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Copyright 2015 by Chellie Campbell
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To Nancy Sardella, CEO and founder of Womens Referral Service and Worthwhile Referral Sources.
A role model for all who do business according to her motto: Honestly, ethically, honorably, and with integrity.
I would like to thank everyone Ive ever met.
Maureen Stapleton, on collecting her Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress for Reds in 1981
I feel like that too! Every person I ever talked with, every participant in every workshop, every client, family member, and friend helped me learn and grow throughout my life. This book is the culmination of all those conversations, trials and errors, wins and losses along the way. I hope that it helps others the way all of you have helped me.
Any book is a collaborative effort. Its a great pleasure to have a page where I can thank all the wonderful people whose contributions enabled me to write this one.
Thank you, Lisa Hagan, my fabulous friend and agent! Every time I told stories to my writers group about some new and wonderful thing you said or did, they were amazed. Are you sure shes really an agent? they asked. She sounds much too nice! I loved sending you my chapters in progress because you could always be counted on for many kudos, raves, and a few gentle suggestions for improvement.
And what a blessing to work with Stephanie Bowen, senior editor at Sourcebooks! It was my lucky day when you, Lisa, and I brainstormed about possibilities for a new book to help women in business. You are so smart, and you really helped me order and shape this material. Thank you for every suggestionyour feedback was right on the money every time. And you really know how to give a great compliment too! I appreciated it all.
To Dominique Raccah and all of the wonderful team at Sourcebooks: thank you for believing in my vision and for continuing to support my writing. Thanks to Adrienne Krogh and her team for the beautiful cover, Sabrina Baskey-East for a fabulous job of copyediting, and everyone who contributed. Sourcebooks is a terrific company, and I am proud to be one of your authors.
Thanks to Nancy Sardella and all the members of WRS for helping me build my business, write my books, and learn how to do a decent round robin. Thanks for showing me that you can make money while having fun and that, as Zig Ziglar says, you can have everything in life you want, if you will just help enough other people get what they want. You are always the first people to buy my workshops and books and share them with your friends. Any success I have achieved started with you.
Thanks to my sisters, Jane Markota and Carole Wiltfong, and their familiesthe Markotas: Dick and Robert; the Alwags: Marissa, Max, Maxie, Kara, and Derek; the Poveromos: Lindsey and Chris and his mom Sandy; and the Wiltfongs: Lloyd, Katie, and Nicholas. Family gatherings are always a swirl of smiles and laughter. We are so lucky to have each other! Thanks, Mom and Dad, for bringing us into this world, and well see you again one day in the next.
My sincere love and appreciation to my writers group, Wild Women Writers, Rhonda Britten, Linda Sivertsen, Victoria Loveland-Coen, and especially Carole Allen, my astrologer, who reads and raves and invariably predicts great things. Your loving friendships nurture me, and our lunches/brunches always give me great giggles and terrific ideas.
Thanks to the poker girls: Shelley, Barbara, Bobbie, Rita, Trish, Judy, Amy, Elyse, Debby, and all the LIPS girls everywhere for the happy camaraderie of cards, chips, and chatter. You make life fun! And of course, what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas
To all the dolphin graduates of the Financial Stress Reduction workshops, all the readers of The Wealthy Spirit or Zero to Zillionaire who sent me their thoughts and blessings, and all my friends past, present, and future, thank you for sharing your stories with me. I treasure all of you.
I wish you all sunny skies, smooth sailing, and treasure ships in your harbors. Live long, laugh much, and love often.
Confidence, Charisma, Clients, Credentials, Competition, and Cash
Successful women are confident. The brighter that confidence shines, the more people say they have charisma. The more charisma they have, the more clients they attract. They dont worry about credentials or competition, because they know they are unique and no one can copy who they are. This is the mind-set you need to have if you want to bring in the cash.
Some people are offended by that, but it isnt said in arrogance. Theres an important secret ingredient that must be included in the mix, and women are naturally fabulous at it: caring about others.
In this chapter, Ill show you how to balance confidence with caring, appreciate your own true talents, and let your charismatic light shine!
Besides which, you see, I have confidence in me!
Julie Andrews as Maria in The Sound of Music, Rodgers and Hammerstein
Her song was of course followed by a whispered, Oh, help, when she arrived at the gates of the mansion where she was to be the nanny to the captains children
Isnt that often the way of it? We bolster ourselves with good thoughts and fine intentions, and then our hearts sink when we encounter the realities that face us. When we set out to find our own way in the world, to invent a career for ourselves or start our own business, the first obstacle we face is internal.
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