same level of service they had come to expect from my business, we would have to increase our prices dramatically .
Amazingly, every single one of them agreed to the 100% price increase, and one of them even told me that he had always thought that I was charging far too little anyway !
From that point forward my business start to thrive and become seriously profitable. So much so that a few years later, I sold the first business to a multinational, and by that point, I was a millionaire with lots of self- value !
Everything changed as soon as I started rooting out and overcoming my limiting beliefs .
Your limiting beliefs are among the biggest obstacles you face in your life. They hold you back enormously and stop you from achieving success, happiness, freedom and wealth. You may think you have no limiting beliefs, or that limiting beliefs dont hold you back from achieving your dreams, but you are mistaken .
From the moment you were born, you have been conditioned to believe certain things that are simply not true. You have been told by your parents, siblings, friends, and teachers how you should think, feel, react and behave. You have also been conditioned to believe you can only achieve certain things, and that certain aspirations are too unrealistic and impossible for you .
Then, as you move through life, you experience difficulties and setbacks that compound the problem. By the time most people reach the age of thirty, they have experienced so much conditioning and so many painful experiences their realm of possibility has been dramatically reduced .
How many people give up on the dreams they had as a child, a teenager or while in their early twenties? It is a sad reality, but most adults end up settling for a dissatisfying mediocrityfor the rest of their lives !
But what if there were a different way? What if it were possible to dramatically reduce the stream of negative thoughts and limiting beliefs that go through our minds continuously ?
Imagine what it would be like if you were able to switch off those limiting beliefs. What might start happening in your life? Many people have found the secret that allows them to do this, and their lives have changed in miraculous ways as a result .