Coaching and Mentoring For Dummies
by Marty Brounstein
Coaching & Mentoring For Dummies
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About the Author
Marty Brounstein is the Principal of The Practical Solutions Group, a training and consulting firm based in the San Francisco Bay area that specializes in management and organizational effectiveness. Martys consulting work includes one-on-one coaching with managers and executives, assistance to groups working to become productive teams, and guidance and direction for organizations who are establishing practices for high performance and employee retention. His training programs target management as well as employee-development issues from leadership to effective communications.
![As a consultant speaker and trainer since 1991 Marty has served a wide - photo 4](/uploads/posts/book/338967/Images/5223-6author.jpg)
As a consultant, speaker, and trainer since 1991, Marty has served a wide variety of organizations from hi-tech to government, for-profit to nonprofit. He has bachelors degrees in education and history and a masters degree in industrial relations. Prior to beginning his consulting career, he spent a couple of years as a human resources executive. Coaching & Mentoring For Dummies is his third management book; he is the co-author of Effective Recruiting Strategies: A Marketing Approach and the author of Handling The Difficult Employee: Solving Performance Problems.
To contact Marty regarding consulting, speaking, or training services, call (650) 341-8001 or e-mail him at .
To Goldie Brounstein, a very special lady in my life whom I was lucky to call Mom. I wish you were here today so that I could hand you this book I know you would be very proud.
Authors Acknowledgments
I want to thank the staff of Hungry Minds who provided the opportunity to write this book and gave me positive support throughout the project: Kathy Welton, Mark Butler, Karen Hansen, and Tere Drenth. Thanks, too, to friend and colleague Carl Welte for his technical support on this book.
In addition, while too many to name, the managers and executives with whom Ive had a chance to work over the past ten years have served as inspiration for this book. Those who demonstrate the coaching work that I teach serve as the examples you see in this book. They know that coaching works, and I thank them for the fine job they do and also for the opportunities Ive had to learn from them.
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