Praise for Web Analytics 2.0
When it comes to the digital marketing channels and understanding what and why people do things online, there is no one smarter than Avinash Kaushik. His first book, Web Analytics: An Hour a Day , should be on every marketers desk. Now, with Web Analytics 2.0 , theres a worthy accompaniment. When people ask, Who is the smartest guy in the room when it comes to online marketing? only one name comes to mind: Avinash. Id tell you to buy this book, but I would prefer if you didnt. Id love to keep these concepts and theories all to myself and my clients. Yes, its that powerful, awesome, and actionable.
Mitch Joel, president of Twist Image and author of Six Pixels of Separation
Analytics is vitally important, and no one (no one) explains it more elegantly, more simply, or more powerfully than Avinash Kaushik. Consider buying up all the copies of this book before your competition gets a copy.
Seth Godin, author, Tribes
Lots of companies have spent lots of time and money collecting dataand sadly do little with it. In Web Analytics 2.0 , Avinash Kaushik helps us grasp the importance of this underused resource and shows us how to make the most of online data and experimentation.
Dan Ariely, professor of Behavioral Economics, Duke University and author of Predictably Irrational
Kaushik takes the witchcraft out of analytics. If venture capitalists read this book, they would fire half of the CEOs that theyve funded.
Guy Kawasaki, co-founder of Alltop & Garage Technology Ventures
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![Neil Edde Vice President and Publisher Sybex an Imprint of Wiley To the wind - photo 3](/uploads/posts/book/40601/images/edde_sig_fmt.jpg)
Neil Edde
Vice President and Publisher
Sybex, an Imprint of Wiley
To the wind beneath my wings, my inimitable wife Jennie.
Were it not for the love, patience, and support of my family, it would be impossible to write this book and hold down a few full-time jobs, advise three companies, write a blog, and travel the world evangelizing the awesomeness of data. Im lucky. My wife Jennie is my biggest cheerleader and counsel, and for that I shall remain in debt to her for several lifetimes. My daughter Daminis courage and kindness is a constant source of inspiration. My son Chirags intellect and energy reminds me to always be curious and strive for more.
I would like to express my deep appreciation to the readers of my blog, Occams Razor. In approximately three and a half years I have written 411,725 words in my 204 blog posts, and the readers of my blog have written 615,192 words in comments! Their engagement means the world to me and motivates me to make each blog post better than the last. It is impossible to thank each person, so on their behalf let me thank three: Ned Kumar, Rick Curtis, and Joe Teixeira.