1. Introduction
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I'm a gamer. I've been a gamer since before I was a programmer. And yet Ive never tried to build a gameuntil now. A few weeks ago, a coworker sketched a simple, beautiful platform game. The moment I saw it; I knew I wanted to build it.
Knowing where to begin is always hard. Many books and tutorials about making games are often written in Java, C++, or some other language you havent learned yet. So the complexity of making games increases when you also need to learn new languages.
Instead, Im going to use modern JavaScript to make games for web browsers. Theyre effortless to use and they work everywhere. If youve ever wanted to make a game, join me. Well start with nothing and build fun games in no time at all.
If you have questions, feel free to ask me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/assertchris .
2. The Game Loop
Game loops are an essential part of every game. In this chapter, were going to set the stage for our game by creating a solid workflow and environment. Well see a few helpful libraries and render our first game character. This is gonna be fun!
Setting the stage for our game
Were going to build games using the latest JavaScript standards and language features. This is usually where Id show you how to create a JavaScript-built chain, but were going to do something different....
For this book, were going to do all of our coding in a hosted service called CodePen . It looks like the code in Figure .
There are a few benefits to this approach:
We dont need to cover JavaScript build chains. They are subjective, brittle, and distracting.
We can use SCSS (enhanced stylesheets) for free.
You dont have to set anything up to start interacting with the source code.
Were going to use a JavaScript library, called PixiJS ( www.pixijs.com ). Its a rendering library that will smooth over the browser inconsistencies. Its not a game engine or a physics engine, so were still going to learn and code those aspects ourselves. PixiJS will just allow us to get to those things sooner.
Were using PixiJS v4 . Its entirely possible that newer versions are available by the time you read this. The concepts should be universal, though the syntax might have changed.
We can add PixiJS to our CodePens by clicking on Settings JavaScript, and adding the following URL to the PixiJS CDN script: .
Figure 2-2.
Adding PixiJS to CodePen
Creating sprites
Sprites are a common name for visual objects in a game. We can move them around (though often they are responsible for moving themselves around) on the screen. We can interact with them.
Mario ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mario ) is a sprite, the platforms he walks on are sprites, and the clouds in the background are sprites. Think of sprites as slices of a design file, which we paint over abstract data structures. Those abstract data structures have a position, and sometimes a velocity. Those abstract data structures are what we apply game rules to. They are our power-ups and enemies.
So how do we make them? Lets start by creating a small PNG image. Were using PNG because it allows us to make parts of the sprite texture transparent. You can also use JPEG images for your sprites if you want to.
Then we need to create a renderer, a stage, and a sprite:
const renderer = new PIXI.autoDetectRenderer(
"antialias": true,
"autoResize": true,
"transparent": true,
"resolution": 2,
const sprite = new PIXI.Sprite.fromImage(
sprite.x = window.innerWidth / 2
sprite.y = window.innerHeight / 2
const stage = new PIXI.Container()
const animate = function() {
This is from http://codepen.io/assertchris/pen/qaobAz .
Ok, theres a lot going on here! Lets look at this code in steps:
We create a renderer. Renderers are what convert PixiJS abstractions (sprites, textures, etc.) into canvas or WebGL graphics. We dont have to interact with them, but we always have to have a renderer in order for our PixiJS stuff to show up.
We tell the renderer to take up the full width and height of the browser window. We also tell it to anti-alias our graphics and bump them up to retina resolution. We tell it to have a transparent background, and to resize all graphics to fit on the screen.
Then we create a new instance of PIXI.Sprite , using the PNG image we created earlier. By default, it has a position of x = 0 and y = 0 . We can position it in the center of the screen instead.
We have to create a root sprite container, often called a stage , and append the sprite to the stage. Its less complicated than it sounds. Think of HTML documents. They have a root html element, which we add all other elements to. This is the same kind of thing.
Finally, we create an animate function and make sure that the renderer renders our stage and sprite.
Were using the requestAnimationFrame function as a way rendering without blocking the JavaScript thread. Theres a long discussion we could have about that. For now, its only important to know that requestAnimationFrame happens many times a second.
The goal is for our game is to render between 30 and 60 frames per second, while doing all sorts of player and world calculations in the background. This is the function we need to use for that all to go smoothly.
The Game Loop
The game loop will control the flow of our game. Its a repetitive process of reading input, calculating changes in state, and rendering output to the screen.
So far weve set up a lot of scaffolding and all were doing is rendering a static image. Lets move it around a bit! To begin with, were going to create a Player class so we can track the position of the player:
class Player {
constructor(sprite, x, y) {
this.sprite = sprite
this.x = x
this.y = y
this.sprite.x = this.x
this.sprite.y = this.y
animate(state) {
this.x += 5